
  • Ecovillages : why they rise above just being eco ?

    Intéressant cette association entre #permaculture et vie communautaire autour d’#écovillages. On retrouve cette volonté de vie communautaire autour du mouvement de l’agroécologie (avec les Oasis en tout lieux par exemple).

    Contrary to popular belief, competition is not the most important factor for the evolution of humans, but rather cooperation. For most of history, people did not live in isolated #family units as they do nowadays – for centuries they gathered in #communities for the very logical reason that cooperation is key to our survival. As intentional communities, ecovillages exemplify this age-old wisdom of mutually cooperative existence. Their raison d’être goes beyond the constraints of simple ecological existence , as they ask such questions as: “How can we become more humane ? How can we find solidarity in the market-driven world of competitiveness ? Compassion in the capitalist rat race ?”

    Ecovillages rest upon the #permaculture ethics of earth care, people care and fair share. They embody a blend of 4 dimensions of sustainability: #social, cultural, economic and ecological. All 4 dimensions must be addressed in a holistic manner so as to attain sustainability. Mutual aid and cooperation pervade the #ethics of permaculture and are therefore inextricably interwoven into the very fabric of ecovillages.


    #gen (Global Ecovillage Network)
    @nicolasm @monolecte