
  • U.S.-Led Coalition Confirms Strikes Hit Mosul Site Where Civilians Died - The New York Times

    Où l’on constate sans surprise, au regard de l’extrême indifférence générale, que Moussoul n’est pas Alep.

    The American-led military coalition in Iraq said Saturday that an initial review of recent airstrikes in Mosul, the Islamic State’s last stronghold in Iraq, had confirmed that the strikes hit a site where scores of civilians were killed.

    The inquiry, military officials said, found that a building had collapsed a few days after strikes by American forces. United States officials are seeking to determine whether the airstrikes brought down the building, leaving many Iraqis dead, or the Islamic State used the strikes as an opportunity to detonate an explosive in the building.


    The March 17 airstrikes — which Iraqis said had led to the deaths of possibly 200 people — could have produced among the highest civilian death tolls in an American air mission since the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.

    • After Trump Massacres in Mosul, Campaign against ISIL Halted
      By Juan Cole | Mar. 26, 2017
      Candidate Donald Trump called last year for carpet-bombing of Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. It is possible that Trump has loosened the rules of engagement for the US Air Force, which is providing air support to the Iraqi Army. Looser rules could well be producing more casualties.

      Dubai’s al-Khaleej reports that after a US airstrike on West Mosul on Thursday that is alleged to have killed over 200 innocent civilians, the Iraqi Army has paused its campaign to take the rest of the Western part of the city. That is, Trump may actually have hamstrung the anti-Daesh fight by policies that led to a civilian massacre from the air.

      The Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights is reporting that an Iraqi civilian defense force is reporting that 500 corpses of civilians killed by air strikes have been discovered in Mosul.

      Old Mosul is densely populated and it is possible that Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) still has some 300,000 people there under its sway. The Iraqi army and the US-coalition are attempting to dislodge Daesh, but never called for a civilian exodus. Hence, civilians are caught in the crossfire.

      The US military admitted to carrying out the deadly strike, but were careful to underline that it had been called for by the Iraqi Army. Trump’s war strategy seems to be so unsuccessful that the US Air Force is trying to pass the blame for it off onto the Iraqi Army!

      The Mosul judicial council has called for declaring Mosul a disaster zone. The judges added,

      “The indiscriminate strikes on West Mosul by the fighter jets of the coalition must cease.(...)”

      #Mossoul #Irak

    • Possible bavure à Mossoul, plus de 100 civils tués
      Sinan Salaheddin | Associated Press | BAGDAD
      Publié le 25 mars 2017 à 20h53 | Mis à jour le 26 mars 2017 à 00h20

      Une attaque aérienne visant des militants du groupe armé État islamique (EI) dans la ville irakienne de Mossoul, et qui aurait tué au moins 100 civils selon des témoins, a été lancée par l’armée américaine, ont annoncé samedi des responsables à Washington.