bituur esztreym

ent · errant, dispersé · ποιειν · tas de compost · v’lan = koan · zendefondº · prplXprpgnd · la seule manière d’aimer ce monde c’est de le laisser se bousiller · :· sez&works LAL1.3

  • just jealous poets  _

    bum-dharming the vine of text florishing though the drought
    scrolling down the rocky slope of words stumbling and on
    “(I’m just jealous)” gosh ain’t possible poetry said that
    though data tells so meh tata data lies here lie
    brazing open data’s a clown the pityful one we bear
    inside the one ashamed we are be jealous at worst
    howto resist ourselves in worst moments con solitude
    the plain(t) is vast we’re given to roam up and down
    at moments leaning on ashes rug just dying we rest
    joker’s a friend foe y’inner yodatroll very i&i know
    by no means that night on the autobahn you would’ve made
    any difference by no blunder will anything actually change
    be left there just as since you were born no data can
    acknowledge nor process unknown unknowns by some
    the question is the joy “and love is a shortcut”

     c] bituur esztreym aka e-m gabalda, 2021, LAL1.3.