
  • Mai 2008, toujours cette obsession américaine à faire censurer Al Manar partout dans le monde. Ici, en Indonésie.

    09.05.2008 : DEMARCHE RESPONSE ON SATELINDO BROADCASTING OF AL-MANAR TV - Nyheter - Wikileaks - Aftenposten.no

    Based on initial meetings with Government of Indonesia officials, it appears there are three possible routes for ending the broadcast of al-Manar television in Indonesia: 1) a formal U.S. complaint to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (IBC) and the Department of Foreign Affairs based on violations of Indonesian law and possible damage to our bilateral relations, 2) a regulatory solution as al-Manar may not have the required permit to broadcast in Indonesia and 3) an independent decision by Indosat to avoid reputational risk by ending broadcasts of al-Manar. The Embassy has met with Ministry of Communication and Information Acting Director General for Information and Communication Facilities Freddy Tulung, Deputy Minister of State Owned Enterprises and Indosat Commissioner Roes Aryawijaya, Foreign Ministry Deputy Director of Information and Media Services Sam Marentek, Singapore Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Lim Hong Huai and Telkom Executive Vice President David Burke. We have requested additional meetings with the head of the Indonesian Broadcast Commission, the president director of Indosat and an independent commissioner of Indosat.

    #cablegate #Liban #Indonésie #al_Manar

    • Juin 2008 : l’Indonésie veut faire respecter un truc exotique qu’on nomme loi sur la liberté des médias.

      Based on meetings with Indosat and Government of Indonesia (GOI) officials, they are not inclined to stop broadcasting Al-Manar in Indonesia without a legal basis. While Indosat responded positively towards our arguments, they said they would not cancel their contract with Al-Manar until the GOI determined that Al-Manar violated broadcasting regulation. However, the GOI says Al-Manar has not violated broadcasting regulation.