The Armenian Diaspora and its future


  • The Armenian Diaspora and its future | Agos

    There is a growing pessimism towards the future of the Armenian Diaspora. “It has no future,” we often hear. “The Armenian can not survive away from his homeland,” is often repeated. “We will finally be assimilated” is the conclusion. The answer suggested is that the Diaspora “returns” to their homeland, to Armenia. Or else, they will be assimilated.

    The large Armenian Diaspora is passing through radical transformation, and is facing unprecedented challenges. The demographic weight of the Diaspora is moving away from the traditional Middle East countries where Genocide survivors created new communities in the 1920s. Instability and lack of security in Egypt in the 1950s, Lebanon during the war 1975-1990, the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979, Iraq’s long wars under Saddam Hussein. The same is happening now in Syria where the Armenian districts of Aleppo and the Armenian town of Kessab turned into battlefields.

    #arménie #diaspora