
Le portail des copains

    • lien vers l’asso francophone

      Nous avons publié et nous maintenons à jour des guides pour aider les personnes victimes de violences à se protéger d’utilisations abusives de la technologie.

      Guides généraux
      Guide : Se déconnecter de son ex-partenaire
      Guide : Stratégies de mots de passe
      Guides sur la sécurité de comptes en ligne :
      Vérifier les accès à son compte Google
      Guide de confidentialité pour WhatsApp
      Guide de confidentialité et de sécurité pour Instagram
      Guide de confidentialité et de sécurité pour Twitter
      Guide de sécurité pour Facebook
      Guides sur la sécurité d’appareils informatiques :
      Identifier des signes de la présence d’un logiciel espion sur Android
      Vérifier les informations partagées sur un téléphone Android
      Guide de sécurité pour iPhone

      Le contenu de ces guides est distribué sous licence Creative Common BY-NC-SA. L’identité graphique de Echap ainsi que les guides sous format PDF sont distribués sous licence Creative Common BY-NC-ND.
      Ressources externes

      Vous trouverez également des ressources pertinentes sur les sites web suivants :

      En français :
      Par le centre Hubertine Auclert (centre francilien pour l’égalité femmes-hommes)
      Le rapport sur les cyber-violences conjugales (2018)
      Le guide Aider les femmes à être en sécurité en ligne (sur Facebook)
      Le guide de protection numérique
      Le ressources du collectif Féministes contre le cyber-harcèlement
      Les ressources contre le stalking de l’association Protects
      Des listes d’organisations travaillant sur les violences conjugales sont disponibles sur le site Solidarité Femmes et sur la page d’orientation du centre Hubertine Auclert pour la région parisienne
      En anglais :
      Resources from the Clinic to End Tech Abuse
      Women’s Technology Safety and Privacy Toolkit by Technology Safety Australia

    • voir aussi:
      International Womens Media Foundation (#IWMF)

      Safety Training: Online Abuse and Harassment

      Know Your Trolls

      About This Course

      Welcome to this course on online harassment developed by the IWMF, digital security experts, journalists, and online education experts who collaborated during workshops and sprints to co-create it. The goal of this course is to help journalists identify the abuse they are receiving online and who may be behind it as well as offer some key strategies that may help journalists to be better prepared.

      Keep it Private

      About This Course

      Welcome to this course about online privacy for journalists developed by the IWMF, digital security experts, journalists, and online education experts who collaborated during workshops to co-create it. The goal of this course is to get journalists thinking about privacy and the information they share online. Journalists face the difficult task of needing to have an online presence while trying to protect themselves from being harassed and attacked online. This course will provide them with practical tips on how to better protect themselves and their families.

      #online_harassment #online_abuse #digital_security #online_course #safety_training #journalism #privacy

    • SaferNet (Spanish)

      About SaferNet

      SaferNet Brazil is a non-profit organization, that provides nationwide services in Brazil, without political, religious or racial party. Founded on December 20, 2005 by a group of computer scientists, professors, researchers and law graduates, the organization started to put into practice research and social projects to fight crimes and violations of the Human Rights on the Internet.

      At that time, it was urgently necessary to provide an effective, consistent and lasting response to the serious problems related to the misuse of the Internet: the practise of crimes and violations against human rights. Solicitation, production and large-scale dissemination of images related to child sexual abuse, racism, neo-nazism, religious intolerance, homophobia, incitement to crimes against life and cruelty against animals are examples of cyber crimes witnessed on the Internet.

      However, Brazil has a lack of concrete policies and actions that could help to cope with these complex matter, which involves economic, social and cultural factors, with implications in the fields of ethics, morality, education, health, law, public safety, science and technology.

      Once SaferNet Brazil was established, the organization became a national reference in the struggle against crimes and violations of human rights on the Internet and has been strengthened due to the national and international capacity for mobilization, the production of content and technology for the struggle against cyber crimes and the co-operation agreements signed with government institutions such as the Federal Public Ministry.

      Through the dialogue, SaferNet Brazil leads the search of solutions together with the Civil Society, the Internet Industry, the Federal Government, the Federal Public Ministry, the National Congress and Police authorities.

      Our goal is to transform the Internet in a responsible and ethical environment, that allows children, youngsters and adults to create, develop and build social relationships, knowledge and citizenship in a safe manner.

      We count on you to build a safer cyber world!