
“Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda.” (Hannah Arendt)

  • Une analyse de #Naomi_Klein parue dans The Intercept le 1er mars dans laquelle elle dénonce un climat de nostalgie toxique qui profite aux pourvoyeurs de sources d’#énergies_fossiles. Pour elle, l’unique planche de salut sera l’abandon de ces sources d’énergie (dont le #pétrole) ainsi que la remise en cause du concept de #croissance puisque « la guerre refaçonne notre monde mais l’urgence climatique aussi ». Mais quid de la place du nucléaire dit « civil » dans cet avenir ? Car dans ce domaine, le diable se cache souvent dans l’absence de détail ...

    et sa traduction (pour AOC) par Hélène Borraz :

    Nostalgia for empire is what seems to drive Vladimir Putin — that and a desire to overcome the shame of punishing economic shock therapy imposed on Russia at the end of the Cold War. Nostalgia for American “greatness” is part of what drives the movement Donald Trump still leads — that and a desire to overcome the shame of having to face the villainy of white supremacy that shaped the founding of the United States and mutilates it still. Nostalgia is also what animates the Canadian truckers who occupied Ottawa for the better part of a month, wielding their red-and-white flags like a conquering army, evoking a simpler time when their consciences were undisturbed by thoughts of the bodies of Indigenous children, whose remains are still being discovered on the grounds of those genocidal institutions that once dared to call themselves “schools.”