Cartographic design principles | Resources


  • Cartographic design principles | Resources | Ordnance Survey

    C’est un peu réducteur, et il manque sans doute des éléments de réflexions, mais ces principes sont une bonne base pour un débat et des doiscussions autour de la question m"thodologie en carto. Pour référence ici :

    German industrial designer, Dieter Rams, once asked himself a question, ’Is my design good design?’ The answer formed the basis for his renowned ‘ten principles of good design’.

    Inspired by this we have put together our own list of cartographic design principles to promote good map design.

    They are ‘what works best for us’ but are also intended as a useful guide for anybody making a map, from Ordnance Survey customers to budding neo-cartographers.

    It is certainly not our intention to lecture others on what is right or wrong. The purpose of our principles is to offer some useful guidelines that we believe are relevant to map design and in many cases will stimulate better cartography.

    Understanding of user requirements

    Consideration of display format

    A clear visual hierarchy





    Good composition

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