#Paris a installé 2 #radars_sonores qui permettent de détecter les véhicules dépassant les 90 dB, soit 4 fois le bruit d’un poids lourd. En 2023, les amendes de 135 € commenceront à tomber si les radars sont homologués à l’issue de la phase de test. Mais ça semble assez dérisoire pour lutter contre la #pollution_sonore.
Europe struggles to turn down volume on deadly traffic noise
One in five Europeans are exposed to harmful noise levels daily. In many urban centers more than half the population is exposed to levels above those recommended by the EU — mainly because they live and work near busy roads.
[...] Research shows that chronic noise can lead to heightened stress levels and inflammation of the arteries, which in turn triggers cardiovascular problems.
According to the EEA, noise is a factor in an estimated 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease each year; annually some 12,000 premature deaths across Europe are attributed to consistent exposure to sound pollution.
As part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has issued a Zero Pollution Action Plan that set the goal of reducing the share of people “chronically disturbed by transport noise” by 30 percent compared to 2017 levels by the end of the decade.
But draft estimates by the agency indicate the number of people chronically affected by traffic noise might actually increase by 2030.
[...] With no serious obligations imposed at the EU level, the decision to address noise pollution has largely been left up to city governments.
Mietlicki said that noise radars could play a major role in curbing these irritating antics. Paris’ devices are designed to detect vehicles making noise that surpasses the 85 to 90 decibel limit.
During this initial pilot stage they are only collecting information on mobility-related noise, but the radars are set to eventually be used to sanction noisy drives with €135 fines.