Liberals On the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown


  • Liberals On the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown

    Sur le #conspirationnisme effréné des « #liberals » généré par (les actions de) Trump.

    In the end, Kremlinology said a lot more about the people practicing it than it ever did about the Soviet Union. Like all fantasies, it expressed a desire. A universe that could make sense, if only you were smart enough to understand it. A politics that could be reduced to the competing ambitions of a few graying and liver-spotted men. Above all, a global order that—like the dull machinations of MI6 or the CIA—is always powered by conspiracy. So it’s significant that Kremlinology is back. Except this time, the mysterious closed system to be analyzed is no longer far away on the chilly edge of Europe. America has turned its suspicions inward, on the strange and spooky world of Donald Trump.

    • faux problèmes Trump tente vainement de lutter contre l’état profond représenté par l’ancienne équipe qui a pris le pouvoir lors du 11 septembre 2001 et on le fait passer pour un fou. Ces ennemis les plus sérieux les services secrets, la COG la NSA Mac Cain, les Clinton, Bush family etLes néocons en général.