UN admits for first time that peacekeepers brought cholera to Haiti | Global development | The Guardian
In a 16-page report released on Thursday setting out what is being billed as a new approach to fighting cholera in Haiti, the UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, cites expert opinion about the cause of the deadly outbreak. It found that “the preponderance of the evidence does lead to the conclusion that personnel associated with the [UN’s peacekeeping] facility were the most likely source”.
Despite the presentation of the speech as a historic “apology”, it remained carefully worded in order to meet the tight limitations imposed by the UN’s legal position. Since cholera erupted in Haiti in September 2010, the UN has insisted that it is legally immune from any claims for compensation from those who were sickened or from the families of those who died.
The official death toll now stands at 9,200 people, but studies have suggested that if under-reporting is taken into account the real figure may be more than three times that number.