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  • Bodyguard of Syrian rebel who defected to Isil reveals secrets of the jihadist leadership

    But much of the fighting is led by warriors from a variety of backgrounds, including Saddam Hussein’s dismantled army. Some have an even shadier past.
    Saddam Jamal was originally a drug dealer, Abu Abdullah, told The Telegraph. Then, when the war began, he made money from its financiers, eventually becoming a top commander in the Western-backed Free Syrian Army.
    After his defection to Isil, Abu Abdullah said, he followed the example of other Isil “emirs” or leaders, who reigned over his territory with violence, extortion and hypocrisy.
    “They kidnap and carry out assassinations,” he said. “They think nothing of bringing down a whole building with women and children inside, just to kill one person.
    “A lot of their local and foreign fighters smoke but if they ever catch a civilian doing the same they lock him up, whip him and forced into community service. Why the double standards?”
    The war in opposition-held Syria is characterised by shifting alliances, with rebels joining and defecting from Islamist and secular armed groups according to which has the better financial backing.
    In this respect Isil was little different, Abu Abdullah said.

  • Les rebelles syriens et Al-Nosra s’affrontent sur le champ de bataille et sur le web | Syrie

    Hazzem comme le FRS ont des relations avec l’Occident et sont favorables à l’instauration d’un État démocratique en Syrie alors que le Front Al-Nosra et le groupe État islamique (EI) combattent pour un État théocratique.

    Des militants ont publié une vidéo montrant le chef du FRS Jamal Maarouf, en habit militaire marchant avec ses combattants. Il lance à l’adresse du chef d’Al-Nosra Abou Mohammad al-Jolani : « Tu as terni le nom de l’islam, tu as terni la religion. Pourquoi tu nous attaques ? Vas combattre contre le régime ! ».

    « Tu n’es rien, tu es identique à Baghdadi, espèce de salaud », ajoute-t-il.

    Jamal Maarouf fait référence à Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi, qui dirige l’EI, un groupe connu pour sa brutalité inouïe.

    Al-Nosra lui répond via twitter l’accusant de « corruption « et de « s’éloigner de la révolution ».

    La province d’Idleb a été une des premières à tomber aux mains des rebelles après le début du soulèvement de 2011 en Syrie.

    • Syrian rebels armed and trained by US surrender to al-Qaeda - Telegraph

      For the last six months the Hazm movement, and the SRF through them, had been receiving heavy weapons from the US-led coalition, including GRAD rockets and TOW anti-tank missiles.


      “As a movement, the SRF is effectively finished,” said Aymen al-Tammimi, a Syria analyst. “Nusra has driven them out of their strongholds of Idlib and Hama.”

      The collapse of the SRF and attacks on Harakat Hazm have dramatically weakened the presence of moderate rebel fighting groups in Syria, which, after almost four years of conflict is increasingly becoming a battle ground between the Syrian regime and jihadist organisations.

      For the United States, the weapons they supplied falling into the hands of al-Qaeda is a realisation of a nightmare.

      It was not immediately clear if American TOW missiles were among the stockpile surrendered to Jabhat al-Nusra on Saturday. However several Jabhat al-Nusra members on Twitter announced triumphantly that they were.

      Also the loss of a group that had been held up to the international media as being exemplary of Western efforts in Syria is a humiliating blow at the time that the US is increasing its military involvement in the country, with both air strikes and training of local rebels.

      In Idlib, Harakat Hazm gave up their positions to Jabhat al-Nusra “without firing a shot” , according to some reports, and some of the men even defected to the jihadists.

      In Aleppo, where Harakat Hazm also has a presence, the group has survived, but only by signing a ceasefire agreement with Jabhat al-Nusra, and giving up some of their checkpoints to the group.
      Activists circulated the ceasefire document on social media last week.

  • BBC News - Russian clocks go back for last time

    Russia will turn back its clocks for the last time on Sunday to permanently adopt winter hours.

    It will also increase its time zones from nine to 11, from the Pacific to the borders of the European Union.

    For the last three years, Russia experimented with keeping permanent summer time, but it proved to be highly unpopular with many Russians.

    The Soviet Union introduced Daylight Savings Time in 1981.

    In 2011, then President Dmitry Medvedev introduced measures to reduce Russia’s time zones to nine, and to keep daylight hours permanently all year around.

    >>>>> (22 juillet 2014)
    BBC News - Russia : Putin abolishes ’daylight savings’ time change

    Russia already has nine time zones - but now the area around the Volga River will run one hour ahead of Moscow, and the country’s remote Kamchatka and Chukotka regions in the far east will be nine hours ahead - giving Russia a total of 11 time zones.

    Double symbole :
    – annulation d’une réforme de Medvedev
    – heure d’hiver toute l’année -> glaciation ! (je m’étonne que ce ne soit pas (encore ?) utilisé dans la presse…

    • À l’occasion la RP de Louhansk se met à l’heure de Moscou.
      Mais pas la RP de Donetsk.

      Ukrainian rebels set clocks to Moscow time in Luhansk People’s Republic - Telegraph

      The Luhansk People’s Republic, one of two self-proclaimed states set up by separatists, will join Moscow’s timezone at 3am on October 26, according a directive issued by the republic’s leadership on Thursday.
      But locals will not have to adjust their clocks and watches. Instead the switch will be achieved seamlessly by doing precisely nothing as Russians turn their clocks back to winter time on the last Sunday of October.
      The neighbouring Donetsk People’s Republic, which lies to the west of Luhansk, still uses standard Ukrainian time, which is two hours ahead of GMT.
      While the move will be seen as one more effort to integrate separatist-held territory with Russia, at one level it makes sense: Luhansk lies on the same longitude as Moscow, meaning it experiences slightly shorter evenings and longer mornings than in the west of Ukraine.

  • Map error hastened Napoleon’s Waterloo defeat - Telegraph

    Via Elisabeth Vallet sur Twitter. Elisabeth Vallet de l’UQAM qu’on aimerait beaucoup retrouver ici...

    If Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, as Wellington is supposed to have said, it may have been lost by Napoleon’s map-makers.

    A printing error left the emperor Bonaparte aiming his artillery in the wrong place, well short of the British, Prussian and Dutch lines, it is claimed. While historical accounts of the Duke’s sang-froid and the fortitude of the British infantry are not in doubt, the discovery could also explain stories of the brilliant Corsican field marshal appearing lost.

    “Napoleon was relying on a false map for his strategy in his last battle,” said Franck Ferrand, the maker of a documentary broadcast on French television. “This explains why he mistook the lie of the land and was disoriented on the battlefield. It is certainly one of the factors that led to his defeat.”

    #cartographie_historique #cartographie_erreur #napoléon

  • Up to a dozen Ukraine officials dumped in wheelie bins - Telegraph

    Since early September up to a dozen MPs, city councillors and other officials accused of wrong doing have been hauled from their offices by masked gangs in what has become know as the “Trash Bucket Challenge.”
    The perpetrators - often members of the radical right-wing group Right Sector - say the public humiliations are to punish the corruption and criminality that characterised the previous regime.

    But critics warn the attacks are just one step away from mob justice and public lynchings.
    But public backing for their tactics appears to be lukewarm.

    Petit historique des mises à la poubelle. En attribuant clairement la responsabilité à l’extrême-droite, pour une fois…

  • Wikipedia et la vérité - les responsables pour l’exécution des Romanovs

    Aprés la révolution de 1917 les bolchéviques suivent l’exemple des révolutionnaires francais et se débarassent des « fripons de l’ancien régime ». Pour des raisons toujours inconnues il n’y aura pas de procès et l’exécution du dernier tsar, de sa femme et de ses enfants sera un carnage improvisé.

    Qui croit trouver des informations fiables sur l’événement dans wikipedia se trompe. On y lit :

    Assassinat de la famille impériale russe

    L’assassinat de la famille Romanov et de ceux qui ont choisi de les accompagner en exil, le Dr Evgueni Sergueïevitch Botkine, Anna Stepanovna Demidova, Alekseï Egorovitch Trupp et Ivan Kharitonov a eu lieu à Ekaterinbourg le 17 juillet 1918, sur les ordres de Lénine.
    Bien que les officiels soviétiques placent la responsabilité de la décision sur l’Uralispolkom, Léon Trotsky écrit dans son journal personnel que cet assassinat a été commis sous l’autorité de Lénine6. Trotsky affirme alors dix-sept ans après les faits que les Bolcheviks ont massacré toute la famille dans le but de terroriser l’ennemi.

    Shooting of the Romanov family

    The action had been ordered by the government in Moscow by Vladimir Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov to prevent the rescue of the Imperial Family by approaching White forces during the ongoing Russian Civil War.
    Trotsky wrote: ... “And who made the decision?” I asked. "We decided it here. Ilyich [Lenin] believed that we shouldn’t leave the Whites a live banner to rally around, especially under the present difficult circumstances.

    Ermordung der Zarenfamilie

    Lenin und Swerdlow waren zu der Überzeugung gekommen, dass ein Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Zaren zu riskant sei. Ein unschuldiger Zar hätte die Richtigkeit der Revolution in Frage gestellt. Der Rat der Volkskommissare in Moskau beschloss die Vernichtung der Zarenfamilie in Jekaterinburg.

    Wikipedia nous raconte une histoire qui a l’air de tenir debout, on y trouve même une citation de Trotsky qui semble la confirmer. Pourtant avec un petit effort on trouve une source fiable récente qui n’a aucun intérêt à disculper Lénine et les autres dirigeants bolchéviques de 1918.

    No proof Lenin ordered last Tsar’s murder

    :11PM GMT 17 Jan 2011
    Historians and archivists have found no evidence that the Bolshevik leader or regional chief Yakov Sverdlov gave permission for the family to be shot in 1918, Vladimir Solovyov, Russia’s chief investigator, told the Izvestia newspaper.

    “The top experts in this subject took part in the investigation, historians and archivists. And I can say with full confidence that today there is no reliable document proving the instigation of Lenin or Sverdlov” in carrying out the killings, he said.

    Russia has now closed a criminal probe aimed at naming those guilty for the murders, Mr Solovyov said.

    Solovyov donne mêne une explication pour l’affirmation de Trotsky.

    “When they heard that the whole family had been shot, they officially approved the shooting. None of the organisers nor the participants suffered any punishment,” he said.

    Vu d’aujourd’hui pour nous la question n’est pas essentielle si oui ou non la famille impériale périt sur ordre de Lénine. Pour les auteurs de Wikipedia c’est différent. Il présentent un chef communiste sanglant et contribuent à construire une belle image humaine du tsar. Les articles de Wikipedia se révèlent comme home story bien syncronisée entre les versions linguistiques que j’ai comparé.

    #histoire #faux

    • Ce qui est frappant dans ces trois articles, c’est la minimisation, dans les versions française et allemande, du rôle joué par la Légion tchécoslovaque qui, 8 jours plus tard, le 25 juillet, occupa la ville, abandonnée par les bolcheviques.

      Le mot (tchécoslovaque) ne figure qu’une fois dans l’article en français et une fois (tschechoslowakisch) dans celui en allemand et, dans les deux cas, après le récit de l’assassinat. L’article allemand est très nettement le plus pro-Romanov.

      En anglais, czechoslovak figure 5 fois dans le corps de l’article, dont 3 fois dans la partie sur le contexte de l’exécution, avant l’assassinat.

      On 16 July 1918 forces of the Czechoslovak legions were closing on Yekaterinburg, not realizing that Russia’s royal family was being held under house arrest there. The Bolsheviks, believing that the Czechoslovaks were on a mission to rescue the Russian royals, panicked and executed their wards. The real reason for the Czechoslovaks being en route to Yekaterinburg was to protect the Trans-Siberian Railway, of which they had total control. The Legions would arrive less than a week later to capture the city. These circumstances played a large part in the execution of the Russian royal family.

    • Merci pour les infos supplémentaires :-)
      Quand l’envie me prendra je me pencherai sur l’autre grand énigme du vingtième siècle d’avant 911 :
      Qui a mis le feu au Reichstag à Berlin en 1933 ?
      A propos de ce sujet il y a également des théories assez folles pour qu’on s’amuse un peu.

      Es gibt drei Theorien zu den Hintergründen des Brandes:

      Die Nationalsozialisten sprachen von einem „kommunistischen Aufstand“, zu dem der Brand des Reichstags das Fanal gewesen sein soll. Ein Großteil der historischen Forschung argumentiert, dass die Nationalsozialisten – zunächst tatsächlich an den kommunistischen Aufstand glaubend – die Gelegenheit virtuos ausgenutzt und den Verdacht als Tatsache dargestellt hätten.
      Schon im Anschluss des Reichstagsbrandes wurde vermutet, dass die Nationalsozialisten selbst das Feuer gelegt hätten, um einen Vorwand für die Verfolgung politischer Gegner und die anschließende „Gleichschaltung“ des deutschen Staatswesens zu besitzen. Mitglieder der regierenden NSDAP – allen voran Reichstagspräsident Göring – hätten zumal am ehesten die Möglichkeit dazu gehabt.
      Schließlich gibt es die These von der Alleintäterschaft des am Tatort aufgefundenen Marinus van der Lubbe. Ihr zufolge lässt sich ein bedeutsames Element der nationalsozialistischen Machtausweitung letztendlich auf ein zufälliges Ereignis zurückführen, das den Nationalsozialisten gelegen kam.[

  • How our allies in Kuwait and Qatar funded Islamic State - Telegraph

    n the great jihadi funding bazaar that is the Gulf state of Kuwait, there’s a terror finance option for every pocket, from the private foundations dealing in tens of millions to the more retail end of the market. Give enough for 50 sniper bullets (50 dinars, about £110), promises the al-Qaeda and Islamic State-linked cleric tweeting under the name “jahd bmalk”, and you will earn “silver status”. Donate 100 dinars to buy eight badly needed mortar rounds, and he’ll make you a “gold status donor”.
    As the jihadi funders hand out loyalty cards, the West has belatedly realised that some of its supposed friends in the Gulf have been playing the disloyalty card. Had Kuwait not been freed by American, British and allied troops in 1991, it would presumably now still be the “19th province” of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. But the emirate has repaid the Western blood and treasure spent in its liberation by becoming, in the words of David Cohen, the US undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, the “epicentre of funding for terrorist groups in Syria”.
    Islamic State (Isil), with its newly conquered territory, oilfields and bank vaults, no longer needs much foreign money. But its extraordinarily swift rise to this point, a place where it threatens the entire region and the West, was substantially paid for by the allies of the West. Isil’s cash was raised in, or channelled through, Kuwait and Qatar, with the tacit approval and sometimes active support of their governments.
    Though this has not yet been widely understood in Europe, it is no secret. Throughout 2013 and the earlier part of this year, on TV stations, websites and social media in Kuwait and Qatar, the jihadis openly solicited money for weapons and troops, much as charities in Britain might seek donations for tents and food. One of the main Oxfams of jihad is a group called the Kuwait Scholars’ Union (KSU), which ran a number of major fundraising drives, including the “Great Kuwait Campaign”, raising several million dollars for anti-aircraft missiles, rocket-propelled grenades and fighters. Some of the money went to Isil and some to the al-Qaeda front Jabhat al-Nusra, Isil’s ally until this February.
    “By Allah’s grace and his success, the Great Kuwait Campaign announces the preparation of 8,700 Syrian mujahideen,” announced the KSU’s president, Nabil al-Awadi, in June 2013. “The campaign is ongoing until 12,000 are prepared.” The same year, the KSU ran the “Liberate the Coast” fundraising campaign to help pay for a sectarian massacre of hundreds of civilians in the Syrian port of Latakia. One of the KSU’s fundraisers, Shafi al-Ajmi, tweeted that the donations would go “to buy what is needed to expel the Safavids”, an insulting term for Shia. Last month, he was designated a funder of terrorism by the US.
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    The Kuwaiti government’s response to the KSU and other terror funders has been “permissive,” as Mr Cohen puts it. That is very diplomatic language. In fact, as recently as January, Kuwait appointed as its minister of justice one Nayef al-Ajmi, a man who has actually appeared on fundraising posters for the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front.
    Qatar, too, has a serious problem. Its government denied a statement last month by the German development minister, Gerd Mueller, that it bankrolls Isil directly. But Mr Cohen says that “press reports indicate that the Qatari government is supporting extremist groups operating in Syria”. There is no doubt, too, that key institutions and officials of the Qatari government have hosted and supported individuals who back Isil, including Harith al-Dari, a designated terrorist and leader of the Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS) in Iraq.
    This June, as Isil took over Mosul, the AMS praised the “great victories achieved by the revolutionaries”. As they put it: “You have already seen how a great many of the media outlets have colluded, from the first instance of the start of your revolution, and worked on the demonisation of the revolution and distorting its image.” Only a month after Washington designated al-Dari as a sponsor of the group that became Isil, he was allowed to meet the Emir of Qatar. He has made numerous visits there since; the US designation of al-Dari as a terrorist mentions Qatar as an alternative location for him.
    At least two other men designated as al-Qaeda funders, Hajjaj al-Ajmi and Hamid al-Ali, have been officially invited by Qatar’s Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to deliver sermons from government-controlled mosques calling for jihad in Syria, and donations to it. As Isil swept through Iraq this summer, Ali praised the “great cleaning of Iraq” and the “revolution of our ummah [the Muslim people] against the hateful occupier enemy”.
    Only in July, both the KSU’s Nabil al-Awadi and a man now banned from Britain as an Isil recruiter, Mohammed al-Arifi, were invited to address a Ramadan festival in Qatar co-organised by the Aspire Zone Foundation, the government-controlled body that played a major part in Qatar’s successful bid for the World Cup.
    Qatar and Kuwait, Sunni-majority states, have been helping, or at least not hindering, Isil because they saw it as a proxy counterweight to their Shia rival, Iran, and the Iranian-backed Assad regime. But like many governments before them, including America in Afghanistan, they have now discovered that the would-be puppets tend to cut loose from the puppetmasters. “Some leaders believed they could use terrorists as hired mercenaries, but suddenly found themselves stuck with terrorists who used the opportunity to advance their own interests and agenda,” in the bitter words of Ahmed Jarba, head of the moderate Syrian rebels.
    Alarmed by the savagery of Isil, and the growing hostility of the US, Kuwait, in particular, has started to crack down, sacking its jihadi justice minister and removing citizenship from a number of terror funders, including Nabil al-Awadi. But it is plainly too late. Armed with the loot of half the Iraqi military, Isil doesn’t need its Gulf patrons to buy it sniper rounds any more.
    And even before Isil started threatening the West, this was already more than a Kuwaiti or Qatari problem. As The Telegraph reported last weekend, Nabil al-Awadi is, or has been, partly resident in the UK. Until last year, he was director of the al-Birr private school in Birmingham and is described as a UK resident on his Companies House entry, with a past address in Brixton Hill, south London. He has close links with the hardline al-Muntada mosque in Parson’s Green, west London, whose imam and director are co-directors of the al-Birr school.
    After The Telegraph report, al-Awadi indignantly protested that he had “not travelled to Britain since 2011,” a denial rather undermined by his own tweets which repeatedly describe visits to Britain subsequent to that date. Several of the visits were to al-Muntada, which also raises funds for Syria – exclusively for “humanitarian purposes”, it insists.
    Al-Muntada has close links to British mosques accused of radicalising young people into Isil, including al-Manar in Cardiff, attended by Nasser Muthana and Reyaad Khan, the first Britons to appear in an Isil propaganda video. Both mosques have also organised events with Mohammed al-Arifi, the now-banned extremist cleric accused of grooming the two young Cardiff men.
    Al-Muntada’s former imam, Haitham al-Haddad, is one of the most active radical preachers in the country, reportedly a principal target of the Government’s new “anti-extremism orders” aimed at those not directly involved in violence but who voice extremist views. Al-Muntada, too, has been closely supported by Qatari money; the UK branch held its annual meeting in the Qatari capital, Doha, on March 31, 2013, and its school has been bankrolled by Qatari finance.
    Before we get too censorious about foreign politicians who back extremists, it is worth mentioning, too, that al-Muntada has picked up quite a few British political endorsements. Andy Slaughter, its local Labour MP, praised its “outstanding track record of supporting others” and said he was “very proud to be associated with it”. Stephen Timms, deputy chairman of Labour’s interfaith group, said: “I know how much effort al-Muntada puts into its community relations.”
    Richard Barnes, Boris Johnson’s then deputy mayor, praised it as “one of the world’s foremost Muslim charities”. And al-Muntada was sent good wishes, too, by a spokesman acting on behalf of none other than the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.
    As Qatar and Kuwait buy up more and more of Britain, maybe it is time to start asking a few more questions about what they really stand for

  • Une clôture de 900 km entre l’#Arabie_saoudite et l’#Irak

    L’Arabie saoudite a achevé la construction d’une épaisse #clôture qui sépare désormais son territoire de l’Irak et doit le protéger au nord des infiltrations d’hommes, d’armes et de marchandises, a annoncé samedi l’agence officielle SPA.

    Cette clôture de 900 kilomètres comprenant cinq épaisseurs est la première étape d’un projet visant à ceindre l’intégralité du royaume, soit 9.000 kilomètres, de murailles de haute technologie.


    L’Arabie saoudite avait décidé la construction d’une barrière de sécurité de haute technologie à sa frontière avec l’Irak en 2006, alors que ce pays était plongé dans la guerre et des violences intercommunautaires.

    Les dirigeants saoudiens ont ensuite étendu le projet à l’ensemble des frontières, terrestres et côtières, du royaume.

    L’Arabie saoudite a connu de 2003 à 2006 une vague d’attentats attribués à Al-Qaïda qui a fait des dizaines de morts.


  • Vague de démissions chez les navigants de #Malaysia_Airlines.
    J’imagine que ce qu’il en est pour les passagers…
    Malaysia Airlines : ’spike in cabin crew resignations’ after MH17 and MH370 tragedies - Telegraph

    Almost 200 cabin crew resigned from Malaysia Airlines in the year to July, many as a result of the MH17 and MH370 tragedies, Malaysia Airlines has confirmed, as rumours swirl about the airline’s future.
    "Following the MH17 incident, there was a spike in crew resignations but the number has now decreased to acceptable and routinely expected levels,” Malaysia Airlines said in a statement to the Telegraph.
    Many cited ’family pressure’ as the reason for their resignation due to the MH17 and MH370 tragedies,” the statement said.


    The situation is now that they have to change in order to survive. They had cut fares after MH370, and they’ve put up commissions to Australian travel agents,” Mr William said.
    The company has told Australian travel agents it will pay them a commission of 11 per cent for all tickets issued in Australia until September 15 - almost double the previous 6 per cent commission, Mr William said.
    "It’s difficult to work out how much demand has been affected, but if staff can see passenger demand falling away there’s probably a significant element of uncertainty around whether their jobs are secure.

  • Russian armoured vehicles and military trucks cross border into Ukraine - Telegraph

    A column of armoured vehicles and military trucks crossed the border from Russia into Ukraine on Thursday night, in the first confirmed sighting of such an incident by Western journalists.

    A separate, larger convoy of around 270 Russian trucks, which Moscow claims is carrying aid, rumbled to a halt just short of the border on Thursday night, while in east Ukraine, shells hit the centre of rebel-held Donetsk for the first time.

    The Telegraph witnessed a column of vehicles including both armoured personal carriers and soft-skinned lorries crossing into Ukraine at an obscure border crossing near the Russian town of Donetsk shortly before 10pm local time.

    The Ukrainian and Western governments have long accused Russia of filtering arms and men across the border to fuel the separatist insurgency in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions, but such an incident has never before been witnessed by Western journalists.

    The convoy, which included at least 23 vehicles, appeared to be waiting until sunset near a refugee camp just outside Donetsk, before moving towards the crossing without turning off headlights or making any other attempt to conceal itself.

    While it was not immediately clear whether all of that convoy crossed the border, The Telegraph did see a substantial number of vehicles pass through check point manned by gunmen after shadowing the convoy down narrow country lanes near the frontier.

    While the force did not seem to be a substantial invasion force, it confirms that military supplies are moving across the border. While the APCs carried no visible markings the fuel tankers and soft-skinned trucks in the convoy bore black Russian military number plates.

    « it was not immediately clear » mais bien assez pour crier victoire : on va pouvoir passer à la suite. Et le MH17, y-a pas de droit de suite ?

    #ukraine #russie

  • MH17: why the culprits may never be caught - Telegraph

    The Telegraph’s own inquiries suggest the missile – an SA-11 from a Buk mobile rocket launcher – was possibly fired from a cornfield about 12 miles to the south of the epicentre of the crash site. Scorch marks in the soil indicate where the rocket’s propulsion system may have set fire to the crops.
    The location of the site tallies with a surveillance photograph, released by Ukraine’s intelligence service, showing a signature trail of smoke emanating from beyond a hill in rebel-held eastern Ukraine. The Telegraph’s investigation corroborates analysis by Ukraine at War, a pro-Kiev English-language blog, showing that the smoke trail appears to originate from the direction of the cornfield which was purportedly left by the SA-11 missile after its launch.
    The photograph appears to have been taken from a high-rise apartment block overlooking the area.
    It will be almost impossible to say who pushed the button,” said Reed Foster, head of the armed forces capabilities team at the intelligence and security analysts IHS Jane’s Defence. “The evidence at the crash site will not tell you if it was a Ukraine or Russian operator of the Buk launcher.
    It is very easy for the Russians to maintain plausible deniability. The launch site needs to be found and treated like a crime scene. There will be telltale signs of chemical residue where the rocket motor has ignited the flora and fauna. But even once you have identified the site it is still difficult to know who the persons were at that location.” Debris from the crash scene will at some stage be removed and analysed. Photographs taken of Boeing 777 debris shows the metal skin perforated with a number of similar sized holes. The evidence is consistent with a ground-to-air missile attack from a Buk-launched SA-11 missile, said Mr Foster.
    Shrapnel from the missile is likely to be scattered at the crash site, stretching over about eight square miles.
    Vital evidence such as the missile casing and rocket motor, containing factory serial numbers, could have been removed by now by the rebel militia who control the area.
    Even if the casing and motor is found, Russian-made SA-11 missiles are in possession of both sides in the conflict.

    Les premières indications des “boites noires” confirment un impact de missile.

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 black box findings consistent with blast - CBS News

    Unreleased data from a black box retrieved from the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine show findings consistent with the plane’s fuselage being hit multiple times by shrapnel from a missile explosion.

    It did what it was designed to do,” a European air safety official told CBS News, “bring down airplanes.

    The official described the finding as “massive explosive decompression.

    • C’est très intéressant : depuis que IMEMC avec tient la comptabilité des palestiniens tués depuis le début de l’attaque israélienne, nous sommes plusieurs à avoir eu la même idée (Washington Post et donc The Telegraph et peut-être d’autres journaux) : extraire de la base de données les enfants et trouver un moyen visuel pour faire connaître au monde ce massacre. Mais le monde n’a pas l’air de beaucoup s’émouvoir. Le monde peine aussi à s’émouvoir des enfants syriens, centrafricains, congolais. je me demande comment la presse réagirait s’il s’agissait du meurtre - par une armée régulière connue pour son extrême retenue, dans un pays d’une gouvernance parfaite - de 150 enfants français, anglais ou américains en deux semaines.

    • rien à ajouter, mais je trouve que chez telegraph, le choix de l’icone « femme à jupe » pour désigner les female est un peu problématique

  • BBC News - Syria conflict : UK planned to train and equip 100,000 rebels

    Syria conflict: UK planned to train and equip 100,000 rebels

    Rassurez-vous, le plan a été abandonné et la vraie révolution syrienne a pu continuer comme si de rien n’était !

    Voir aussi :

  • À peine nommé, le gars se prend une très transparente campagne de #character_assassination dans les dents : Fears over Jean-Claude Juncker’s drinking. (Les journalistes, ça sert aussi à cela.)

    Allegations have circulated around Brussels in recent years about Mr Juncker’s drinking.

    One senior diplomatic source has said he “has cognac for breakfast”.

    However, it can now be disclosed that concerns about Mr Juncker’s lifestyle have been raised in recent meetings of EU leaders.

    A European diplomat in Brussels said: “His alcohol consumption has been raised by a number of leaders since the parliament election.”

    A separate European Commission source confirmed the report.

    Sources also described how Mr Juncker “chain-smoked” through a series of meetings on Thursday and disclosed that he is attempting to get rules changed so that he can smoke in buildings in Brussels.

  • #Seine-Saint-Denis : un jeune #Rom dans le #coma après un #lynchage

    Un adolescent Rom lynché vendredi par une douzaine de personnes qui le soupçonnaient de cambriolage dans une cité de Seine-Saint-Denis se trouvait toujours dans le coma lundi 16 juin, a-t-on appris auprès de la police.

    Le jeune âgé de 16 ans, qui vivait dans un bidonville de la commune de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (93), a été retrouvé inconscient dans un chariot de supermarché abandonné sur la Nationale 1, près de la cité des Poètes.


    Selon les premiers éléments de l’enquête, le jeune homme aurait été roué de coups par des habitants qui le soupçonnaient d’avoir cambriolé quelques heures plus tôt l’appartement d’une habitante de la cité. « Un groupe de plusieurs personnes est venu le chercher dans le campement et l’a emmené de force », a raconté une source policière.

    L’adolescent aurait alors été séquestré dans une cave, où ses agresseurs l’auraient violemment frappé. Selon une source proche de l’affaire, « une douzaine de personnes » auraient participé à ce lynchage.

    Grièvement blessé, l’adolescent a été transporté à l’hôpital Lariboisière à Paris. « Son pronostic vital est engagé. Il est dans le coma », a précisé une source judiciaire.

    D’après le maire de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, Michel Fourcade (PS), le jeune homme avait été interpellé à plusieurs reprises pour des faits de vol depuis le début du mois de juin. La police judiciaire de Seine-Saint-Denis est chargée de l’enquête.


  • Dernier voyage du Costa Concordia autour du 14 juillet, vers Gênes pour y être démantelé.

    Italy set to dismantle sunken cruise ship - Telegraph

    The 950ft-long liner, which capsized in January 2012 with the loss of 32 lives, will be taken to Genoa to be dismantled for scrap.
    There had been fears in Italy that the wreckage might be taken to a port in Turkey, where the demolition job would be cheaper. Shipyards in Britain, France and Holland had also put in bids for the contract.
    But Italian ports clamoured for the job, saying it would bring much-needed work to their employees.
    The bid for the dismantlement, likely to cost around 100 million euros, has been a battle between Piombino in Tuscany, Palermo in Sicily and Genoa in the north-western region of Liguria.
    Now the owners of the ship, Costa Cruises, have chosen Genoa, a decision likely to cause anger and disappointment in the other ports.
    The technically complex operation to refloat the Concordia, which currently rests semi-submerged on a giant underwater platform, will take place between July 12 and 14.

  • Pirater løslot gisler etter fire år - Nyheter, tv og radio fra hele verden -

    C’est presque les derniers otages — libérés par les pirates somaliens après quatre ans de captivité, les membres d’équipage du MV Albedo
    détourné en 2010 affirment que des collègues ont été exécutés et coulés.

    Sank : Her er det kaprede skipet, MV « Albedo » i ferd med å synke utenfor kysten av Somalia i fjor. Deretter ble de anholdt i et falleferdig hus inntil løslatelsen denne uken.

    Foto : FOTO G-22 EA /

    11 gisler løslatt etter fire år i piratfangenskap

    Besetningsmedlemmer er satt fri etter flere år i fangenskap hos somaliske pirater. Flere av dem har sett sine kolleger blitt henrettet, torturert og druknet.

    Somali pirates release crew after nearly four years in captivity - Telegraph

    Somali pirates release crew after nearly four years in captivity
    Exclusive: Seamen on board MV Albedo freed after horrific ordeal in which pirates used torture and crewmates were executed and drowned

    #somalie #piraterie_maritime