L’industrie de la musique n’est pas assez féministe alors le discours de Janelle mérite certainement d’être relevé ?
L’industrie de la musique n’est pas assez féministe alors le discours de Janelle mérite certainement d’être relevé ?
Et, un peu dans le même genre (time’s up !), celui de #Oprah_Winfrey aux #Golden_Globes :
la vidéo a disparu et cet extrait est coupé …
Molly Nilsson live @le Petit Bain, paris Le 23 juillet 2015
The dictionary of obscure sorrows
Une députée allemande accuse Merkel de servir les intérêts des USA au détriment des citoyens
En avant-première “Homos, la haine”, un documentaire d’Eric Guéret, jusqu’au mardi 9 décembre à 11 heures. Neuf témoignages de gays et lesbiennes pour rappeler que rien n’est acquis. ▻http://television.telerama.fr/television/homos-la-haine-un-documentaire-poignant-a-voir-sur-telerama-fr,1
Homophobie : les mots de la haine
Les auteurs étaient invités sur France Inter dans l’instant M mais je sais pas comment on met le lien audio :(
Que reste-t-il des débats sur le mariage pour tous ? Une loi promulguée le 17 mai 2013. La victoire des uns ; les visages tuméfiés, les sanglots, les angoisses et l’humiliation des mêmes. Car pour les homosexuels, la conquête s’est payée au prix fort. Celui d’une haine homophobe libérée, qui s’est déchaînée dans les mots et dans les actes. Ce soir, sur France 2, neuf hommes et femmes racontent face caméra les insultes et les agressions qu’ils ont subies. La voix tremble, les yeux sourient. La peur, la chaleur, la fierté, tout se mêle dans un grand élan de dignité.
« Homos, la haine » mardi 9 décembre à 22h45 sur France 2, un film puissant. Remarquable. Signé Philippe Besson et Eric Guéret.
Merci pour le lien @corinne2, je suis en train d’écouter. de mon côté ça fonctionne bien, merci
je viens de voir le reportage...
J’ai recopié des citations magnifiques et à la fois horrible...
Je vais prochainement discuter avec mon fils pour lui dire que je l’aime et que j’en ai rien à .... d’avec qui il couche... il le sait, il ne couche encore avec personne... mais juste pour être sure !
Et après, y en qui râle contre la PMA... ouvrons le droit aux enfants à ceux qui le désire...
Et après, y en qui râle contre la PMA... ouvrons le droit aux enfants à ceux qui le désire...
On peut avoir droit à des enfants, sans pour autant être pour les PMA.
We should all be feminist ! (Nous devrions tous être féministe)
discours de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie @Ted
Beyoncé reprend un extrait du discours dans sa nouvelle chanson
Pourquoi le mot FÉMINISTE ? Pourquoi ne pas simplement dire qu’on croit aux droits humains, ou quelque chose comme ça ?
Chimmanda : Parce que cela serait MALHONNÊTE.
Bien sûr, le féminisme fait partie des droits humains en général mais choisir l’expression VAGUE de “droits humains”, c’est nier le problème spécifique et particulier du genre.
Cela serait une façon de prétendre que ce ne sont pas les FEMMES qui ont, pendant des siècles, été exclues.
Cela serait une façon de nier que le problème de genre vise les femmes. Que le problème n’est pas en rapport avec le fait d’être humain, mais spécifiquement avec le fait d’être un HUMAIN DE SEXE FÉMININ.
Pendant des siècles, le monde a divisé les être humains en DEUX GROUPES et a ensuite procédé à L’EXCLUSION et L’OPPRESSION d’un de ces deux groupes. Il n’est que JUSTE que la solution au problème prenne en compte ce fait.
via ▻http://prenezcecouteau.tumblr.com/post/104586814283/wearethefourthwave-this-is-it-pourquoi-le-mot
La Suède cherche un mot pour désigner la masturbation féminine
Cette pratique, que beaucoup associent à une activité essentiellement masculine, reste tabou dans de nombreux pays quand elle concerne les femmes. Une association suédoise essaye de trouver un mot du langage courant pour la désigner.
La « compétition nationale » lancée par RFSU a reçu un grand succès : plus de 1000 propositions ont été envoyées. La liste a ensuite été réduite à 34, et les Suédois peuvent désormais voter jusqu’au dimanche 30 novembre. On peut relever la présence des mots « Klittra », « pulla » et « selfa » dans la liste finale (le mot suédois pour « se branler » est « runka »). Les trois expressions les plus populaires seront alors discutées lors du sommet de l’association RSFU en juin prochain et le gagnant sera désigné dans la foulée.
J’aime bien « Selfa » on peu même faire « des selfis de selfas » c’est très poétique.
Merci pour le lien @dora_ellen
Colette Renard, « les nuits d’une demoiselle »
Que c’est bon d’être demoiselle
Car le soir dans mon petit lit
Quand l’étoile Vénus étincelle
Quand doucement tombe la nuit
Je me fais sucer la friandise
Je me fais caresser le gardon
Je me fais empeser la chemise
Je me fais picorer le bonbon
Je me fais frotter la péninsule
Je me fais béliner le joyau
Je me fais remplir le vestibule
Je me fais ramoner l’abricot
Je me fais farcir la mottelette
Je me fais couvrir le rigondonne
Je me fais gonfler la mouflette
Je me fais donner le picotin
Je me fais laminer l’écrevisse
Je me fais foyer le cœur fendu
Je me fais tailler la pelisse
Je me fais planter le mont velu
Je me fais briquer le casse-noisettes
Je me fais mamourer le bibelot
Je me fais sabrer la sucette
Je me fais reluire le berlingot
Je me fais gauler la mignardise
Je me fais rafraîchir le tison
Je me fais grossir la cerise
Je me fais nourrir le hérisson
Je me fais chevaucher la chosette
je me fais chatouiller le bijou
Je me fais bricoler la cliquette
Je me fais gâter le matou
Et vous me demanderez peut-être
Ce que je fais le jour durant
Oh ! cela tient en peu de lettres
Le jour , je baise, tout simplement
Jolie musique avec :
Version hard de la chanson « Les Nuits D’Une Demoiselle » calé (avec plus ou moins de bonheur) sur une apparition télévisée de 1964, où elle interprète bien évidemment la version soft.
Tracey Emin: ’There are good artists that have children. They are called men’
Tracey Emin has a great way with a line. Whether she draws one or says one, there is a fearlessness to it. It might be wrong, it might be right, but it is Tracey’s line and no one else’s. You can’t miss it.
Talking about not having children, she said: “There are good artists that have children. Of course there are. They are called men.” Emin does not want to be a good artist but a great one.
Some have hailed her as such. The Guardian’s Jonathan Jones said she was shaking the patriarchal traditions of men drawing the female nude with her self-portraits. He talked of Matisse, Picasso, Titian and how her new show “invades the museum”. It’s a long way from Margate to Matisse, though Munch is the artist she often refers to. I like her mouthiness, her ambition and her referring to her own works as seminal. All of this ego in a woman is a brilliant thing. She is not famous by accident but by application. All her money, houses, assistants, and fussiness are detailed by interviewers as if she were not entitled to those things.
What happened to the used condoms and fetid sheets, the Elastoplasts, dried blood, pregnancy tests and browning tampons? These were the portrait of the artist as a young woman. They were her palette and her brushes. So was her body. Now, at 51, where has all this gone? She asks and answers the questions with paint and stitches and declares herself a grande dame. Is 51 so very old?
A choice has been made not to have children. Art is the birthing. Kahlo, of course, painted herself in 1932 in My Birth, her head emerging from a body whose head is covered with a sheet. That painting is said to be owned by another self-made woman, Madonna. But Emin saying clearly that the choice remains between motherhood and creativity is either her ruthless honesty or her conservatism speaking. And it’s sad.
We can, if we like, list the successful women artists who have had children (Rego, Spero, Ayres) or come up with long lists of those who didn’t (Kahlo, O’Keeffe, the Brontës, Austen). It’s the old pram-in-the-hall argument, that parenting is the enemy of great art. There is a truth in it. Children stop one separating from the world. They interrupt one’s sense of self as the most important thing ever. This is not always a bad lesson for artists to learn. The domestic sphere is not one of imagination, goes the script Try telling that to Kate Bush. Motherhood can be miserable, of course, and an excuse, and a source of terrible conflict. Plath said it was her muse. But Emin’s adherence to the myth of creativity versus motherhood is so old-fashioned. Emin would have been able to afford childcare and this is the actual issue. What stops women being able to write, or paint, is trying to do everything. It’s Emin’s prerogative, but it is all part of her increasing conservatism.
None of this should shock us. “Working-class girl made good” becomes part of the art world which, whatever it thinks, is a bubble of retrogressive attitudes. Whenever I go to a do, whatever is on the walls, the sexual politics of that milieu are like something from the 50s. There are the great artists and collectors and curators and then a gaggle of wives/assistants/PRs who function as the flight attendants of this world, lubricating all social interaction by their unrequited love for whatever is being shown. Taste and wealth is washed down with a few eccentrics to reassure everyone that they haven’t sold out. All that edge! All smoothed away by tongues made out of sandpaper.
That Emin goes from messy brat to éminence grise applauding the Tory party is no surprise. Her honesty is still compelling and she is simply saying what many of my generation feel. You really cannot have it all. She has chosen art. She is talking as an individual and has never been interested in structural change.
Increasingly, I hear younger women being told they can have a child and a career but only if they just have one child. Alice Walker advises this. More than one will affect your creativity. This is bizarre, though a friend of mine was recently told in an interview that while her one child was acceptable, another would ruin her success. Lectures on combining it all often come from the ultra-rich, such as Sheryl Sandberg. In framing children versus creativity as her struggle, Emin depoliticises what for many is an everyday battle.
Emin needs her solitude and out of that she does something that is hers and hers alone. I could look at her drawings for a long, long time but this self- created woman does not speak for anyone but herself.
Having children is not incompatible with the creative process or a substitute for it. Parenthood is not simply sacrifice. Art is not simply selfishness. Female creativity exists between these imaginary states. If I could write in neon as Emin does I would give my daughters a sign. And it would say: “It’s never just one thing or the other.”
Women respond to sexist category on “Jeopardy!”: This is what we really want
The category name itself reduces half the population into a very ridiculous “Jeopardy!” category, full of trite stereotypes. Yet, somehow this category slipped through the censors, and it was allowed out of the 1950s and into 2014.
“A pair of jeans that fit well, like the 525s from this brand,” was one of the clues. It came came in toe with the answer, “What is Levi’s?” Other clues would lead viewers to believe that all women want is to sip tea, attend Pilates classes and to have our husbands help us with the vacuuming. Yep, this happened.
To respond, some of the lovely women of Salon.com have replied with their individual “wants” from fixing large societal problems, to the simple pleasures in life. These are representative of each of us as individual women — and the lists are hardly complete! We hope you’ll share your own. Without further ado, the women of Salon:
Prachi Gupta:
A Viagra-like drug for women.
For people to stop asking women CEOs if they can have it all.
A woman-led fake news show.
More Female Late Night Show hosts.
More unsexy halloween costume options.
For women of color to have a more prominent role in these discussions.
For men to not stop me on the street to give me advice or tell me ANYTHING like: asking me about India, telling me to smile.
Eliminate the words “slut” and “whore” and “bitch” from our vocabulary.
Down with sexist traditions of marriage. (Ok this might be too radical for the list but I stand by it.)
Standard, non inflated sizes for women’s clothing.
National retailers that make more Bra sizes.
Jenny Kutner:
Unimpeded access to abortion, contraception and other basic healthcare for everyone always, without stigma.
More female [insert professional role here] Legos.
Comprehensive sex education in public schools.
Paid parental leave.
No sexual assault on college campuses (or anywhere).
Equal pay.
Long-acting male birth control.
For strange men not to call me “Jen” and/or a “just a snot-nosed girl who needs to get back in the kitchen” when they email me.
Oh I would also like to see the concept of “women’s fiction” obliterated.
I would also like someone to make me tacos every morning when I wake up.
I would love for Fox News to stop talking about feminism, unless (of course) they’re going to talk about feminism respectfully and accurately.
Katie McDonough (at this moment)
For Tennessee to accept the Medicaid expansion and to repeal its law criminalizing women for their pregnancy outcomes.
High-waisted jeans made of dark, sturdy denim that is kind of stretchy but not too stretchy.
To have someone other than me repaint my living room.
Full reproductive freedom for all women — whether that means the ability to terminate a pregnancy or to carry that pregnancy to term with the knowledge that you can care for and support your child.
For assholes who write for major media outlets to stop getting praised for being “truth tellers” when they are actually just repackaging vile and boring bullshit that blames women for any violence or harassment they experience.
A living wage for all workers, particularly since two out of every three minimum wage workers is a woman.
Joanna Rothkopf:
Female late-night/talk show hosts on a channel other than E! & more female comics in general.
For women to not be perceived as speaking/acting on behalf of their own sex anytime they do anything.
I also want my metabolism to be better, but most of all I want not to want that because body image issues.
I second and third and fourth male birth control.
To not be told to smile.
Mandatory paid maternity & paternity leave.
To not be told that I’m an “innocent girl who needn’t concern herself” with disturbing topics.
To not see women competing to crack 24 eggs fastest on daytime TV.
To be able to walk back from the subway at night on the sidewalk, not the middle of the street for better lighting/visibility.
I want Seamless to be free for Joannas.
I want to be able to own a lot of cats without being called a cat lady.
I want more women in STEM too!
I want prominent female atheists.
I want people to stop mistaking sexism for religion.
Lindsay Abrams:
Yes to male birth control!
Also, more non-hormonal birth control options for women
I’d also like more sleep.
Not to get weird looks when I lift weights at the gym.
A shower/bike rack at work so I could bike commute.
For strange men not to write condescending emails in response to my articles. Those interested in respectful debate are welcome!
Affordable child care (thinking ahead).
To only need headphones for music, not blocking out men on the street.
Sarah Gray
I want a kitten named Beatrice S’mores The Cat.
I want chocolate milkshakes to have no calories. (and like Joanna I want to not care about body image.)
I want equal pay! And more women CEOs and mandatory, paid paternity and maternity leave.
I want less violence against women depicted in TV, movies, video games and other media.
I want more women in STEM, and more women in Silicon Valley, and so many more women in politics.
I’d love to see an end to abstinence only sex-education.
I want feminism to be more inclusive of all races, sexual orientations and income levels.
I’d love free abortions and birth control for all who want them.
I’d also like “assault on a woman with a deadly weapon” to not be a mere misdemeanor in some states.
Good, safe, stigma free, CONSENSUAL sex for all who want to have it.
I want an end to rape and sexual assault, an end to victim blaming and fear of stigma.
Like Katie, I want a livable wage for all.
8 Queer Women Films to Watch in 2014
Mahnaz Mohammadi condamnée à 5 ans de prison (« Je suis une femme et je suis cinéaste, deux raisons pour être considérée comme une criminelle dans ce pays »). ▻http://www.ncr-iran.org/fr/actualites/femmes/14561-iran-la-cineaste-mahnaz-mohammadi-condamne-a-cinq-ans-de-prison.html #féminisme #cinéma #iran
“Mae Jemison talks about dreaming of going to space as a little girl, noticing the gender and racial discrimination in space exploration, and finally reaching the stars” ▻http://aol.it/Uo4VwC
Mae Jemison talks about dreaming of going to space as a little girl, noticing the gender and racial discrimination in space exploration, and finally reaching the stars.
Coucou Dora, ton lien ne fonctionne pas, il manque le http:// au début pour que ça marche. Ensuite pour le résumer du lien tu peu le mettre dans le corps de ton message (tu as une fonction d’édition facile à utiliser) et pour les passages en anglais tu peu utiliser les balises « citation » (maj+tab) accessible en haut de la fenêtre message. Ça permet aux non anglophone comme moi de profiter de tes liens plus confortablement.
Mae Jemison talks about dreaming of going to space as a little girl, noticing the gender and racial discrimination in space exploration, and finally reaching the stars.
Coucou mad meg. Ah bah zut alors... Je refais le poste du coup, je suppose. Je vais voir comment effacer ce poste ci alors. Merci
Mae Jemison, First African-American Woman in Space | MAKERS Video
Mae Jemison talks about dreaming of going to space as a little girl, noticing the gender and racial discrimination in space exploration, and finally reaching the stars.
Pas besoin d’effacer ton poste, pour en faire un autre puisque tu peu le modifier.
bises et bonne journée
edit : la video n’est plus accessible sur le lien que tu avais poster à l’origine, mais il y a d’autres videos sur youtube avec des interview de Mae Jemison
#historicisation #femmes #femme #feminisme #parité #discrimination #racisme
– Alice Ball (1892-1916), a chemist who created the first effective…
– Annie Easley (1933-2011), a rocket scientist who developed software for…
– Mamie Phipps Clark (1917-1983), a social psychologist whose research on…
– Mae Jemison (1956-present), a physician, engineer, AND astronaut who…
– Valerie Thomas (1943-present), a scientist who invented the Illusion…
– Jane Wright (1919-2013), an oncologist who was instrumental in…
– Marie M. Daly (1921-2003), a chemist whose research on the link between…
– Bessie Blount Griffen (1914-2009), a physical therapist and forensic…
– Jeanne Spurlock (1921-1999), a psychiatrist who was largely…
– Katherine Johnson (1918-present), a physicist and mathematician who…
– Flemmie Pansy Kittrell (1904-1980), an internationally-renowned…
– Gloria Twine Chisum (1930-present), an experimental psychologist whose…
– Ruth Winifred Howard (1900-1997), a psychologist who was the first person…
– Jewel Plummer Cobb (1924-2017), a biologist who worked to discover which…
– Margaret James Strickland Collins (1922-1996), a field biologist who…
– Patricia Suzanne Cowings (1948-present), a research psychologist who…
– Christine Concile Mann Darden (1942-present), an aerospace engineer who…
– Betty Harris (1940-present), a chemist who patented a test that…
– Jessie Isabelle Prince (1930-present), a veterinary microbiologist who…
– Gladys W. Royal (1926-2002), a biochemist who researched bone marrow…
– Shirley Ann Jackson (1946-present), a prominent theoretical…
– Joan Murrell Owens (1933-2011), a marine biologist…
– Patricia Bath (1942-present), who invented the Laserphaco Probe…
“change in how girls and women are portrayed in film and television.” ▻https://www.seejane.org/downloads/geena-davis-institute-gender-in-media-impact-study-2013.pdf