• Dans le cadre du Colloquium d’informatique spécial Doctor Honoris Causa de l’UPMC Sorbonne Universités [http://www.lip6.fr/colloquium/] intitulé :

    “What Makes Digital Inclusion Good Or Bad?”
    Richard Stallman de la Gnu fondation.

    L’exposé aura lieu :
    Mardi 11 octobre à 17h30
    Amphi 44

    Un cocktail est prévu à 16h45 en prélude à la conférence.


    There are many threats to freedom in the digital society. They include massive surveillance, censorship, digital handcuffs,
    nonfree software that controls users, and the War on Sharing. Computers for voting make election results untrustworthy.
    Other threats come from use of web services. Finally, we have no assured right to make any particular use of the Internet;
    every activity is precarious, permitted only as long as companies are willing to cooperate with our doing it.