• Le dénommé Melvyn Leffler parle 20 ans plus tard de l’une des pires agressions criminelles de tous les temps en parlant de tout sauf du terrorisme étasunien ; et ça convient parfaitement au WAPO.

    Book review of Confronting Saddam Hussein : George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq by Melvyn Leffler - The Washington Post

    Marc Lynch :

    Is this really why we invaded Iraq ? - by Marc Lynch

    […] he seems more interested in pushing back against Bush’s critics than on Bush himself, more keen to explain and justify their decisions than to outline the catastrophic consequences of their deceptions and decisions.

    Leffler’s determination to channel the “real” thinking of Bush and his key officials leads him to reproduce some of their deeply questionable assumptions. He wants readers to remember “how ominous the al Qaeda threat seemed and how evil and manipulative Hussein really was… how imprecise the intelligence was… how difficult it was to measure the threat Hussein constituted.” That may accurately reflect the administration’s recollections and experiences (and self-justifications), but it downplays the magnitude of their deception in selling the war, the hubris in their assumptions, the severity of their miscalculations and the horrific consequences of their decisions. It’s a narrative trapped in their bubble.

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