Tech companies : It’s time to unite in defense of users.


  • Tech companies: It’s time to unite in defense of users. | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Incoming President Donald Trump and many of his advisors have promised to ratchet up surveillance and censorship, while threatening the future of net neutrality, privacy, and encryption. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is calling on technology companies to unite with us in defending Internet users. By working together, we can ensure that technology created to connect and uplift people worldwide is not conscripted into a tool of oppression.

    Secure the network

    Learn how you can secure your systems against this new threat.

    Best practices for deleting unnecessary user data and encrypting -communications.
    EFF’s wishlist for how specific tech companies can take steps to protect users.
    Suggestions for tech leaders meeting with Trump.
    A discussion of how tech companies can defend user rights through the court system.

    Are you taking steps to secure your users’ data? Tell EFF about it.

    Read EFF’s open letter to tech companies.