• This Is Where Hate Crimes Don’t Get Reported | ProPublica

    On Monday, the FBI released its latest tally of hate crimes in the U.S. Despite a 1990 law that mandates data collection on hate crimes, the FBI’s count remains only a fraction of what an annual national crime victims survey estimates the real number to be.

    The above map shows some of the gaps that remain in the data. It marks every law enforcement agency serving at least 10,000 residents that failed to report at all in 2016, that reported zero hate crimes, or that reported fewer than one hate crime per 100,000 residents.

    ProPublica’s reporting has shown that local jurisdictions often fail to properly recognize, investigate or prosecute hate crimes, and thus do not report them to the FBI.

    So what else do we know about what we don’t know?
    Location Matters: Compliance in States Varies Widely

    The number of hate crimes reported in some states is far fewer than would be be expected given the size of their populations.

    Take Florida, for example. It is the third most populous state but it reported fewer hate crimes than North Carolina, a state with half as many people. The 15 Florida law enforcement agencies with the most populous jurisdictions — which together cover 40 percent of the state’s residents — reported just 19 hate crimes in 2016 combined. By comparison, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department in North Carolina, which serves a community one-tenth as large, reported 27.

    Below, each state is ranked by its size, represented by the bar in light blue, with the number of hate crimes overlaid in dark blue.