• Birx Joins Air-Cleaning Industry Amid Land Grab for Billions in Federal Covid Relief | Kaiser Health News

    Un exemple type de dépenses publiques aux #Etats-Unis, qui vont aller dans les poches des prestataires qui ont compris qu’il suffit d’embaucher un ancien (et possiblement futur) membre du gouvernement fédéral pour toucher le pactole, même si leurs prestations peuvent être dangereuses pour la #santé, en l’occurrence des enfants.

    Marwa Zaatari, an indoor air quality consultant and a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ epidemic task force, said she has counted more than 125 schools or districts that have already bought air cleaner models the EPA has linked to “potentially harmful byproducts” such as ozone or formaldehyde. She estimated at least $60 million was spent.

    Instead, air quality experts say, the best solutions come down to basics: adding more outdoor air, buying portable HEPA filters and installing MERV 13 filters within heating systems. But school boards are often lured by aggressive claims of 99.9% efficiency — based on a test of a filter inside a small cabinet and not a classroom. “Every dollar you use for this equipment is a dollar you remove from doing the right solution,” Zaatari said.