+972 Magazine | Independent commentary and news from Israel & Palestine


  • the killing of civilians was all calculated and intentional

    WOW, this might be THE most important piece of journalism on the war on Gaza since it began, by Israeli newspaper .


    Essentially they confirm, with unimpeachable sourcing, that the killing of civilians was all calculated and intentional.

    Their investigation is “based on conversations with seven current and former members of Israel’s intelligence community — including military intelligence and air force personnel who were involved in Israeli operations in the besieged Strip — in addition to Palestinian testimonies, data, and documentation from the Gaza Strip, and official statements by the IDF Spokesperson and other Israeli state institutions.”

    What the investigation reveals is that “the Israeli army has files on the vast majority of potential targets in Gaza — including homes — which stipulate the number of civilians who are likely to be killed in an attack on a particular target. This number is calculated and known in advance to the army’s intelligence units, who also know shortly before carrying out an attack roughly how many civilians are certain to be killed.”

    One source told them: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”

    Even more dystopian - and this might be a first in the history of warfare - a lot of the targets are identified by AI: for instance they “use of a system called ’Habsora’ (’The Gospel’), which is largely built on artificial intelligence and can ’generate’ targets almost automatically at a rate that far exceeds what was previously possible. This AI system, as described by a former intelligence officer, essentially facilitates a ’mass assassination factory.’ According to the sources, the increasing use of AI-based systems like Habsora allows the army to carry out strikes on residential homes where a single Hamas member lives on a massive scale, even those who are junior Hamas operatives.”

    I’m not going to copy the whole article here, you have to read this for yourself. IT IS INSANE. They’ve essentially been running, as the sources say, a “mass assassination factory” at a terrifying scale with massive and intended “collateral damage” (often the targets’ entire families, or even sometimes much of their neighborhood), alongside an objective to destroy much of Gaza to “create a shock”, all on a population that had nowhere to escape. It’ll likely remain in history books as one of the most depraved massacres in modern history.

    #crime_de_guerre #crime_de_masse

  • Remi Brulin sur Twitter : “A THREAD on a variety of obstacles (from the existence of military censorship in Israel, to self-censorship in the US media) that continue to make it near impossible to talk about Israeli state #crimes & Israeli terrorism, & thus continue to prevent accountability for such crimes” / Twitter

    For ex: Would Tom Friedman, who covered several car bombings in the 1980s (when he got his Pulitzer!) that Bergman revealed in 2018 were covertly conducted by Israel suddenly find these revelations newsworthy/ suddenly find the courage to write about this? https://t.co/WCAwWdYTAn" /

    I did a Thread about whether censorship & self-censorship may explain absolute silence of US media about these revelations. I am starting to think that no US media outlet will dare touch this topic UNTIL Bergman himself decides to write / talk about it ...https://t.co/bSrzv2mVE3"

    Note: I am still unclear as to whether Israeli journalists are allowed to write about these revelations, or if military censor ban is still in place. I assume that Bergman would be allowed to talk about this in public? Genuine Qs to those who know ISR censor system better than me

    In 2019 Israel’s military censor “barred full publication of over 200 articles & partially redacted another 2,000 stories.” https://972mag.com/idf-censor-israeli-media-2019… In 2020: 116 and 1,403. Were some of these stories about Bergman’s FLLF revelations? IMPOSSIBLE to know.

    But there is no censorship in the US: the US media has decided on its own NOT to cover these revelations, to treat them as not newsworthy. EVEN THOUGH publication in the US would enable Israeli citizens to gain access to that information & bypass the censor

    (Note: There may be have been Israeli media outlets that DID cover Bergman’s revelations & that I missed / am unaware of. If that is the case, let me know, send me links, I would of course be very interested in reading those!)

    Importantly, @rudoren acknowledged that US newspapers indeed have ways to circumvent the Israeli military censor in this piece from 2014. At the time, Rudoren was the NYT’s Bureau Chief in Jerusalem: https://nytimes.com/times-insider/2014/08/04/on-censors-and-gag-orders-in-israel

    In this piece @rudoren
    also writes about how journalists deal with “gag orders.” On “gag orders,” this piece by @Ha_Matar for
    @972 in 2016 is quite informative as well: https://972mag.com/gag-orders-in-israel-have-tripled-over-last-15-years

    I sent article to @jdforward
    about Bergman’s revelations in late 2019. @bungarsargon
    was editor & rejected it. I had exchange w/ @rudoren
    (who is the editor now) about US media’s silence about Bergman’s revelations here: https://twitter.com/RBrulin/status/1446839443105648647?s=20… & here: […]

    2 years ago I wrote about how military censor killed story by Yediot journos that would have revealed whole thing back in 1981! This story has been censored & covered up for 40 years. US journalists can help bring light to these crimes. OR continue to participate in the cover up

    Surely, there are countless Israeli citizens who DO want to know the truth about what their leaders (Dagan, Eitan, Ben-Gal, Sharon) did in the 1980s. Until they do, they CANNOT hope to hold these officials (& others?) accountable. US journalists: you can help make this happen!

    Not only is the US media remaining silent about an extraordinarily deadly #terrorist campaign conducted by senior Israeli officials
    It is also remaining silent about fact that the truth about this terrorist campaign was covered up through an act of censorship
    But that’s not all:

    If FLLF related stories remain censored in ISR (I do not know if that is the case: there is no way of knowing. what is clear is that Bergman’s revelations have NOT been mentioned in the Israeli media since 2018), then US media silence is REINFORCING this ongoing act of censorship

    Again I ask: US journalists: Do you want to continue to participate in covering up the truth about this #terrorist car bombing campaign OR do you want to be part of a movement that would enable Israeli citizens to learn about their government’s crimes & call for accountability?

    And of course, of course: US journalists could thus enable a movement that could bring justice to the VICTIMS of these #terrorist attacks, the hundreds of Palestinian & Lebanese civilians (& their families) killed & maimed by the FLLF’s (ie Israel’s) car bombs

    #terrorisme #sionisme #auto-censure #MSM #impunité #Liban #Palestine

  • En Allemagne, après s’être attaqué aux écrivains Khaled Barakat, Kamila Shamsie et Achille Mbembe, aux musiciens Talib Kweli et Nirit Sommerfeld, au directeur de musée Peter Schafer, aux militants Stavit Sinai, Ronnie Barkan, Majd Abusalama et au mouvement BDS en général (rappels ci dessous, en en remontant que jusqu’en 2019), voilà que l’ancienne ministre israélienne #Tsipi_Livni, poursuivie pour crimes de guerre pendant la guerre de Gaza en 2008-2009, reçoit un prix en Allemagne, et pas n’importe lequel, le Brückepreis, remis « à des individus qui ont dédié leur vie à la démocratie et à l’entente pacifique entre les peuples » !!!

    Une israélienne qui fuit des poursuites pour crimes de guerre reçoit un prix allemand de la paix
    Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, le 17 juin 2020

    #Palestine #Allemagne #israel #crimes_de_guerre #prix
    377 universitaires et artistes signent leur opposition à l’usage croissant en Allemagne de critères décisionnels de nature politique dans leur champ d’expertise
    le 11 mai 2020

    Une artiste israélienne mise en garde en Allemagne contre le soutien à BDS
    Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, le 4 octobre 2019

    Censure : Walid Raad se voit dénier le Prix Aachen pour ses opinions politiques
    Lunettes Rouges, Le Monde, le 2 octobre 2019

    German Museum Will Give Artist Walid Raad Prize Despite City’s Objection
    Hakim Bishara, Hyperallergic, le 2 octobre 2019

    Walid Raad Denied Art Prize for Refusing to Denounce BDS Movement
    E-Flux, le 1er octobre 2019

    250 auteurs avec Kamila Shamsie, privée d’un prix pour un soutien à la Palestine
    Camille Cado, Actualitté, le 24 septembre 2019

    Open Letter to the die Jury of the Nelly-Sachs-Prize
    Le 24 septembre 2019

    Dénoncer les exactions d’Israël peut coûter un prix littéraire en Allemagne
    Nicolas Gary, Actualitte, le 15 septembre 2019

    Talib Kweli explique pourquoi il a été désinvité du festival allemand Open source
    Steve Bramucci, Uproxx.com, le 9 juillet 2019

    Comment l’influence israélienne écrase la liberté d’expression en Allemagne
    Shir Hever, Middle East Eye, le 9 juillet 2019

    Barakat en appel contre l’interdiction que lui impose l’Allemagne
    Quds News Network (Berlin), le 6 juillet 2019

    Le retrait de Talib Kweli de la programmation du festival fait partie de la tendance à la censure anti-palestinienne
    Lettre ouverte de plus de 100 artistes et personnalités, dont Peter Gabriel, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Eve Ensler, Reem Kelani, Tariq Ali, Avi Mograbi, Eyal Sivan, Eyal Weizman, Danielle Alma Ravitzki, Aki Kaurismäki, Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, Brian Eno, Roger Waters, Robert Wyatt, Tom Morello, Thurston Moore, Boots Riley, Mark Ruffalo, Patrisse Cullors, Marc Lamont Hill, Ali Shaheed Muhammad du groupe A Tribe Called Quest, Ben UFO, The Black Madonna, The Guardian, le 2 juillet 2019

    L’écrivain et militant palestinien Khaled Barakat censuré et interdit de toute activité politique en Allemagne !
    Collectif Palestine Vaincra (Toulouse), le 23 juin 2019

    Appel à la solidarité avec l’écrivain palestinien Khaled Barakat
    Samidoun, le 27 juin 2019

    Germany puts BDS activists on trial for disrupting Israeli MK
    Oren Ziv, +972, le 11 mars 2019

  • The hypocrisy of Israel’s alliance with the Kurds
    By Sahar Vardi | Published October 18, 2019 | +972 Magazine

    Israel’s solidarity with the Kurds is duplicitous, not only because it also arms one of the Kurdish people’s biggest oppressors, but also because it supports their independence while denying millions of Palestinians that same right.

    Messages of solidarity and support for the Kurdish people have dominated Israeli discourse since Turkey’s invasion of Rojava in northern Syria last week. A day after Turkey launched its attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on Twitter: “Israel strongly condemns the Turkish invasion of the Kurdish areas in Syria and warns against the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds by Turkey and its proxies. Israel is prepared to extend humanitarian assistance to the gallant Kurdish people.”


  • Judge fines petitioners for challenging Israel’s arms sales to Philippines By Orly Noy |Published October 17, 2019 | +972 Magazine

    A judge imposes a fine on petitioners who brought suit against the government in an attempt to end its arms exports to the Philippines, sending a clear message to those protesting Israel’s complicity with some of the world’s most repressive regimes. (...)


    • Une juge condamne à une amende des plaignants qui contestaient les ventes d’armes d’Israël aux Philippines
      Par Orly Noy | publié le 17 octobre 2019 | Trad. CG pour l’Agence Media-Palestine | Source : +972 [ci-dessus]

      Une juge impose une amende à des plaignants qui intentaient un procès au gouvernement pour tenter de mettre fin à ses exportations d’armes vers les Philippines, envoyant un message clair à ceux qui protestent contre la complicité d’Israël avec certains des régimes les plus répressifs du monde.

      La juge Gilia Ravid du tribunal du district de Tel Aviv a rendu jeudi une décision sur la requête déposée par l’avocat des droits humains Eitay Mack au nom de plus de 50 militants des droits humains, qui réclamaient qu’Israël cesse ses exportations d’armes vers les Philippines. Comme il est usuel dans des requêtes de ce genre, l’audition a eu lieu à huis clos et la décision elle-même a été soumise à embargo. Cependant, dans un geste inhabituel, la juge a imposé aux requérants le paiement de 10000 shekels (environ 2500 euros) pour frais juridiques — la seule partie de la décision autorisée à être rendue publique.

      En réponse à la requête de l’état, l’audition s’est tenu à huis clos « pour empêcher toute atteinte à la sécurité de l’état et aux relations étrangères ». Même si c’est la norme pour de tels procès, on ne peut s’empêcher de s’interroger sur le motif sous-jacent et l’efficacité d’une telle exigence, puisque la majeure partie des preuves fournies par les requérants étaient déjà dans le domaine public et avaient été discutées par les médias, tant israéliens qu’internationaux. (...)

  • Plus de 100 universitaires juives et juifs accusent l’administration Trump d’instrumentaliser l’antisémitisme

    Over 100 Jewish scholars condemn Trump admin for exploiting anti-Semitism
    More than 100 Jewish academics sign open letter demanding the Trump administration stop exploiting anti-Semitism in order to quash criticism of Israel on college campuses.
    Jewish academics are fighting back against the Trump administration’s attempts to silence criticism of Israel on college campuses. More than 100 Jewish scholars have signed an open letter to the U.S. Department of Education in response to its demand that the Duke-University of North Carolina Consortium for Middle East Studies modify its curricular programming or face defunding.


    #antisémitisme #manipulation #Israël #Trump #USA #université

  • How Israel helped whitewash Indonesia’s anti-leftist massacres | +972 Magazine
    By Eitay Mack | +972 Magazine | Published September 9, 2019

    To advance its political, economic, and security goals, Israeli intelligence helped whitewash the murder of half a million members of the Indonesian Communist Party and other leftist groups in the 1960s.

  • « I am going to build you a brother... »

    Israel’s one-state reality is sowing chaos in American politics | +972 Magazine


    Israel’s one-state reality is sowing chaos in American politics

    Until U.S. lawmakers and major Jewish organizations adjust to the current one-state reality, the acrimony that has marked the last several years under Netanyahu and Trump will only intensify.

  • Conscientious objector released after 82 days in solitary confinement
    Published August 21, 2019 | +972 Magazine
    https://staticv3.972mag.com/wp-content/uploads//2019/07/Roman.jpeg Conscientious objector Roman Levin. ‘My refusal is an act of protest against an occupation that has lasted more than 50 years and of solidarity with the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza.’ (Ido Ramon/Mesarvot).

    After 82 days in solitary confinement, the Israeli army released conscientious objector Roman Levin from military prison last week. Levin, who refused to continue serving in the IDF over its occupation policies, was discharged by an army committee for “poor and severe behavior.” (...)


  • Dangereux précédent : Israël démolit des habitations palestiniennes en périphérie de Jérusalem-Est
    Par Hanadi Qawasmi - WADI HUMMUS, Cisjordanie occupée
    Date de publication : Lundi 22 juillet 2019

    Les Palestiniens de Wadi Hummus possédaient tous les permis nécessaires pour construire leur maison dans les zones relevant de la juridiction de l’Autorité palestinienne. Aujourd’hui, l’armée israélienne envoie les bulldozers


    Des bulldozers israéliens rejoints par des centaines de soldats et de policiers ont commencé à démolir des habitations palestiniennes à la périphérie de Jérusalem-Est, malgré les protestations locales et les critiques internationales.

    Les forces israéliennes se sont rendues ce lundi dans le village palestinien de Sur Baher pour démolir une dizaine d’habitations dans le quartier de Wadi Hummus, près du mur de séparation israélien.

    La Cour suprême israélienne a tranché en faveur de l’armée le mois dernier et a fixé lundi comme date limite pour démolir les habitations.

    Les forces israéliennes ont coupé à travers une section de fil barbelé de la barrière à Sur Baher sous le couvert de l’obscurité tôt ce lundi et ont commencé à évacuer les habitants.

    Des projecteurs ont illuminé la zone alors que des dizaines de véhicules amenaient les forces de sécurité casquées dans le village.

    Dès les premières lueurs de l’aube, les pelleteuses ont commencé à détruire une maison de deux étages tandis que les soldats investissaient un bâtiment inachevé de plusieurs étages à proximité, rapporte l’agence de presse Reuters.
    D’après les accords d’Oslo, Israël ne devrait pas avoir son mot à dire sur la construction ou non d’habitations dans les zones A et B. Cependant, une décision de l’armée israélienne de 2011 a décrété qu’Israël pouvait désormais démolir des bâtiments dans les zones administrées par l’Autorité Palestinienne. Wadi Hummus est le premier cas.

    L’Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP) a publié un communiqué accusant la cour israélienne de vouloir « créer un précédent pour permettre aux forces d’occupation israéliennes de démolir de nombreux bâtiments palestiniens situés à proximité » du mur.


  • Kushner suggère que les Palestiniens ne sont pas prêts à se gouverner eux-mêmes
    Publié le 03 juin 2019

    Jared Kushner, gendre du président américain Donald Trump et architecte d’un plan très attendu pour résoudre le conflit israélo-palestinien, a estimé que les Palestiniens devraient avoir le « droit à l’autodétermination », mais ne semblaient pas prêts à se gouverner eux-mêmes.

  • LISTEN: Suffering in Gaza isn’t a humanitarian issue, it’s an Israeli political decision | +972 Magazine
    By Henriette Chacar |Published March 29, 2019

    (...) “From day one, before the protests had even been initiated, [Israel] adopted an open fire and live fire policy against these civilians at staggering cost in terms of the loss of human life. But what that means as well is that popular mobilization on its own failed to compel Israel to revisit its blockade or its policies of isolation and failed to compel the international community to bring pressure on Israel to deal with the Gaza Strip differently.” (...)

  • Germany puts BDS activists on trial for disrupting Israeli MK | +972 Magazine
    By Oren Ziv |Published March 11, 2019
    Two Israelis and a Palestinian activist are standing trial for interrupting a talk by Israeli member of Knesset Aliza Lavie at a Berlin university in 2017.

    Three BDS activists, two Israelis and a Palestinian, are on trial in Germany after being charged with assault and trespassing during a lecture by an Israeli member of Knesset in June 2017. The activists, Stavit Sinai and Ronnie Barkan from Israel, and Majd Abusalama from Gaza, interrupted MK Aliza Lavie of the centrist Yesh Atid party as she spoke at Humboldt University in Berlin. The activists accused Lavie of having “the blood of Gaza” on her hands, and accused her of representing an “apartheid regime.” (...)


  • Israel wants to deport 300 refugees to one of the world’s most dangerous countries

    It was nine years ago that Julie Wabiwa Juliette narrowly fled her home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for Israel, where she has since built a life. Juliette, 33, married another Congolese refugee, Christian Mutunwa, and together they raise two children.

    The Congolese are legal residents of Israel, with some in the community having lived in the country for 20 years. The majority arrived between 1999 and 2009, during and following the Second Congo war, considered the world’s deadliest crisis since World War II. Until now, the Congolese, 3o0 in total, were protected under a policy referred to by the Interior Ministry as “general temporary protection.” They have B1 visas, which entitles them to live and work in Israel as any other foreign nationals do. Moreover, each of them also has a pending asylum request.

    This is in contrast with the much larger population of Sudanese and Eritreans, who are regarded by the government as “illegal infiltrators” and have no legal status.

    Now, Israel seeks to deport the Congolese. In October 2018, the Interior Ministry announced that Congolese group protection would terminate on January 5, at which point they would be forced to leave. The decision was made by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri based on an assessment by the Foreign Ministry that there is “no impediment to the expatriation” of Israel’s Congolese population.

    Not a single Congolese asylum seeker abided by the state’s deadline. It passed without much fanfare, after which the Interior Ministry issued 10 deportation notices, while rejecting a number of visa renewal applications. The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, an Israeli NGO that protects the rights of asylum seekers, migrant workers, and victims of human trafficking, successfully appealed to the Jerusalem District Court, which suspended the deportations and forced the state to continue renewing the visas. The Interior Ministry has until February 20 to appeal the court’s decision.

    “The court was on our side and made the state continue to renew visas,” says Shira Abbo, spokesperson for the Hotline. “For now, the Congolese are safe.”

    Their future, however, remains uncertain. Sabine Hadad, spokesperson for the Israeli Interior Ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority, confirmed that despite the delays, the ministry has decided to “stop the collective protection for Congolese in Israel.” Hadad says the Interior Ministry will then look into those with open asylum requests; the community will continue to receive work permit visas until an official decision is handed down.

    Less than one percent of asylum claimants in Israel receives refugee status, according to Hotline. “Our experience with the Israeli asylum system is not a good one,” says Abbo. “We know that the system is designed to reject everyone.”

    A rejection means deportation or staying in Israel illegally like Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers. For many in the Congolese community, repatriation is a death sentence. Israel is the only country to revoke protection for its Congolese refugee community.

    Julie Wabiwa Juliette tells me about the circumstances in which she left her hometown of Bukavu in the DRC as we sit in her colorful, sparsely decorated apartment in Holon. Her two children, Yonatan, 8, and Joanna, 5, greet me in French, the official language in their parents’ home country, although they also speak Hebrew. They were both born in Israel.

    Bukavu, a small city of just under a million inhabitants, is situated on the southern banks of Lake Kivu on Congo’s eastern most border. Remnants of colonialism are apparent even in its skyline. The bright roofs of the more than 100 Art Deco buildings constructed by the Belgians a century ago dot the hillsides. Just a stone’s throw away is Rwanda, on the opposite side of the Ruzizi River.

    It is in this otherwise picturesque landscape where much of the conflict that has ravaged the DRC for more than two decades has taken place.

    The Congolese eventually bucked the Belgian colonial yolk in 1960 and the Republic of Congo became a sovereign nation. Military dictator Mobutu Sese Seko changed the name to Zaire in 1971. The Central African nation was an American Cold War proxy but floundered following the collapse of the Berlin Wall and subsequent withdrawal of U.S. support.

    The First Congo War began two years after the 1994 Rwanda genocide, which precipitated a refugee crisis in eastern Zaire. The 1996 rebellion, backed by a coalition of Central African countries — though primarily fomented by Rwanda — resulted in a new government and a new name, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Less than a year later, the Second Congo war erupted. The conflict was so brutal that aid groups deemed sexual violence in DRC to be a “weapon of war.” The war formally concluded in 2003, but in eastern Congo the fighting never stopped. The region is home to the vast majority of the 70 armed groups currently fighting, according the Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

    Juliette left Bukavu in 2009. She was in her third year of university, while working on her final thesis for her bachelor’s degree in sociology, which focused on the reentrance into society by victims of rape.

    Juliette’s research was conducted in rural villages that were a couple of hours drive from the city. She worked with a hospital team to collect testimonies from women who were abducted and assaulted during the fighting; many returned pregnant with their attacker’s child. Though the idea of raising the child of the man who raped them is unimaginable, abortion is taboo in rural Congo and carries a high risk of complication.

    Many assumed the numerous rebel militias operating in eastern Congo were responsible for the atrocities. Juliette uncovered evidence that a high-ranking local commander of the DRC military gave direct orders to commit mass rape.

    “It was too much for me when I come back from the field and I’ve heard all the screams, all the atrocities,” Juliette says. “To stay quiet was not for me.” But in Congo, that is not so simple. “I wanted to tell the truth, but once you talk about something, you must count your days.”

    She shared her research with Bruno Koko Chirambiza, a radio journalist at Star Radio in Bukavu, who named the commander, accusing him of orchestrating the rape.

    The mere mention of Chirambiza’s name brings tears to Juliette’s eyes. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, he was murdered by eight assailants on August 24, 2009 at the age of 24. “Many activists, many journalists don’t have long lives in Congo,” Juliette says. According to CPJ, Koko was the third Congolese journalist to be murdered in two years.

    Soldiers, who Juliette believes were acting at the behest of the commander named in Chirambiza’s report, searched for Juliette’s at her aunt’s house. She happened to be out of the house when they arrived, so they sexually assaulted her cousin and came back the next morning. Juliette was resolute to remain in DRC and might not have left if were it not for her now-husband.

    Juliette and Christian Mutunwa were partners back in DRC. Mutunwa, a human rights activist, fled in 2007, after uniformed police officers who claimed they were from the DRC’s intelligence service, Agence Nationale de Renseignement, came to his home. They wanted to bring him in for “interrogation.”

    “I knew if they took me this so-called interrogation process, I would not come back,” Mutunwa says. So he left, spending a few months in Egypt where refugee protection was “nonexistent.” A fellow asylum seeker there told him that there was a democratic country on the other side of the border.

    He then went to Israel where he received asylum protection. Mutunwa encouraged Juliette to join him.

    Juliette managed to get a visa to go to Israel with a delegation of Christians traveling to the holy land. She didn’t know much about Israel except its importance in Christianity. “We talked about Israel every time in church,” Julie remembers. “We prayed for peace in Israel.” She remained in the country after the delegation returned home, and applied for asylum.

    Juliette and Mutunwa are now married and raise their two children in Holon, which, along with neighboring Bat Yam, is where the majority of the Congolese community lives. They support their children by working in Tel Aviv hotels. Six days a week, Juliette rises before dawn to be at work by 5 a.m., and often won’t return home until late afternoon.

    Neither Julietter nor Mutunwa feel integrated into Israeli society. “I’m not a free woman,” says Juliette. “I can’t do what I know I can do.” They yearn for a change in their home country so they can safely return.

    After 18 years of autocracy under Joseph Kabila, DRC elected a new president, Félix Tshisekedi, in December of last year. The Congolese in Israel can only wait and hope he effects true change, and that Israel will give them the time they need to wait for that to happen.

    “Home is home,” she explains. “We didn’t come here to stay for life.”

    It is unclear why Israeli authorities decided to act now. Human rights organizations speculate that the government wants to flex its muscles following the failed deportation of the Eritreans and Sudanese in the beginning of 2018.

    The timing could not be worse. The presidential election has brought about an increase in violence. The political instability, coupled with the second deadliest Ebola outbreak in recorded history, has left the country struggling once again.

    Annick Bouvier, spokesperson for the Great Lakes region at the International Committee of the Red Cross, says that 2018 saw a deterioration of the humanitarian situation in eastern Congo “as a result of the fragmentation of armed groups and increased crime.” According to Bouvier, ICRC’s response to the Ebola outbreak has been “temporarily paralyzed” by the violence.

    The DRC is also the second worst place to be a woman, according to Amnesty International. “Wherever clashes occur, women find themselves at heightened risk of all forms of violence,” says Joao Martins, Médecins Sans Frontières head of mission for South Kivu in eastern DRC. “This is particularly the case in pockets of conflict across eastern DRC.”

    Emilie Serralta, a researcher for Amnesty International in DRC, condemned the government’s response to war crimes perpetrated by state actors as “inadequate.” Amnesty reports that a single high-ranking officer, General Jérôme Kakwavu, has been found guilty of war crimes. He is the exception; the other military commanders, says Serralta, are “untouchable.”

    Meanwhile, the commander named by Juliette and Chirambiza has never faced justice for his crimes. In fact, says Juliette, the government promoted him.

    “I am afraid for my life, for my family, and for my kids,” says Juliette about the prospect of her deportation. “I don’t see myself going back to a place where I didn’t even have the power to save my own life.”

    #renvois #expulsions #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Israël #RDC #république_démocratique_du_congo #réfugiés_congolais

  • Gaza march leader to conscientious objectors: ’Turn your words into weapons’
    +972 Magazine - By Edo Konrad and Oren Ziv - Published January 2, 2019

    I sraeli activists, including past and soon-to-be conscientious objectors hold a phone conversation with Gaza Return March leader Ahmed Abu Artema at the Hagada Hasmalit, Tel Aviv, December 19, 2018. (Oren Ziv)

    (...) That stark reality was on display two weeks ago when dozens of Israeli activists, including past and soon-to-be conscientious objectors held a rare conversation with Ahmed Abu Artema, one of the main organizers behind Gaza’s Great Return March. For many of the younger conscientious objectors, the Great Return March served as an inspiration for their personal reasons to refuse enlistment in the Israeli army.

    “It is very nice to meet people who decided to take a stand, listen to their conscience and refuse to be part of the oppression of others,” Abu Artema began, his often-flowery Arabic translated by Israeli activist Neta Golan, one of the leaders of recent solidarity protests on the Israel-Gaza fence. “Those who refuse to take part in the attacks on the demonstrators in Gaza, who express their natural right to protest against the siege, those who refuse to take part in the attacks on Gaza’s citizens — they stand on the right side of history,” Abu Artema told the crowd.

    It was the first time that Artema had ever spoken in front of a crowd of Israelis. For many of the younger activists, it was their first time speaking to someone from Gaza. (...)

  • Netanyahu will do all he can to destroy Jewish-Arab alliances

    The alliance between Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Jewish left has historically been viewed as a threat to the rule of the right. That’s why Netanyahu is doing everything he can to undermine it.

    By Eli Bitan


    The Israeli right knows exactly how to harm the left: by making its alliance with Palestinian citizens not only impossible but illegitimate, thus drawing away its power. The Jewish left, for its part, has historically done enough to undermine this alliance. But recent events have created new possibilities — and that’s why the right is coming out with guns blazing.

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    This dynamic is currently playing out in Haifa, where in the recent municipal elections, newly-elected Mayor Einat Kalisch-Rotem appointed Raja Zaatry, a veteran activist from the Jewish-Arab Hadash party, to be her deputy. Kalisch-Rotem, who defeated incumbent Yona Yahav from the Labor Party, was elected with the support of the left and the ultra-Orthodox community. In early December, she announced her coalition, which excluded the right-wing Likud, and included the Haredi party, Hadash, and Meretz.

    Then, on Dec. 4, Makor Rishon, the newspaper of Israel’s religious-nationalist community, published an article on Zaatry, which painted him as a supporter of BDS and a Hezbollah sympathizer who previously compared Israel to ISIS.

    The furor came almost immediately. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri demanded Kalisch-Rotem walk back from her decision, while Prime Minister Netanyahu opened his weekly cabinet meeting by discussing Zaatry. Yair Lapid, who in the eyes of many Israelis has come to represent an opposition to the Netanyahu government, decried Zaatry’s appointment on Facebook.

    On Wednesday afternoon, Netanyahu even phoned the mayor in an attempt to persuade her to change her mind. Kalisch-Rotem, however, made clear to him that her coalition agreement would remain unchanged. The controversy might appear like a tempest in a teapot, but it is evidently enough to concern both Netanyahu and Lapid. Kalisch-Rotem’s coalition, it turns out, is a threat to the right’s rule in Israel.

  • Israeli gov’t is trying to defund +972 Magazine, report says
    Published December 7, 2018

    Israel asked the German government to pressure two left-leaning political foundations to stop funding +972 Magazine, according to a report in the German media Thursday. +972 was able to independently verify the report.

    The total contributions from the two foundations, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, comprise only 9 percent of +972’s overall 2018 budget as of September. In the past two years, 40 percent of our budget has come from the support of our readers.

    Both foundations have pledged to continue supporting +972 despite the political pressure. (...)

  • ’Gender violence pushed Jewish, Palestinian women into a corner — together’


    Women across Israel were set to strike to protest the government’s inaction toward gender violence. Samah Salaime, a prominent feminist activist, speaks about building solidarity between Jewish and Palestinian women and why this moment feels so urgent.

    #palestine #israël #violence_faite_aux_femmes #féminisme #résistance

  • Israël repousse mais maintient son projet d’évacuation de Khan al Ahmar

    JERUSALEM, 21 octobre (Reuters) - Israël a repoussé l’évacuation du village bédouin de Khan al Ahmar, en Cisjordanie occupée, mais l’opération finira par avoir lieu, a prévenu dimanche le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu. Cette localité abrite 180 habitants dans des cabanes de tôle et de planches sur une colline aride près d’une route israélienne reliant Jérusalem à la mer Morte. Israël prévoit de démolir Khan al Ahmar et de reloger ses habitants 12 km plus loin, près du village palestinien d’Abou Dis et à côté d’une décharge d’ordures. Ce projet a provoqué un tollé chez les Palestiniens et les critiques de pays européens. Un responsable du gouvernement israélien a déclaré samedi sous condition d’anonymat que l’évacuation avait été repoussée et qu’un plan alternatif de relocalisation était examiné conjointement avec l’Autorité palestinienne. Devant les journalistes dimanche, Benjamin Netanyahu a toutefois averti qu’il n’avait « pas l’intention de reporter (l’opération) indéfiniment, contrairement à ce qui peut être dit, mais pour une courte période ». (...)

    A Khan Al-Ahmar, la guerre d’usure d’Israël contre un village bédouin
    17 octobre 2018 Par René Backmann

    Les bédouins de Khan Al-Ahmar vivent entre deux colonies israéliennes décidées à réunir leurs terres pour parachever le Grand Jérusalem cher à Netanyahou. Ils espéraient que la Cour suprême d’Israël empêcherait leur expulsion, qui viole le droit international. Erreur : les magistrats ont donné leur feu vert à la destruction du village et à leur transfert forcé, le troisième en soixante-dix ans.

    Khan al-Ahmar : « S’ils détruisent, nous reconstruirons »
    Cécile Galluccio - 19 septembre 2018

    Khan al-Ahmar
    Haaretz.com | Mise en ligne le 5 sept. 2018
