Can Germans and Europeans be friends?
Weird question, i know. But lately i ask myself, what does it mean to live in europe? The german press is trying to make germans think, that the greece, spain, italian and other “debt-countries” are the reason why “we” in germany have to pay more to finance their debts. Watching at YouTube-Comments, which i use to inform myself about the public opinion on things makes me afraid. So many people reacting with hate and nationalism when it comes to european politics. I wonder if all those people have forgotten the great suffering the second world war brought over europe. Here are some examples of what people think:
I will not quote the crap, you’ll find it here.
Source: ►
So if there are people raring against germans, think about some facts first. We have a democrazy with around 5-7 political parties in the Bundestag, those parties take in coalitions and build our government. So never ever all germans have votet our goverment. If you want to criticize something, you should focus on our Bundesregierung, lead by Mrs. Merkel. It is not the “germans” that want you to be poor, homeless or whatever made you feel so much anger. There is much hate on both sides i think, at least i have to admit in germany many people without and academic education have prejudices against europeans. And i tend to end up in frustrating discussions with those “rednecks”.
This short introduction should explain my question. Can germans and europeans be friends?
– Is it possible to melt the different common opinions of the european countries together?
– Have media the responsibilities to take care of this?
– How can the internet help to solve conflicts in the common opinions of different countries, instead of heating the situation up like in the above example?
– Does the press in your country help to unite europe?