The e-mail messenger - Delta Chat
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Our intercessor – Forthright Magazine
Within his first letter, John sought to encourage his readers to remain with the original message they had received. He also strove to provide some guidelines enabling them to sort between reliable teachers and false ones. At the outset of pursuing these goals, John underscored some of Jesus’ impact upon our lives.
Inheritance – Forthright Magazine
Though anthropomorphized (that is, to ascribe to God relatable human traits for the purpose of comprehension), the Bible states or implies many “conversations” between those three we know as Father, Son and Spirit.
Hurts to spend time – Randal
Hurts to spend time figuring something out to fix a problem. But you learn.
The reading of the will – Forthright Magazine
Few events exceed in drama and anticipation the reading of the last will and testament of a prominent and prosperous person.
Jon G. in Glasgow UK: Making the most of a difficult situation – Forthright Magazine
I don’t know about you but such an arrangement seems dreadful to me.
204 - Gloria a Deus lá nos céus, e paz na terra aos seus (Glória) - YouTube
204 - Gloria a Deus lá nos céus, e paz na terra aos seus (Glória)
Common Praise (1998) page 343 |
Text: O Thou Whose Power
Author: Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (475?-525)
Translator: Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Tune: SONG 4
Composer: Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Why do we need an ebook alternative to Goodreads?
Giving readers more choice of where to record their libraries, whether ebooks or print, will increase competition and raise the bar for what readers expect to get for their money and time.
Who gets named in the story? | Forthright Fellowship Room
The shape of the hand – Forthright Magazine
The Christian’s 8 attitudes for an unjust society
How should the saints of God act in this moment? They should carry on as usual, but the following points may be helpful.
#essays #equality #justice #respect #responsibility #righteousness
Take #responsibility for yourself
Seven suggestions help navigate the sensitive moment we’re going through.
What it means to be rich and what to do about it – Forthright Magazine
Give thanks – Forthright Magazine
When I first began traveling to Nepal almost 30 years ago I was told that, until recently, there had been no word for thank you in their language.
Seven not-so-shallow lessons from the lockdown, so far – Walking with God
Seven not-so-shallow #lessons from the #lockdown, so far
Is there anything we can learn from this experience? I’ve come up with seven, so far.
Gods all too human – Forthright Magazine
Living under such gods, however, is hard. One never knows what they want, what to expect next, what to do to please them.
If one God created us all – Forthright Magazine
The prophet Malachi uses a series of three questions to accuse the people of Israel of breaking their covenant with God. The first two are rhetorical questions, that is, the answers are obvious.
A shame this site never caught on for English speakers. I like it.
Exortação de mãe – Deus Conosco
Neste texto é a primeira vez que o grupo de palavras: exortar/exortação, ocorre na Bíblia, na Nova Versão Internacional. No entanto, por trás da palavra, literalmente, é o termo: profecia, que significa oráculo, aqui, no sentido de um conselho piedoso e não necessariamente inspirado por Deus. Uso semelhante é Provérbios 30.1.