Cosplayer Spotlight - Emissary of Wind - Cosplay Ideas
Cosplayer Spotlight - Emissary of Wind - Cosplay Ideas
Ink Cartridges Are A Scam - YouTube
Printer companies are ripping us off, and it’s high time we did something about it. Join me in starting the revolution.
The Miniaturist
Amsterdam, 1686. Nella Oortman épouse un riche marchand dans l’espoir de trouver amour et prospérité. A seulement 18 ans, la jeune femme découvre un monde peuplé de sombres secrets et de mystères qui lui font craindre pour sa vie.
Hier j’ai regardé cette mini-série que j’ai bien apprécié. Une ambiance à la Vermeer, très agréable à l’œil. L’histoire contiens un message progressiste et elle est plutot bien conduite.
Ca pourrait te plaire @jasmine rapport à des très beaux costumes et un scenario interessant.
Pas vu, je vais essayer de trouver.
Ça fait penser au film La Jeune Fille à la perle, 2003, avec Scarlett Johansson et Colin Firth (lequel interprète Vermeer himself). Mais je dois avouer que je n’ai pas grand souvenir de ce film.
Oooh, le morphing finale entre Scarlett et le tableau, c’est trop mignon ! :-))
Je l’ai bien aimé la jeune fille à la perle. Par rapport à l’ambiance il y aussi la ronde de nuit de Peter greenaway qui est super mais c’est plus Vermeer mais Rembrandt.
Le Faust de Sokorov est très beau aussi pour ce travail de lumière (et c’est une superbe film)
Assez proche mais plus gothique il y a aussi Le bébé de Macon - Peter Greenaway - qu’on trouve en entier sur youtube en ce moment mais dans une qualité qui le dégrade beaucoup trop
« Meurtre dans un jardin Anglais », toujours de Greenaway éclairé à la bougie me fait pensé à mentionné Barry Lyndon de Kubrick dans la collection
Inspiré de Bruegel - Le moulin et la croix
Plus modeste il y a un petit film d’horreur français (mais tourné en anglais) Horsehead qui contiens des scènes inspirées de Füssli
Ultrafast 3D Printing Alternative Makes Complete 3D Objects in Seconds
A new technique can now fabricate entire 3D shapes in seconds using holographic light fields.
Slashed Beauty: On Female Masks in The Skin I Live In, Eyes Without a Face, and Under the Skin | Bright Wall/Dark Room
U.S. House unanimously approves sweeping self-driving car measure
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House on Wednesday unanimously approved a sweeping proposal to speed the deployment of self-driving cars without human controls by putting federal regulators in the driver’s seat and barring states from blocking autonomous vehicles.
John Jennette - Because compiling data is a thing that I do...
New report counts 100,000 homeless students in New York City public schools - World Socialist Web Site
The total of homeless students, defined by the report as those living in shelters or doubled up with friends and family, but also including some living in motels and even a few in family cars, is approximately 100,000, more than 9 percent of the total in the city’s public schools for the 2015-2016 school year. When the numbers who are not currently homeless but have experienced homelessness in the past six years are included, the total rises to 140,000. The report points out that this is equal to the population of Syracuse, the fourth-largest city in New York State.
Did I Just Watch An Ad? How YouTubers Like Zoella Capitalize On The Self-Care Movement
As popular YouTubers like Zoella and Ingrid Nilsen expand into mental health videos, it’s increasingly difficult to tell whether we’re watching a video diary or an ad.
Emissary of Wind – Cosplay Feature
Jasmine was kind enough to do an interview with us, and some great words of wisdom and resources were forthcoming too. A huge thank you to the wonderful Jasmine and for letting us share her stylish work.
’Persona 5’ Can’t Champion Marginalized Underdogs Without Queer Characters - Waypoint
Atlus created a cast with outsider status and insider privileges.
When marginalized outsiders come together, they can confront their powerful, privileged antagonists and change society for the better. At least, that’s the point that Persona 5 is trying to make: These non-conformist high school outsiders—known as the Phantom Thieves—strike back against the shitty people in power, get justice against abusers, and change the world.
But just how representative of marginalized youth and teenage outcasts can Persona 5 really be, when the cast excludes queer characters altogether? It’s an erasure that’s difficult to reconcile with the game’s ostensibly empowering contemporary message.
Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming - Polygon
#valve #steam #jeux_vidéo
Therapists Are Using Dungeons & Dragons To Get Kids To Open Up
Adam Davis, co-founder of the Dungeons & Dragons therapy group Wheelhouse Workshop, thinks kids with social issues aren’t being asked the right questions. In a dreary school counselor’s office, it can be hard to engage with “Why aren’t you doing your homework?” and “Have you tried joining clubs?” For Davis, more fruitful lines of inquiry start with “Who has the axe? Is it two-handed? What specialty of wizard to you want to be?”
Edgar Simo-Serra - Sketch Simplification
We present a novel technique to simplify sketch drawings based on learning a series of convolution operators.
#image #tracing #machine-learning #esquisses #dessin #numérisation
Barbie Electronic Typewriter Toys Contains MASC Cryptographic Capabilities #crypto
If you stumble upon several Barbie-branded typewriters in the wild, you may want to snatch them up. With two or more you will be able to use capabilities built into these toys for sending and receiving cryptographic texts. The Crypto Museum have a full write-up on the suitable models and their “4 built-in cipher modes.” But the story doesn’t stop there – there’s more, as tipped off by a FBI informant!
repéré il y a 15 jours par @archiloque
Hurstwic: Clothing in the Viking Age
As with many aspects of Viking-age material culture, our knowledge of Viking-era clothing is fragmentary. The Viking people left few images and little in the way of written descriptions of their garments. Archaeological evidence is limited and spotty. Thus, different scholars examining the evidence come to different conclusions. What is presented in this article represents only a range of possible interpretations.
Video Game Foliage : un tumblr sur le feuillage dans les jeux vidéos
Dwarf Fortress will crush your CPU because creating history is hard | Polygon
In the beginning, when you first install the game, there is nothing.
Then, at the push of a button a complex fractal generator divides the oceans from the land and calls into existence an area about twice the size of New Jersey.
The software then throws it out, and keeps generating 16,000 square mile chunks of real estate, each one 250 miles thick, until it gets the right distribution of elevations. Adams is looking for just the right amount of high points and low points to make the place interesting.
But this is just the shape of things. Adams has, over the years, developed an intricate process to simulate eons of complex geologic time, a way of stacking fractal layers and blending them with algorithms to give life to each world.
The first layer plots the annual rainfall of each map location. Then a separate fractal simulates the deposition of mineral elements throughout the underground strata, giving the land itself a kind of texture. A temperature fractal is generated and rough biomes emerge as contiguous tiles on the map that contain a subset of closely related flora and fauna.
The order here is important, because in the next step — drainage — Dwarf Fortress begins to simulate the complex forces of erosion. Only after the biomes have been created can the rivers run, slashing deep valleys as they flow toward unnamed oceans. When they finally meet the sea a salinity algorithm kicks in to define the areas for swampy river deltas, alluvial islands and mangrove swamps.
At one time, Dwarf Fortress’ natural world stopped forming here, but Adams has added something in recent years to give each one a little something extra.
In his research for the game Adams learned that in the real world when warm, wet air travels up the side of a mountain it loses moisture. Rain precipitates out creating areas like rain forests and snow capped peaks. On the other side of the mountain deserts form in areas that are called “rain shadows.”
So Adams built a custom algorithm that simulates rain shadows in Dwarf Fortress, and if you watch carefully you can see it.
The whole map will shudder and shift, just for a moment. All the biomes suddenly snap, a dramatic shift from east to west. Some shrink, others expand. Deserts appear out of nowhere. That’s the rain shadows kicking in.
The land was called Teyo Quico in elvish. It means “The World of Cyclones.”
Born into this world, in the year 89, was a dwarf named Sazir Stockadebolt. When she was just one year old she was abducted from her people, who were called The Ancient Spears, by a crazed dwarf woman.
She was brought to live in the dark fortress called Dangleplague. There she was raised in the company of goblins.
When she was 12 years old she was married to Onol Minedclapped, another dwarf who had been abducted and forced to live in Dangleplague. But just two years later, Minedclapped was murdered by the dwarf Ber Toursink.
The horrible crime pushed Stockadebolt over the edge of madness. She joined the goblin hordes, trained as a sword fighter, and joined them when they marched into battle.
The War of Ignition was fought over eight long years, ending in 149 in a cataclysmic battle against her own race.
Together she and her goblin brothers killed every single member a dwarf people known as The Earth of Infamy. After that campaign Stockadebolt was promoted to be the general of the goblin army. Her faction became known as The Maroon Nightmares.
After The War of Ignition, Stockadebolt journeyed to the depths of the world where she tamed a cave dragon, a beast which she rode into every subsequent battle she fought. Her victories include The War of Ignition, The Conflict of Growling and finally The Siege of Cuts.
In 195 she was murdered, like her husband before her, by her own kind; a dwarf by the name of Urdim Passoars. She was 106.
But her story lives on. Along with 57,283 other historical figures, all of whom have similar stories to share.
In the future, Adams hopes to add plate tectonics. When he does entire regions of the map will be able to cleave against each other to create fissures, or smash into and over each other to become mountains.
“If we had land going up and down,” Adams says with a sigh, “maybe none of this would be necessary.”
By this point in world generation the game is using something like half of a modern quad-core computer’s total CPU power. It will hold there while it begins to spool up the maximum allowable amount of RAM that the game engine’s 32-bit software will allow. And it’s just getting started.
After the map has been locked into place, the game assigns a kind of energy to each region, ranging from good to evil on a scale of one to 20. It then uses the positive and negative energy of each area to generate place names — The Ocean of Muting sit along the edge of The Jungles of Mire near the Ivory Hills — and on and on creating hundreds of uniquely named regions.
But these are just the names as translated for the player. Adams says that each area of the map has been named by one of four cultures. Human, dwarven, elvish and goblin languages are actually programmed into the game.
Eventually, he hopes that the game will be able to procedurally generate languages as part of world creation, but for now it’s working off very large lists of words.
“There are evil words and good words in each language,” Adams says. “It chooses names based on those. The dwarf language will be used to name things that have more artifice, and the elf language will be used to name things that are more natural, and wild things and so on.”
And it’s not done yet.
“Then it places all the little features,” Adams says, “like the caves and monsters and the starting points of civilizations. And after that it gets significantly more complicated.”
The world’s history begins to play out, a week at a time, for 250 years.
Towns grow and flourish, only to expand into the wild and and conflict with their neighbors. Leaders rise to create dynasties, which then fall into ruin. And you can watch it all happen before your eyes; hundreds of thousands of creatures live and die in seconds as little more than flickering ASCII shapes.
“They have their farms that all go on this yearly cycle and give them actual food numbers,” Adams says. “When you see a city shrink down in size, the people have either moved away or they ran out of food. Every object that is made is tracked.”
It’s this kind of detail that gives Dwarf Fortress an impossible richness.
For instance, when you travel to certain cities in the game and speak to a merchant they might tell you that their leather caps are made in an elvish city half a world away. And it will be true. They really were made there, during world creation, and traveled to this market for you to buy before you even started playing.
Wow ya des mods / visualiseurs qui permettent de naviguer en 3D isométrique ! Ça donne carrément plus envie !
Du coup ça combien la puissance du rogue-like infini (en nombre) et immense (en taille) avec des graphismes largement corrects.
Ça me donnerait presque envie de rejouer ! :D
@rastapopoulos perso j’ai lu le livre « Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress » ça donne une idée de la complexité du jeu, c’était intéressant mais tellement riche que ça m’a dissuadé d’y jouer
Moi à chaque fois que j’essaye de rejouer à un jeu vidéo, même si je suis enthousiasmé au départ, je finis par arrêter au bout de 30min… Tellement d’autres choses à faire et si peu de temps…
(Du coup je fais juste des courses de SuperTuxKart :D)
Extrait de discussion sur le sujet, sur un forum :
Y a une limite au nombre d’animaux de compagnie que peut avoir un nain ? Parce que j’ai un Pêcheur légendaire qui est arrivé avec la première vague d’immigrants avec un poulet de compagnie et qui a décidé d’adopter les deux dingos géants disponibles... après vérification dans ses caractéristiques, il semblerait qu’il soit fan des dingos géants. Il en a donc pour le moment 2 plus son poulet mais je me demandais : si j’achète/capture 4-5 dingos géants... il les adoptera tous ? Parce que si ça continue, il va avoir une sacrée escorte quand il ira pêcher... ce qui pourrait être intéressant pour le défendre en cas de problème (les deux déjà là ont fait fuir pas mal de voleurs kobolds et poussé des gobelins dans mes pièges)
Amalgamma develops 3D-printed concrete for building
A group of students from the Bartlett School of Architecture has developed a method of 3D printing concrete to create structural elements and large furniture pieces.
Levi’s 501s and the Heroin Trade - The Atlantic
A new book documents how the demand for the iconic pants among Mexican dealers kept them selling drugs.
Angoulême 2016 et sa bourde sexiste | Diglee
Un article en #bande_dessinée sur la sélection très masculine du Grand Prix du festival d’#Angoulême
Bonjour bonsoir,
Comme promis, nous sommes le 6 janvier, et voici le premier chapitre de Brainwashing, d’une courte durée et sans prétention (malgré les apparences).
S’il y a quelque-chose à savoir à propos de ce film, c’est qu’il a été écrit peut-être une semaine avant son tournage... et qu’il est resté bien au chaud enfoui dans mes disques durs jusqu’à aujourd’hui, soit près d’un an et demi plus tard.
Merci à la Wish Association et Flavien Denis pour le fond vert, et merci aux acteurs et musiciens qui ont participé !
Aux Nations Unies, qui vote avec qui ?
Après l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, l’analyse des résolutions sur le désarmement et la sécurité internationale permet, en regardant qui vote avec qui, de mettre en évidence des coalitions de fait et les principaux clivages.
par Philippe Rivière @fil
#nations_unies #désarmement #armement_nucléaire #visualisation
et les données : ►
Waouh, c’est super, même si ce n’est pas fini, c’est déjà un beau résultat de votre travail !
J’aurais pas pensé à faire une ACP (plutôt une AFCM) mais le rendu est vachement bien
Dans l’absolu ça fait mieux apparaître les liens non-linéaires, mais dans ce cas concret s’il n’y a que 4 valeurs numériques (correspondant à Y, N, A et X) intuitivement je dirais que ça ne changerait pas grand chose.
(ça va venir, c’est le pb quand il n’y a pas d’échéance)
Ça ne devrait en effet pas être très différent (au choix de codage près (gné, gné, gné (ricanement sardonique à mon intention)).
Et pour l’ACP, serait-il possible d’avoir les parts d’inertie expliquée (dans le plan 1-2, p. ex.) et de jeter un œil sur le cercle des corrélations (pour interpréter les axes) ?
Mon code est ci-dessous, si tu veux regarder les poids que j’ai affectés à chaque lettre (fonction parseVote()
), et l’algo de répartition des pays après l’ACP (car l’ACP de base laisse tous les pays du bloc ➊ les uns sur les autres)
L’ACP elle-même est faite par un script PCA.js relativement lisible, mais qui ne donne pas nativement tous les éléments d’analyse qu’on pourrait souhaiter. À partir de là, soit on bidouille ce script pour qu’il nous donne ce qu’on veut, soit on reporte les poids et les données dans un logiciel d’ACP plus sympa.