• EU should give more funds to peace, not subsidise the arms industry

    Un article de l’ENAAT (European network against arms trade), dont l’Observatoire des armements est le membre français

    After several years of persistent and discreet work, in particular from arms industry lobby groups such as ASD, and with the support of some Member States and MEPs, the EU is only a few steps away from starting to subsidise research for arms production using European public money.

    A Preparatory Action (PA) on Defence research written by an advisory ‘Group of Personalities’, more than half of them industry representatives, is included in the 2017 draft Budget. The arms industry is advising the EU to subsidise the arms industry. And this is just the beginning, as their long-term objective is to set-up a fully-fledged European Defence Research Programme worth of €3.5 billion over 2021-2027. Such project raises a good number of concerns for civil society organisations beyond ENAAT members


  • EU should give more funds to peace, not subsidise the arms industry

    Un article de l’ENAAT (European network against arms trade), dont l’Observatoire des armements est le membre français

    After several years of persistent and discreet work, in particular from arms industry lobby groups such as ASD, and with the support of some Member States and MEPs, the EU is only a few steps away from starting to subsidise research for arms production using European public money.

    A Preparatory Action (PA) on Defence research written by an advisory ‘Group of Personalities’, more than half of them industry representatives, is included in the 2017 draft Budget. The arms industry is advising the EU to subsidise the arms industry. And this is just the beginning, as their long-term objective is to set-up a fully-fledged European Defence Research Programme worth of €3.5 billion over 2021-2027. Such project raises a good number of concerns for civil society organisations beyond ENAAT members
