• « Pour nous, c’est tous les jours le 7 octobre »
    Orinet XXI > Rami Abou Jamous > 7 octobre 2024

    Lundi 7 octobre 2024.

    Aujourd’hui, c’est le premier anniversaire de la guerre. Trois cents soixante-cinq jours de tueries, 365 jours de massacres, 365 jours d’ « israèleries »
    , de boucheries. Cette année nous a paru avoir duré dix ans. Pas seulement parce que nous avons vieilli de dix ans en l’espace d’une année, mais parce que personne n’a vécu ces 12 derniers mois comme nous, en termes de temps et d’espace.

    Aujourd’hui, on ne parle que du 7 octobre comme il a été vécu du côté israélien. Un journaliste m’a demandé : « Est-ce que tu te rends compte de l’ampleur du drame des habitants de l’enveloppe de Gaza
     ? Des 1 200 personnes qui sont mortes ? » Je me suis demandé comment on pouvait poser cette question à quelqu’un qui vit à Gaza. Bien sûr que je peux ressentir ce que les Israéliens ont vécu. Parce que moi, je le vis tous les jours. Et je le vis encore aujourd’hui. Pour eux, le 7 octobre s’est terminé à 10 h du matin, excepté pour les prisonniers israéliens et leurs familles. Mais moi le 7 octobre, non seulement je suis en train de le vivre jusqu’à présent, mais je le vivais déjà depuis bien longtemps avant.

    Et avant moi, mes parents, mes grands-parents : tous ont vécu cela depuis 1948, quand les milices israéliennes ont attaqué Deir Yassine et bien d’autres villages, et les villes de Haïfa, de Jaffa et tant d’autres, et qu’ils ont expulsé des centaines de milliers de Palestiniens. On a appelé ça la Nakba, la catastrophe. Je ne peux pas comparer ce qu’ont vécu les habitants de l’enveloppe de Gaza avec ce qu’ont vécu mes ancêtres, parce qu’en 1948, il y a eu beaucoup plus de morts. Et aussi parce que la Nakba dure toujours : Israël a été créé, nous avons dû quitter notre terre, puis la Palestine a été divisée.(...)

    • Un journaliste m’a demandé : « Est-ce que tu te rends compte de l’ampleur du drame des habitants de l’enveloppe de Gaza ? Des 1 200 personnes qui sont mortes ? » Je me suis demandé comment on pouvait poser cette question à quelqu’un qui vit à Gaza.

      C’est à pleurer...

  • Richard Salame sur X : « The massive wave of departures from Lebanon to Syria shows little sign of stopping. 284,000 Syrian citizens and 90,000 Lebanese citizens crossed into Syria between 23 and 29 September, according to the latest data released by the Disaster Risk Management Unit, on 4 October. » / X

    L’exode massif vers la Syrie de personnes menacées par les attaques israéliennes est un fait démographique majeur. Parmi elles, près de 300.000 Syriens il y a déjà plus d’une semaine, sans doute encore plus aujourd’hui : la population de réfugiés syriens au Liban vient de connaitre une contraction massive, totalement inattendue. Leur présence massive, faisant l’objet d’estimations aussi floues que contradictoires, suscitait les peurs et la haine de divers partis politiques et de larges segments de la population libanaise. Les projections démographiques, par exemple celles proposées par Charbel Nahas il y a un an (cf. https://seenthis.net/messages/1035931), laissaient craindre une altération significative de la population résidente au Liban, sous l’effet des migrations des Libanais et de la croissance naturelle des réfugiés.
    Les attaques israéliennes représentent de ce point de vue une « aubaine » pour tous les groupes inquiets de l’installation indéfinie mais durable des réfugiés syriens au Liban. Il paraît très improbable que ces personnes puissent désormais refaire le voyage dans l’autre sens lorsque les combats seront terminés. Leur départ, en revanche, ne signifie sans doute pas pour la plupart d’entre elles un retour à la maison puisque, pour beaucoup, de maisons, elles n’ont plus. On sait que le régime de Bachar a confisqué énormément de terrains et d’habitations, au nom de la loi 10 passée pendant les années de guerre civile. Il semblerait du reste que de nombreux Syriens se dirigent vers la zone d’Idlib que le régime ne contrôle pas. Et d’ailleurs, il y a fort à croire que le régime n’a aucune envie de recevoir ces masses de personnes désargentées, à qui il n’a pas les moyens de fournir les services de base : logement, eau, électricité, école, santé, etc. Tout cela sans parler de la répression politique.❞

    • Tweets signalant l’exode de Syriens en provenance du Liban vers la zone autonome gérée par les forces kurdes ou vers Idlib

      Thousands of Syrian refugees (and some Lebanese) are fleeing back into Syria to avoid Israel’s assault on southern Lebanon, including into Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration territory.

      AA has repeatedly stated it’s open to all displaced Syrians, and already hosts 700K IDPs.


      Thousands of Syrian refugees from Lebanon recently walked from northern Manbij to Idlib.

      The HTS-rebel ruled Idlib is currently the safest and most prosperous region in Syria, although only the Assad-areas receive UN aid.

    • Terrible, oui. Par contre, mettre « forced conscription » au même niveau que « forced Dissapearances, arrests, detention, torture and death » est plutôt malhonnête.

      « forced conscription » est ce qui se pratique en Ukraine. En Israël, si tu refuses la conscription, tu vas en tôle. Je ne suis certes pas fana de la conscription, et je comprends parfaitement qu’on ne veuille pas faire le bidasse pour le régime syrien, mais malheureusement « forced conscription » c’est ce qui se fait dès que la conscription existe. (voir Le Déserteur, Boris Vian).

  • Et maintenant l’armée israélienne utilise la FINUL comme bouclier humain… Israeli troops have set up near U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon, satellite images show.

    The Israeli military established new positions beside a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon during its invasion of the country’s southern region last week, according to two U.N. spokesmen and satellite imagery obtained by The New York Times.

    Andrea Tenenti, a spokesman for the mission — commonly known by its acronym, UNIFIL — said the Israeli military had been firing at Hezbollah positions from those locations, putting the peacekeepers increasingly in the crossfire.

  • عامٌ على العدوان.. استطلاعٌ صادمٌ: ربع الصهاينة فقط يؤمنون بانتصارهم على حماس.. 600 ألف إسرائيليّ فقدوا أحد أفراد العائلة أوْ صديقًا مقربًا… 86 بالمائة يرفضون العودة لغلاف غزّة.. تكاليف الحرب 66 مليار دولار | رأي اليوم

    Un sondage réalisé en Israël un an après l’attaque du 7 octobre.

    إلى ذلك، نشرت هيئة البث الإسرائيلية (كان)، نتائج صادمة لاستطلاع رأي بعد مرور عام على الحرب المدمرة في قطاع غزة، مشددةً على أنّ نسبة قليلة جدًا من الإسرائيليين تعتقد أنّ دولة الاحتلال انتصرت على حركة حماس.
    ولفتت الهيئة إلى أنّ 48 بالمائة من أفراد العينة قريبون من شخص قُتل في الحرب، و86 بالمائة غير مستعدين للعيش في غلاف غزة بعد انتهاء الحرب.ومنطقة (غلاف غزّة) في الجنوب تشمل المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة التي تعرّضت لهجوم السابع من أكتوبر السنة الفائتة، وتمّ إخلاء جميع سُكّانها بسبب الوضع الأمنيّ.

    هل خسرت إسرائيل الحرب؟
    وأفادت نتائج الاستطلاع بأن 27 بالمائة فقط يعتقدون أنّ إسرائيل انتصرت على حماس، أي أكثر بقليل من الربع، فيما يعتقد 35 بالمائة أنّها خسرت، أمّا البقية فلا يعرفون.
    ونوهت هيئة البث الإسرائيليّة، وهي الهيئة الرسميّة في تل أبيب، إلى أنّ الإجابة تتغيّر قليلاً إذا تمّ تقسيم المشاركين في الاستطلاع إلى ناخبي الائتلاف مقابل ناخبي المعارضة، مبينة أنّه “من بين ناخبي الائتلاف وحدهم يعتقد 47 بالمائة، أيْ النصف تقريبًا، أنّ إسرائيل هي التي فازت. ربما يكون هناك المزيد من التفاؤل”، على حدّ تعبيرها.
    واستدركت: “في المعارضة الوضع عكس ذلك. 48 بالمائة (النصف تقريبًا) يعتقدون أنّ إسرائيل خسرت الحرب في غزة”، مشيرة إلى أنّه عندما سُئل المشاركون عمّا إذا كانوا يعرفون شخصيًا شخصًا قُتل في الحرب أوْ في هجوم 7 أكتوبر، أجاب 12 بالمائة من أفراد العينة، والذين يشكلون 600 ألف إسرائيلي، أنّهم فقدوا أحد أفراد العائلة أوْ صديقًا مقربًا.

    علاوة على ما ذُكِر أعلاه، ذكرت هيئة البثّ الإسرائيليّة أنّه “أجاب 36 بالمائة أنهم فقدوا أحد معارفهم أوْ صديقًا آخر. أي أن 48 بالمائة من الإسرائيليين يعرفون شخصًا قُتل في الحرب أوْ في هجوم 7 أكتوبر. وفي المنطقة الجنوبية طبعًا الأعداد أكبر”.
    العودة لمستوطنات غلاف غزة
    وشدّدّت هيئة البث على أنّ السؤال الآخر في الاستطلاع كان حول إذا ما كانوا سيعودون إلى مستوطنات غلاف غزة بعد الحرب أمْ لا، موضحةً أنّ 14 بالمائة فقط من أفراد العينة قالوا إنّهم مستعدون للتفكير في العيش في غلاف غزة عندما تنتهي الحرب.
    بينما أكد 86 بالمائة من المستطلعة آراؤهم أنهم غير مستعدين للعيش في غلاف غزة. ووفق الاستطلاع، فإنّ غالبية الإسرائيليين ظلّوا في مكان إقامتهم الدائم، مقابل 2.3 بالمائة من ناخبي الائتلاف و1.2 بالمائة من ناخبي المعارضة، اعترفوا بأنهم غيروا مكان إقامتهم بسبب الحرب.

    وأشار الاستطلاع إلى أن 7.5 بالمائة من مستوطني غلاف غزة استجابوا لتغيير مكان إقامتهم، إلى جانب تغيير نحو 3 بالمائة من مستوطني الشمال لمكان إقامتهم بسبب الوضع الأمني.

    وعندما سُئل المشاركون في الاستطلاع عن تغيير مهنتهم بعد 7 أكتوبر والحرب، أجاب حوالي 5 بالمائة من ناخبي الائتلاف ومن القطاعين العلماني والتقليدي بالإيجاب، بسبب الحرب، فيما قام حوالي 16 بالمائة من المتدينين والحريديم بتغيير مهنتهم، ولكن دون أنْ يكون لذلك علاقة بالحرب، طبقًا لما ورد في الاستطلاع المذكور

  • على بالي

    Billet de ce jour d’Asad Abukhalil (Libanais, prof aux USA). Il donne une idée de l’opinion commune arabe vis-à-vis de l’"Occident".

    يجب أن نعطي الغرب حقَّه. هذه الحرب المجنونة علينا هي حربٌ إسرائيليّة ــ غربيّة مشتركة. كل الغرب مشارك فيها، من الدنمارك وفنلندا إلى المجر وبلغاريا (من المُرجَّح أن تكون الدولتان الأخيرتان متعاونتَين مع الموساد في عمليّة تفخيخ الأجهزة). الغرب قال لنا ذلك بعد 7 أكتوبر. أعلن أن حرب إسرائيل ــ أو حروب إسرائيل ضد عدد من الدول (سبع بحسب تعداد نتنياهو) هي حروبه هو. ماكرون (الذي نال تقريعاً وتوبيخاً من نتنياهو قبل يوم كردّ فعل على توقيف تصدير «بعض» السلاح إلى إسرائيل) طالب بعد 7 أكتوبر بتشكيل تحالف عالمي للقضاء على «حماس». حتى اليسار في الكونغرس الأميركي ـــ بيرني ساندرز وصحبه ـــ طالب فقط بوقف الأسلحة الهجومية لا الدفاعيّة (معظم ضحايانا ماتوا من جراء أسلحة يصنّفها الكونغرس بأنها دفاعيّة بما فيها القنابل العنقوديّة). أميركا هي المسؤولة الأولى، ولو تشاء أن ترفع الغطاء عن إسرائيل، فإنّ الدول الغربيّة ستلحق بها. لكنّ مناصرة أميركا تزداد ودول الغرب تتبعها بخنوع وطاعة أكثر من قبل. ميتران وشيسون (على سوئهما) هما من زمن آخر كليّاً. الغرب يكرهنا لأنّنا عرب، ولأننا مسلمون، ولأننا مسيحيون من غير ملّتهم، ولأننا داكنو البشرة، ولأننا بشر ولأننا لم نرضَ عن الاستعمار. لا يزال الغرب يحمل ضغينة بسبب رفضنا للاستعمار وحتى للممالك الصليبية. معالم الخريطة العالمية الجديدة ترتسم. إنها أميركا مع حلفائها الغربيين والآسيويين المطيعين ومعها إسرائيل وحلفائها من العرب. لا تقبل أميركا بعد اليوم بتطبيع العلاقات بين دولة عربية وإسرائيل بل تصرّ على تحالف وثيق معها. الغرب ليس صامتاً عما يحدث. غير صحيح أنه لا يعلم بما يحدث. هو ينطق بحكم تسليحه وتمويله ودعمه لهذه الحروب الإسرائيلية. سخرت أقلام الإعلام الخليجي بعد الـ67 عندما قال عبد الناصر إنّه لا يواجه إسرائيل فقط وإنما يواجه أميركا وبريطانيا. هذه المقولة اليوم هي صحيحة أكثر مما كانت في حينه. الذين يواجهون إسرائيل ويقاومونها اليوم يواجهون الغرب إضافة إلى اليابان والهند وكوريا الجنوبية، ولا ننسى المجر وبلغاريا وتايوان.

  • Attacks on Arab Citizens of Israel Are Not News - Opinion - Haaretz.com

    In practice, Palestinian citizens of Israel are living under a reign of Jewish terror, both psychological and physical. And no, there isn’t any more delicate way to put it.

    This madness has been normalized by both the public and Israeli institutions.

    • The case of the Arab girl attending a Be’er Sheva middle school who dared to say that “young children are suffering from hunger and dying in Gaza” – after which her classmates began attacking her, accusing her of supporting Hamas, cursing her and singing “may your village burn” – has gone virtually uncovered by the Israeli media.
      So have the facts that the school suspended her, that the Education Ministry supported the suspension, that other students’ parents demanded on WhatsApp groups that she be expelled and that they even said her entire family should be stripped of citizenship.
      Also of little interest is the fact that the girl’s father decided that his other daughter should also stay home, lest she be harassed. And according to him, other Arab students at the school did the same. None of this is news; it’s not a story.
      To this could be added countless other stories of Palestinian citizens who have gotten a good taste of the violence of the Jewish supremacist consciousness, especially since last October 7. Arab doctors have been attacked in hospitals, Arab students have been attacked at college, Arab employees have been beaten up at restaurants and cafés, and the list goes on and on.
      In practice, Palestinian citizens of Israel are living under a reign of Jewish terror, both psychological and physical. And no, there isn’t any more delicate way to put it. This madness has been normalized by both the public and Israeli institutions.
      When a friend abroad told me this week that her daughters’ school has a “heritage day,” I thought about the heritage being taught in Israel – that Arab villages should burn, that a good Arab is a dead Arab, that there’s no such thing as the Palestinian people and, new on the shelves, that if you’re an Arab girl attending a Jewish school, you would be very wise to hide this, lest the Chosen People’s children harass you.
      I can just imagine how Israelis would respond if something similar had happened to a Jewish girl in Paris, Berlin or New York. The angry reactions would have delved at length into antisemitism, and the story would have led the Israeli news broadcasts, even if it happened overseas.

  • A Year of War Without End - The Markaz Review

    Ask any Arab what the most painful realization of the last year has been and it is this: that we have discovered the extent of our dehumanization to such a degree that it’s impossible to function in the world in the same way.

  • Why the West Still Backs Israel Despite a Year of War With Hamas and Hezbollah - Israel News - Haaretz.com

    There are myriad explanations for the lack of effective pressure. One is the unique relationship U.S. President Joe Biden has with Israel, and the weakness of other Western leaders who are preoccupied with domestic troubles.

    Another is the timing of the war, coming as it does in a U.S. election year. The fact that the Arab countries with which Israel already has diplomatic relations haven’t threatened to sever them is also a factor.

    Why should the West exert itself when the Arabs are just paying lip service in public and in private hoping that Israel finishes off Hamas?

    All of these factors and others played a part. However, there is an underlying reality that has somehow been overlooked in much of the coverage, which explains the reluctance to apply the kind of pressure Israel wouldn’t be able to resist.

    In today’s geopolitical reality, with the United States and its allies facing challenges spanning the globe from Ukraine to Venezuela to Taiwan, Israel is a crucial part of the alliance, providing military technology and experience while confronting Iran – a key link in the rival axis.

    It may not be a popular thing to say, especially when Israel is led by an unpopular leader, but the West needs Israel as an ally, and that is the real limit on any pressure. What Israel brings to the alliance can be summarized in two words.


    […] the calculations in Western capitals on whether to continue supporting Israel are not, and will not be, dictated by the footage of carnage in Gaza, but by those same pragmatic calculations that could be upended by an all-out war with Iran – and its wider geopolitical impact on the global energy and on China.

    Israel’s Iron Dome advantage makes it an asset to the Western alliance, and has bought it a year in which it has been able to operate in Gaza and Lebanon with very few constraints. That will no longer be the case if the Iranian front continues to escalate.

    In the second year of war, it may discover that it is becoming more of a liability than an asset.

  • Blinken Approved Policy to Bomb Aid Trucks, Israeli Cabinet Members Suggest

    According to Channel 12 reporter Yaron Avraham, on October 16 and 17, “the [Security] Cabinet deliberated for hours over the precise wording of the decision, with each draft being passed between the Cabinet room and Blinken’s room, a distance of a few meters away, inside the Kirya…. Eventually, around 3 a.m., they arrive at an agreed upon text that is read in the Cabinet room in English.”

    Avraham’s account of the process was independently corroborated by a reporter for the competing Channel 13, who wrote: “The discussion with Blinken is conducted as follows: he is sitting in a room in the Kirya with his advisors and security team, while Security Cabinet holds the discussion; [Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron] Dermer goes back and forth and interfaces with him.”


  • As war and religion rages, Israel’s secular elite contemplate a ‘silent departure’ | Israel | The Guardian

    (...) Earlier this year, Netanyahu’s former chair of the National Economic Council, Eugene Kandel, joined forces with the administrative expert Ron Tzur to warn that Israel faces an existential threat.

    In a paper calling for a new political settlement, they warned that under a business-as-usual scenario “there is a considerable likelihood that Israel will not be able to exist as a sovereign Jewish state in the coming decades”.

    Among the threats they highlighted were rising emigration, particularly among the people who have built up Israel’s hi-tech sector and the schools and hospitals vital to attracting the global elite. “Israel’s locomotive of growth is innovation, and that is driven by a small group of several tens of thousands of people in a country of 10 million,” the paper warned. “The weight of their departure from the country is immense in comparison to their number.”

    The problem precedes the 7 October attacks and the war that followed, as demographic and political shifts have prompted some secular, liberal Israelis to question their future in a state increasingly dominated by religious traditionalists.

    (...) Secular Israelis who prioritise living in a liberal democracy are a shrinking portion of Israel’s population, said Uri Ram, professor of sociology and anthropology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

    By 2015, only a minority – although, at 45%, a large one – of the Jewish population in Israel defined themselves as secular, and that is shrinking as religious and ultra-orthodox Jewish families, on average, have more children.

    Data from the first class at elementary schools in 2023 showed that only 40% of children were in the secular stream, he said.

    “There is a growing problem of ‘brain drain’, and it will increase, firstly, if the military risk is not reduced and, secondly, if the state does indeed turn more populist-autocratic,” said Ram, who has researched the struggle for Israel’s future between liberal, mostly secular Israelis like Noam and a group he describes as ethno-religious traditionalists.

    “In these situations, the upper middle classes will send their young generations abroad. Jews are well networked in desired academic and professional markets abroad, and family and work connections will assist the integration of young, educated Israeli immigrants in the desired locations.”

    (...) It is hard to evaluate the scale of departures so far. In 2023, during the prewar domestic turmoil over Netanyahu’s judicial reforms, there was a net departure from Israel of between 30,000 and 40,000 people, the newspaper Haaretz reported.

    Immigration is not only one-way: some Israelis abroad have seen a country in crisis and decided to return. Noam Bardin, a former chief executive of the satnav app Waze, flew back to Israel on 8 October.

    Tech firms drive the economy but only employ 10% of the workforce, Bardim told Haaretz in a recent interview, warning that, without that talent, Israel’s recent years of economic success could unravel. “That’s only 400,000 people, 50,000 of whom comprise the main engine – engineers, senior executives at funds, whom the whole world is trying to recruit. If these people leave the country, we’ll become Argentina.”

    Ciechanover fears the process is accelerating faster than is captured by official statistics or anecdotal observations. It takes time to pass the exams needed to practise in another country, and find jobs, housing and schools. Many colleagues don’t tell friends or family when they start this process.

  • [Communiqué de presse] Manifestations étudiantes en lien avec le conflit israélo-palestinien

    Des manifestations et prises de position de nature politique, en lien avec le conflit au Proche-Orient, ont eu lieu ces derniers jours dans plusieurs établissements, à Sciences Po Paris notamment.

    Patrick Hetzel, ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, condamne fermement ces actions, qui vont à l’encontre des principes de neutralité et de laïcité du service public de l’enseignement supérieur.

    À l’approche de la date anniversaire des massacres du 7 octobre 2023 en Israël, le ministre a souhaité rappeler aux présidents d’université et aux directeurs d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur leur responsabilité dans la préservation des libertés académiques et leur rôle dans la prévention de risques éventuels pour la sécurité au sein de leur établissement. Il a également souhaité rappeler aux recteurs leur rôle dans le contrôle de la légalité des mesures prises.

    Comme la ministre de l’Éducation, Anne Genetet, Patrick Hetzel fait le choix de prétendre que manifester contre le génocide à Gaza est une atteinte à la laïcité-à-la-française.

    L’effondrement moral est partout.

  • Bernard GEORGES 🇺🇳🏳️‍🌈🌍🌎🌏 sur X : "Guerre Israël / Palestine Guerre Israël / Liban « Un soutien médiatique à des crimes de guerre constitue un crime » À méditer par une grande partie de la presse occidentale ! "

    « Un soutien médiatique à des crimes de guerre constitue un crime »

    À méditer par une grande partie de la presse occidentale !

  • Israel may be using German-leased Heron war drones – DW – 10/04/2024


    German soldiers were being trained on the two drones in Israel when Israel’s war in Gaza began in October 2023. Germany then handed over the drones to the IDF “in solidarity with Israel,” as a German Defense Ministry statement said at the time. The drones were part of a package of military support that German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius pledged during a summit in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas terror attack of October 7.

    What was not clear in the months following was whether or not the lease contract — reported to be worth around €1 billion ($1.1 bio) — was still being paid by Germany. A freedom of information request from April confirmed that, though the German military no longer had access to the drones, the contract with Israel was still “active.”

    #Allemagne #génocide

  • MintPress News sur X : “The Palestinian Authority has kidnapped Al-Jazeera journalist Layth Jaar The West Bank based journalist had been kidnapped, after suffering physical assault at the hands of the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s Security Forces. Layth Jaar has been subjected to this treatment https://t.co/fBbLgXuZ1Q” / X

    Pas confirmé ailleurs à ma connaissance...

    The Palestinian Authority has kidnapped Al-Jazeera journalist Layth Jaar

    The West Bank based journalist had been kidnapped, after suffering physical assault at the hands of the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s Security Forces. Layth Jaar has been subjected to this treatment following a documentary he filmed in Tulkarem, covering armed groups there that are resisting Israel.

    The Palestinian Authority actively collaborates with the Israeli occupation forces and carries out “security coordination”.

  • “حزب الله” يكشف حقيقة صور طلبها نتنياهو وكلفت إسرائيل عشرات من نخبة جنودها | رأي اليوم

    20 morts israéliens pour une photo de fausse victoire ?

    أكد ضابط ميداني في غرفة عمليات “حزب الله” اللبناني أن الصور التي نشرها الجيش الإسرائيلي لجنوده اليوم في قرية حدودية في جنوب لبنان كلفته أكثر من 20 قتيلا وجريحا من جنود النخبة.
    وقال الضابط: “الصور التي نشرها اليوم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي لجنوده قرب منازل في قرية حدودية في جنوب لبنان تم تصويرها في بقعة جغرافية تبعد عشرات الأمتار عن الأراضي المحتلة حيث كما يعلم الجميع أن بعض الجنوبيين بنوا منازلهم بالقرب من الحدود”.
    وأضاف: “بهدف الحصول على هذه الصور التي يحتاجها بشدّة نتنياهو المأزوم، كان الثمن أكثر من 20 قتيلا وجريحا في صفوف جنود النخبة، الأمر الذي أجبر الرقيب العسكري الإسرائيلي على إخفائه والتعتيم على الحدث”.
    وتابع: “حاول جنود النخبة في جيش العدو الإسرائيلي عصر اليوم الجمعة، وبعد تغطية نارية مدفعية وجوية، التقدم من محورين باتجاه بلدتي مارون الرأس ويارون عند الحافة الأمامية، ولدى وصول القوات لنقاط الكمائن المعدّة مسبقًا، وبنداء لبّيك يا نصر الله، فجّر مجاهدو المقاومة الإسلامية عددا من العبوات (بعضها زُرِع بالأمس) واشتبكوا مع ضباط وجنود النخبة بالأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة والقذائف الصاروخية، من مسافات قريبة وصلت إلى مسافة صفر، مما أسفر عن سقوط عدد من القتلى والجرحى في صفوف القوة المتسللة، ومن لم يصب حمل قتيلا أو جريحا وانسحب تحت غطاء مدفعي من مرابض العدو داخل الأراضي المحتلة”.

  • MoA - White House To Meddle In Lebanese Policies - Provoking More Bombings

    Quelques petites réserves ici ou là mais brillantissime (et réconfortant) résumé de la situation.

    What has Israel achieved in the last year?

    Let’s take a stone cold sober recap, I’ve compiled a list of the top 25 accomplishments of Israel in 2024:

    1. Israel has essentially lost territory in the North of Occupied Palestine. Hezbollah’s rocket barrages over the last eleven months has driven the settler population out of the North. This is likely permanent. Israel’s settler population in the Gaza envelope has also been thinned out since the 7 October attacks.

    Moreover, current ongoing attacks from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Lebanon is depopulating Israel .

    2. The Houthi have put an unbreakable chokehold on the Red Sea and all red sea shipping. There is no way to break this chokehold. The USN and all other Western navies have tried for almost 12 months and failed utterly.

    Attempts to conduct strikes on the Houthi, including massive strikes on core infrastructure in Hodeida have yielded ZERO results over a period of almost a year.

    The Israelis are to thank for this achievement.

    3. The cementing of Hezbollah as the primary military force in Lebanon: Hezbollah’s Radwan forces have proven capable of protecting Lebanon’s Southern borders with Palestine. All attempts by the IDF and their supporting American Special Forces to take control of this area and drive the Radwan forces back have failed.

    4. The ensured survival of Hamas: Hamas in the Gaza strip persists after almost a year. For months they’ve demonstrated ability to strike IDF forces daily, destroying IDF ground equipment and troops. This is true, even if incremental in nature. Hamas is still able to launch rockets on the Gaza envelope.

    This means their rocket manufacturing facilities are still functional. Hamas has demonstrated staying power and resilience. Compared to Fatah in the West Bank, Hamas has demonstrated an ability and willingness to actualise the Palestinian desire for self determination.

    Due to Israel’s excessive response to 7 October, Fatah has been permanently sidelined. Hamas will forever be known as the true face of Palestinian resistance.

    5. The validation of Hezbollahs resilience: Despite eliminating one (1) component of the Hezbollah leadership, Hezbollah has reconstituted its leadership structure. It’s most senior leadership council, the Shura is still intact.

    Despite a technically brilliant infiltration of the communications infrastructure supply chain by Israel and after a massive air strike involving rarely used bunker buster missiles, Israel has failed to dent the combat capability or even morale of Hezbollah.

    6. Hezbollah has established, for the first time in history, a buffer zone cleared of Israelis within the held territory of ’Israel’ (Occupied Palestine).

    7. Recent and previous strikes carried out by the IRGC on Tel Aviv showed the failure of the Iron Dome and the failure of ALL Israel’s air defence systems. David’s Sling. Arrow. Patriot. Moreover, the air defence systems of Israel’s satraps (Jordan) were also proven to fail. Further, the interception systems of the USN were proven to be inadequate.

    This has massive implications for war-gaming a conflict between the US and Iran. It means that the US will have to consider the fact that regardless of what it may inflict on Iran, it will not be able to shield anyone and itself against a concurrent Iranian retaliation.

    Moreover, the US must now acknowledge that Iran has the ability to destroy it’s carrier groups.
    Marine power projection is therefore no longer of any use in the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman ... It must now recalculate all it’s previous attack plans.

    8. The hardening of Hezbollah positions in the South of Lebanon: Despite the spectacular and tragic strikes Israel has carried out on Beirut the essential damage is limited to civilian blocks and civilian villages in the south. It appears that very little of Israel’s considerable air firepower has harmed Hezbollah.

    The net effect of these strikes has been to galvanise Hezbollah’s fighters, drive Hezbollah recruitment, set world opinion firmly against Israel. The global environment for Israelis, Zionists and sadly, even non-Zionist Jews has been polluted on account of Netanyahu’s actions in Beirut.

    On the other side of the equation, the IDF has wasted substantial amounts of materiel on killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure. Infrastructure which has nothing to do with the threat posed by Hezbollah.

    While the US has put its entire arsenal at Israel’s disposal these materials are far from infinite and will run out soon - or become so expensive that it begins place further pressures on the U.S economy and logistics chains.

    9. The US’ ongoing Iraq Occupation is coming apart at the seams: Despite the US presence in Iraq, it is demonstrably unable to exert any influence on the Iraqi resistance movements there, who launch increasingly sophisticated missile and drone attacks from Iraqi territory under the noses of US garrisons.

    In addition, the behaviour of Israel has stimulated anti-US activity in Iraq and will shortly result in a violent ejection of U.S forces from that country regardless of the current puppet government’s attempts to retain the U.S presence.
    It may take years to complete but the ejection of American forces from Iraq is all but assured now that the Hashds have demonstrated the ability to use substantial lethal force.

    10. The Syrian occupation is coming apart at the seams: Strikes against U.S bases in Syria have become a weekly occurrence now. The resistance movements in Syria have shown that they have the capabiloity to put American bases under constant pressure. The U.S will shortly lose it’s comfortable perch on the Conoco oil fields in Syria and with it, control of the spigot to the various Anti-Government militant movements in the region ... and with that, control of Syria.

    In short, Israel’s needless bloodlust has imperilled the US’ ongoing occupation of the entire Middle East.

    11. Israel has destabilised Jordan. Iran has pushed Jordan (and others) into showing their cards at the middle eastern poker table. The government of Jordan has been exposed as a completely controlled satrap of Israel. Its national interests are completely subordinate to Israel and the USA above and beyond the interests of Jordanian people.

    This begins the countdown to the end of the regime of King Abdullah of Jordan and his administration.

    12. Israel has sown the seeds of destabilisation in Egypt. Iran has pushed Jordan and Egypt into showing their cards at the middle eastern poker table. Egypt has been exposed as a complete satrap of the US and Israel, completely subordinate to the needs of the Zionist entity. Every Egyptian, with warm memories of Gamal Abdel Nasser would probably be weeping at this point.

    The only thing that keeps the Egyptian population from toppling their government at this time is the Egyptian military. It will unfortunately remain so until the right catalyst arrives to light the spark of revolution ...

    However, the net result of all these increasing strains within Egypt is to increase sympathies for the Palestinian people, opening up smuggling lines into Gaza.

    13. The perception of Western Moral and Civilisational Superiority has been utterly destroyed.The fact that Western Colonialism is alive and well and that Western Civilization is morally bankrupt has been been exposed to the Global South.

    This moral bankcruptcy has been manifested firstly at the level of it’s governments and secondly at the level of it’s apathetic populations who support the actions of their governments.

    The result of this is that the Global South is now able to weaponise diplomacy in every forum with Western powers.

    In the past, every diplomatic discourse between Western powers and non-Western countries used to begin with brow-beating and embarrassment of those countries around their human rights records.

    Today, every diplomatic discourse between the West and a global south nation begins with a refutation of Western moral high ground.

    14. The neutralisation of weaponised Western sanctions: Israel’s actions, triggering Iran’s, Yemen’s and Hezbollah’s actions have revealed that western sanctions against The Middle Eastern Resistance have been useless in stopping the technological and military advance of these powers.

    Moreover, these sanctions have served to push the middle east into the BRICS trade sphere and away from the G7 trading sphere. It is a self-strangulation of the Western economies carried out by the USA on behalf of it’s garrison in Occupied Palestine.

    Ultimately, these sanctions backfired spectacularly, resulting effectively in the global sanction and blockade of Western shipping through the Red Sea and “tit-for tat” oil tanker confiscations in the Persian Gulf.

    15. The compromise of the integrity of Western Supply Chains. The compromise of Western mobile device supply chains, which could only have happened through the collaboration of multiple Western states, including the collusion of parties in Taiwan (outside of the control of Beijing) and Hong Kong (controlled loosely by Beijing) has resulted in complete loss of trust in Western telecommunications equipment and alerted Beijing and Moscow to potential compromise in their own supply chains.

    While the implications of this are still unfolding the future success of western exports and Israel’s inclusion in the supply chains are now in question.

    China is now, even more than before, not only the “supplier of volume” but also the “supplier of trust”.

    16. Due to the actions of Israel, the US has been exposed to its people, the UN community (UNSC, UNGA) as completely under control of the Zionist Lobby. It is no longer a government of the people by the people (if ever it was!). In the past, it was suspected that Israel had some influence over American foreign and home policy, but now it is certain that Israel controls American foreign policy in totality. The question of which part of the dog is the tail and which the dog has become meaningless - it’s all “dog”. Moreover, this compromise of the State, the subversion of Western governments to the purposes of the Zionist lobby, has been repeated on other Western governments like Germany, France, Britain.

    We have just witnessed the destruction of ’Pax’ Americana and its replacement by ’Pax’ Judaica. Thus, the prediction of Sheikh Imran Hossein has been fulfilled.

    17. Well done on the genocide front! *Israel has progressed quite far in it’s genocide of the Gazan Palestinian population within the last 12 months. The depopulation of the Gaza strip is well on it’s way by means of sickness, starvation more than missiles and bombs.
    For this there will be a price to pay in the eyes of history, for the Zionists if Israel have provided the excuse (not justification) for some enterprising tyrant to commit future persecutions and genocides against the Jews - and others.

    18. *Israeli economy is destroyed along multiple vectors for the foreseeable future. MNCs with offices in Israel have been negatively impacted. Affected business range from individual companies that cannot operate in Israel anymore due to instability and loss of workforce, to larger corporations whose ethical compliance measures require them to decouple from Israel. The impact extends to companies that cannot tolerate the disruption to energy infrastructure and logistics lines.

    19. New, persistent threats that cannot be remedied by the West have been created.The Houthi and the Iraqi Hashds being one case in point.

    There’s just no end in sight here. These actors are going to be around for years, threatening the viability of Israel as a “peaceful place for the Jews” and turning it into merely another American garrison in the Levant.

    20. Degraded Israeli gas and Oil infrastructure in the Mediterranean. Recent strikes have not only destroyed some of Israel’s gas platforms in the Med but demonstrated that Iran has the ability to wipe out Israel’s energy infrastructure. Israel will now have to recalculate the security of its energy supply. Any customers of Israel’s gas and oil production will have to recalculate their energy security equations.

    21. Ensured continuity of the Resistance. The further radicalisation of Hezbollah by removal of the conservative elder leadership has resulted in the younger, more aggressive, less restrained commanders to take the lead. Moreover, the remaining elder leadership in the Shura council have been painfully reminded that there is no negotiating with the Israelis and the Americans and that the only way out is to fight.

    The murder of national heroes like Hassan Nasrallah has very likely galvanised the youth of Lebanon.

    In a similar vein, the next generation of Hamas and Al Qassam fighters, now still children, have been created in the camps of Gaza, the West Bank, Ein Al Hilwe and other Lebanese Palestinian camps and the Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan and Syria.

    This is the primary reason for the American and Israeli murder campaign against Palestinian children and babies.

    22. A distraction for the USA and the Western Imperium: Ultimately the debacle in Occupied Palestine, engineered and sustained by Benjamin Netanyahu has posed a major drain on American resources.

    It is a distraction from confronting bigger, more threating adversaries like China and Russia.

    The more cognitive energy, financial resources and political capital the USA has tied up in the Middle east conflict, the less it has left to confront serious developments on the Russia and China fronts.

    The BRI, for example continues apace. Chinese and Russian space and marine developments proceed by leaps and bounds. Chinese chip manufacture has reached the 7 nm scale and 4nm is in testing. Hypersonic missile development in Russia and China has outpaced American developments by leaps and bounds. China has achieved a 6g Transmission network implementation. China operates the biggest space station human kind has ever deployed.

    23. The UN has been exposed as an impotent and in fact detrimental organisation: Israel, through it’s own behaviour at the UN has exposed the entire organisation, from the ICC, ICJ, UNSC, UNGA and even organisations like UNRWA as completely impotent for all tasks that do not support the interests of the Western Powers. While this has been obvious since the comprise of the OPCW some years ago, the rot has been exposed at all levels of the UN and repeatedly hammered home by the Israeli representatives at the UN.

    Nobody can ignore it anymore, nobody other than those benefitting from the grift.

    24. It Bleeds: The vulnerability of Israel, it’s economy, it’s military and it’s allies has been exposed by non-state actors who have now demonstrated that they are able to keep this so called regional ’superpower’ bleeding for a straight year while being severely under-supplied, outgunned, outnumbered.

    Should other Arab countries decide at any point that Israel no longer serves their purposes in the middle east, they’ve seen the evidence that Israel is not invincible and on the contrary, remarkably vulnerable.

    25. Weakening of the Lebanese, Iraqi, Syrian and Yemeni State is a Strengthening of Hezbollah and the Houthi Movement: Israel, in taking the wrecking ball to Lebanese and Yemeni civilian government and sovereignty has created an environment in which the state will never be able to hold a monopoly on violence.

    The entire extent of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen will therefore remain free and open for Hezbollah and Ansarallah to operate without government restraint. Even if this “freedom” is the freedom of chaos.

    How will all these “sensitive initial conditions” - these “achievements” - combine over the next 6 - 12 months to form greater unintended effects?
    It’s anyone’s guess but the picture doesn’t look good for Israel regardless of how it looks for the rest of the Levant.



    • Moi, pas mal de réserves au contraire.

      La principale est la distance que ça prend avec le génocide et la violence déchaînée d’Israël, pris comme des éléments qu’on peut discuter calmement, jusqu’à prétendre que ce sont des échecs.

      Le point 4 sur le Hamas est le pire à mon avis. Concernant le Hezbollah, un vieil ami libanais (pourtant très favorable à la Résistance), demandait en 2006 quelle serait encore la raison d’être d’une Résistance si derrière elle il n’y a plus rien à défendre.

      Le Hamas qui continue de résister, youpi, et qui donne une mauvaise image internationale à Israël, youpi, c’est pas le seul texte qui raconte ce genre de chose, mais franchement je ne comprends pas (et j’ai même du mal à admettre qu’on raconte ce genre de choses). Gaza a disparu, Gaza n’est plus du tout habitable, et la population de Gaza n’y habite plus et ne pourra plus y habiter. C’est à dire que le génocide est déjà largement réalisé.

      Et on pourrait ajouter l’Iraq totalement détruit par l’invasion américaine. Et la Syrie guère en meilleure santé.

      Cet article classe ça dans « chaos ». Mais c’est pas le chaos : c’est la destruction totale dont il est difficile d’imaginer que les sociétés se relèveront.

      Je ne vois pas de traces d’espoir dans aucun des points ci-dessus, sauf justement à regarder le génocide et la destruction totale de nations entières avec distance, au point d’en tirer des sources d’espoir.

    • Sinon, je ne détaille pas, mais y’a des affirmations problématiques.

      La pire étant :

      This is the primary reason for the American and Israeli murder campaign against Palestinian children and babies.

    • Tu fais des réserves morales et oui, on ne peut que les approuver ; cependant, la morale est-elle encore, aujourd’hui, un élément accepté dans les réflexions de ce côté du rideau de fer ?

      Factuellement, Israël et l’Occident démontrent que la violence est plus qu’un moyen, qu’elle est la fin, et que tout le reste n’a pas d’importance.

      La résistance, en face, existe, et le fait que parmi le million et demi de palestiniens à Gaza, il en reste qui résistent, démontre que cette violence n’a pas (totalement) atteint l’objectif attendu.

      A vrai dire, la violence ne suffit jamais. Et l’Occident est en faillite totale de ce point de vue. Le « grand sud » en a ras l’bol. Parce que, comme tu le cites, l’Irak, la Syrie, la Libye, etc.

    • Ça n’est pas « moral », je pense même au contraire que c’est un point de vue beaucoup plus cynique que l’espoir revendiqué de cet article. Ma « réserve », c’est de dire que le génocide à Gaza est largement accompli. De ce fait, que le Hamas continue de combattre relève de l’anecdote, pas de l’espoir.

      Comme tu dis : la violence est la fin (j’ajouterais : ainsi que sa mise en scène, qui est vitale pour Israël, dans une logique fasciste à l’intérieur, terroriste à l’extérieur). De ce fait, il n’y a pas vraiment d’échec dans la politique américano-israélienne dans la région. Il y a des contretemps (le régime syrien n’a pas été renversé, mais on a un régime neutralisé qui règne partiellement sur un territoire dévasté ; oui le Hezbollah est toujours très fort, mais n’a aucun moyen d’éviter une destruction massive du Liban par Israël), mais si la violence impériale est bien la fin, alors c’est plutôt un franc succès, surtout que ça fait des décennies que ça a commencé et que ça continue de façon quasi ininterrompue.

      [Et Kamala Harris vient de rendre hommage à Dick Cheney.]

      Je vois vraiment régulièrement de ces messages qui me font cette impression : les milliers de palestiniens ensevelis dans des fosses communes seraient en train de gagner la guerre parce qu’ils donnent une mauvaise image d’Israël.

    • Relire Papé (texte du 1 er février 2024)

      Oui, au début, l’équilibre des forces est du côté de l’élimination et non des victimes de l’élimination, mais l’équilibre des forces n’est pas seulement local, il est régional et international, et plus les politiques d’élimination sont oppressives (c’est terrible à dire mais c’est vrai), moins elles peuvent être couvertes comme une « réponse » ou des « représailles » et plus elles sont perçues comme une politique de génocide brutal. Il est donc moins probable que l’immunité dont jouit Israël aujourd’hui se poursuive à l’avenir.

      Je pense donc qu’en ce moment très sombre, ce que nous vivons – et c’est un moment sombre parce que l’élimination des Palestinien.nes est passée à un niveau supérieur – est sans précédent. En termes de discours employé par Israël, d’intensité et d’objectif des politiques d’élimination, il n’y a pas eu une telle période auparavant dans l’histoire, c’est une nouvelle phase de la brutalité contre les Palestinien.nes. Même la Nakba, qui a été une catastrophe inimaginable, n’est pas comparable à ce que nous voyons aujourd’hui et à ce que nous allons voir dans les prochains mois. Je pense que nous sommes dans les trois premiers mois d’une période de deux ans qui verra les pires horreurs qu’Israël puisse infliger aux Palestiniens.

      Mais même dans ce moment sombre, nous devrions comprendre que les projets coloniaux qui se désintègrent utilisent toujours les pires moyens pour tenter de sauver leur projet. C’est ce qui s’est passé en Afrique du Sud et au Sud-Vietnam. Je ne dis pas cela comme un vœu pieux, ni comme un activiste politique : je le dis en tant que spécialiste d’Israël et de la Palestine, avec toute la confiance que m’inspirent mes qualifications scientifiques. Sur la base d’un examen professionnel sérieux, j’affirme que nous assistons à la fin du projet sioniste, cela ne fait aucun doute.

      Ce projet historique est arrivé à son terme et c’est un terme violent – de tels projets s’effondrent généralement de manière violente. C’est donc un moment très dangereux pour les victimes de ce projet, et les victimes sont toujours les Palestinien.nes ainsi que les Juif.ve.s, parce que les Juif.ve.s sont également victimes du sionisme. Ainsi, le processus d’effondrement n’est pas seulement un moment d’espoir, c’est aussi l’aube qui se lève après l’obscurité, c’est la lumière au bout du tunnel.


    • Il dit bien les choses Ilan. Les occidentaux prennent le bateau avec les sionistes. Nous ne sommes pas face à un empire de 1000 planètes, qui pourrait se permettre d’en éliminer 200 pour régner sans partage sur les 800 autres. La Terre est un espace fini. Et il n’est pas possible, à force de s’isoler comme l’Occident le fait (les sanctions qui se transforment en auto-sanctions), que celui-ci puisse conserver son pouvoir de nuisance. Je le dis dans mon premier message, le retour de balancier est en cours, et je nous plains.

      Dans le même ordre d’idée, chez nous, par exemple, on met au pouvoir des crétins d’une méchanceté consternante, voir ce que Retailleau se permet de déblatérer ces jours-ci. On a aussi Frontex qui négocie des camps avec la Tunisie, gouvernée par un cloporte anti-démocratique. Et on a le FMI qui est tout heureux de retrouver un interlocuteur fiable, en la personne de Milei qui détruit la société argentine à la tronçonneuse.

      Ces victoires occidentales le sont au prix d’une révélation/d’une apocalypse parfaitement explicite : ils sont prêts à tout pour garder le pouvoir, et s’ils ne le peuvent pas, ils crameront ce qu’ils ne peuvent pas conserver.

      Tu relis Poutine différemment, après ce genre de révélation. Sans provocation aucune :-)

  • Younis Tirawi | يونس sur X : "🧵1/19 / X

    In an unprecedented & biggest investigation into war crimes in Gaza, we expose the elite & secretive IDF #sniper team, the Ghost Unit “Refaim” & their brutal executions of unarmed civilians

    Soldiers from Paris, Munich, Illinois, Brussel, Johannesburg, Italy->



  • Australia billionaire Andrew Forrest donates $10m for Gaza aid – Middle East Monitor

    Ca ne ressuscitera pas les morts mais ça réparera un peu quelques survivants...

    Australian billionaire, Andrew Forrest, announced an additional $10 million donation on Friday through his Minderoo Foundation to support urgent humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza, Anadolu Agency reports.

    With this latest contribution, Forrest and his wife, Nicola Forrest, have increased their Foundation’s total aid to almost $28 million, focusing on partners delivering critical meals to those facing famine.

    Of the new funds, $5 million will go to World Central Kitchen to fund over 1.5 million meals in Gaza. An additional $5 million will be allocated to the UN World Food Program (WFP), which is providing food assistance in the region.