Hamas blames Abbas in stalemate over PLO reform


  • Hamas blames Abbas in stalemate over PLO reform

    Among the PLO’s decisions that have yet to be implemented is the 2015 Central Committee decision to end the security coordination with Israel, which it accused of ignoring agreements signed with the PA such as the 1994 Paris Protocol. However, this decision was never put into effect.

    For his part, political analyst Hassan Abdo confirmed that the reform of the PLO is not a demand by Hamas alone, but shared by most Palestinian political forces such as the Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This, he said, is because the PLO does not reflect the real policies and ambitions of the political forces.

    Abdo told Al-Monitor, “The reform of the PLO means turning it from an institution of individual decisions into an institution that is based on political partnership. This explains why Abbas refuses to activate the PLO’s Temporary Leadership Framework that paves the way for a reform process.”

    Mudallal agrees with Abdo on this point, saying, “Abbas fears that Hamas will pull the rug from under his feet within the organization and thus threaten his monopoly over Palestinian political decisions.”

    He added, “Abbas is also concerned about Hamas’ presence inside the PLO, which would allow it to participate in the elections of the PNC — which is in charge of drafting the policies and programs of the PLO — and to reverse some of the PLO’s policies, mainly ending its recognition of the State of Israel.”

    However, Abu Youssef ruled out the possibility that Hamas will reverse the PLO’s policies even if it obtains seats within the PNC. He explained, “No faction alone can rule the PLO since it is an organization that includes representatives of all factions that are part of it. The decisions of the PLO are subject to the vote of the representatives of these factions, and are not made by one faction alone.”

    Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/11/palestinian-liberation-organization-hamas-abbas-reform.html#ixzz4Qdlkty0