
Agent d’ingérence étrangère : Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren, müssen Männer mit Bärten sein. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die haben Bärte. Jan und Hein und Klaas und Pit, die haben Bärte, die fahren mit.

  • Tony Cliff : Portugal at the Impasse (1977)

    Après la révolution de 1974 le parti social-démocrate allemand et sa fondation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung investissent des sommes importantes dans le partido socialista et sa figure de proue Mario Soares.

    Wikipedia nous explique à quel point la contre-révolution portugaise était bien un projet allemand :

    Während dieser Zeit im Exil fuhr er 1973 zu einer Klausurtagung nach Bad Münstereifel, wo am 19. April 1973, unter tatkräftiger Mitwirkung des damaligen SPD-Vorsitzenden Willy Brandt, die Sozialistische Partei (PS) gegründet wurde.

    En 1977 Tony Cliff décrit la démarche systématique des social-démocrstes réactionnaires.

    The new Constitution of Portugal reflects clearly the strength of the proletariat. Article 83, Section I states:

    ‘All the nationalisations effected after 25 April 1974 are irreversible gains of the working classes.’

    The rights of the Workers’ Committees are defined thus:

    Article 55: 1. It is the right of workers to create workers’ committees to defend their interests and to intervene democratically in the life of the firm, having in view the strengthening of the unity of the working classes and their mobilisation for the revolutionary process of the construction of the democratic power of the workers. 2. The committees are elected at mass meetings of the workers by direct and secret vote. 3. The statutes of the committees must be approved at workers’ mass meetings; 4. Members of the committees enjoy the legal protection afforded to trade union delegates; 5. Coordinating committees may be formed to allow better intervention in economic reorganisation and as a way of guaranteeing the interests of the workers.

    Article 56: Workers’ committees have the following rights: 1. To receive all information necessary to the pursuit of their activities; 2. To exercise control in the management of firms; 3. To intervene in the reorganisation of productive units; 4. To participate in the elaboration of labour legislation and of socio-economic plans for their respective sectors.

    The Soares government tried to undermine the above Article of the Constitution by issuing a new decree on the control of management, Article 12, Section I, which now reads:

    The control of management (by the workers) can from now on be exercised in all national firms (and only those), including nationalised public companies, or companies subject to State participation or intervention, if they employ more than 50 workers.

    According to this decree workers’ control is illegal in foreign companies operating in Portugal and in firms with less than 50 workers. Since 41.7 per cent of all Portuguese industrial workers work in firms employing less than 50 workers, and since the multinationals employ hundreds of thousands more, the decree deprives over one million industrial workers, more than half the Portuguese industrial proletariat, of the right to workers’ control.