White supremacist website calls for action in Montana | Montana & Regional


  • White supremacist website calls for action in Montana
    "A white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer http://www.dailystormer.com/section/jewish-problem has posted a call to “TAKE ACTION” against Jewish people in Whitefish, providing personal contact information and urging a “troll storm” against them.

    The story claims the “vicious, evil race” has harmed the Whitefish business of Richard Spencer’s mother. It quotes a story from the British newspaper Daily Mail that said Sherry Spencer “said she is being forced to sell a building she owns in the small town because residents are rebelling against her son.”

    The site posted phone numbers, email addresses, and Twitter handles for the Whitefish residents it alleges are harassing Sherry Spencer, along with a disclaimer that it opposes violence.

    Richard Spencer is president and director of the National Policy Institute, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as a hate group. The institute is “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”"

    En ce moment je vois passer pas mal de choses de cathos intégristes et de royalistes, ce sont un peu les memes. Aurant le fn axe sur l’islam qu’eux font un saut en arrière assez terrifiant. C’est la première fois hors livre que je lis le mot “youpin” assortit de menaces.
