Nepal’s rich indigenous medical knowledge is under threat


  • Nepal’s rich indigenous medical knowledge is under threat

    Darai is only one of the dozens of communities living in the hills, mountains and the plains of Nepal which has rich indigenous knowledge. Dr Singh has studied many of them and has found that the indigenous knowledge system is very rich.

    However the rich knowledge of the community passed on from generation to generation orally is now facing a risk because of the swift modernization, introduction of the internet, easy access and availability of allopathic medicine, and the younger generation’s desire to migrate out of the village and adopt modern lifestyles.

    “For that exact reason, it is important to document the traditional knowledge,” says Dr Singh. “And we have done it in detail in a very scientific way.”

    He believes that the article, along with the other research he has done on indigenous knowledge systems, could be an important stepping stone to conduct large-scale research to improve Nepal’s public health system.

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