A Palestinian Response to Troubling Discourse on Syria


  • On The Allies We’re Not Proud Of : A Palestinian Response to Troubling Discourse on Syria


    Mise au point de Palestiniens au sujet du soutien de certains de leurs alliés à Bachar el Assad.

    The Syrian revolution was in fact a natural response to 40 years of authoritarian rule. The Assad regime, with the support of its foreign financial and military backers, is attempting to preserve its power at the expense of the millions of Syrians whom the regime has exiled, imprisoned, and massacred. We believe that minimizing this context in any discussion of Syria dismisses the value of Syrian self-determination and undermines the legitimacy of their uprising.

    We also believe that an important consequence of all foreign interventions, including those purportedly done on behalf of the uprising, has been the setback of the original demands of revolution. The revolution is a victim, not a product, of these interventions. It is imperative for any analysis of Syria to recognize this fundamental premise. We cannot erase the agency of Syrians struggling for liberation, no matter how many players are actively working against them.

    #syrie #palestine #bachar_al-assad