• Why Is Uber Über Alles ? Public Platform Infrastructure for the ‘Gig Economy’
    Robert Hockett

    15.1.2023 by Robert Hockett - Two needs of cardinal interest to all major metropolitan areas, if not indeed all towns and cities, seem to go under-appreciated these days: First, the need for readily available livery and delivery services, which have amounted to a species of essential infrastructure since the earliest days of our republic. And second, the need of a decent quality of life for local residents who provide such services, which amounts among other things to a prerequisite to the sustainability of any means of satisfying the first need.

    A city like New York, for example, benefits immensely from, and could hardly get on without, readily available and affordable livery for persons and delivery of things (letters, documents, medicines, groceries, meals, etc.), hence also from arrangements that sustainably attract and retain local providers of such services. That’s why you see taxis, busses, small trucks and other delivery vehicles everywhere, and indeed always have.

    It is quite troubling, then, after multiple taxi driver suicides in recent years, to learn now that Uber UBER and Lyft LYFT drivers as well have begun finding it difficult to live and hence operate in and around New York City. New York needs its drivers, and cannot afford to see them go. Mindful of that fact, the City’s Taxi Commission announced plans to require greater pay for Uber and Lyft drivers this past November. Yet in a near miracle of expedition on behalf of the wrong side, a court halted New York’s move one month later at the behest of Uber. (Lyft didn’t take part in the suit, but its owners like Uber’s gain by the decision.)

    The Court’s unfortunate decision invites an obvious query: if New York cannot ‘beat’ Uber and Lyft, why doesn’t it ‘join’ them – join them, that is, as a competitor? Why not, in other words, offer a ‘public option’ where livery and delivery services in and around New York are concerned?

    To see why this question is worth posing, note that the typical Uber driver receives only between 40 and 60% of each fare charged to riders, about 52% on average. The lion’s share of the remainder – between 25 and 43%, depending on ride length – goes to Uber itself, while the remaining 15% goes to the City. The figures for Lyft, which employs the same platform model as Uber, are comparable.

    Yet what do Uber, Lyft, and the City contribute to the ride? Uber and Lyft provide no more than technically simple, easily replicated ‘two-sided marketplace’ platforms, while the City oversees operations to maintain safety.

    Given how little is involved in maintaining the platforms themselves, which utilize an age-old and very simple model, New York and other cities should be able quite readily to establish and maintain safe platforms of their own with the 15% cut of ride fees that New York and other cities already take, allowing all licensed drivers to pocket the remaining 85% of ride charges. Meanwhile, allowing drivers to compete on vehicle comfort and even price within some reasonable range could help lower costs to riders, while allowing the City to add congestion surcharges at certain times of day (as Uber and Lyft themselves do) could help manage volume.

    Of course firms like Uber and Lyft and the politicians to whom they ‘contribute’ will argue that this sounds like ‘socialism,’ that ‘capitalism’ is more efficient and inexpensive, and so on. But there is no reason to credit such clichés in the present, infrastructural context. All that Uber and Lyft are ‘efficient’ at now that a city would not be is gratuitously extracting high fees from riders and profits from drivers. They add no value in return for these forms of extraction that cities couldn’t provide just as well on a not-for-profit basis, again given how old, familiar, and inexpensive the matching-technology used by their algorithms are.

    Uber and its ilk are, in other words, mere rent-extractors at this point. And where public goods and essential infrastructures like livery and delivery are concerned, we have long as a nation viewed rent-extraction as no more than a form of extortion or piracy. Those who invented the relevant technologies were paid handsomely for the intellectual property long ago, and all that such companies as Uber and Lyft now trade on is broad public ignorance of how readily available and usable the technology now is.

    What New York and other cities should do, then, is provide their own platforms to their own livery and delivery drivers. Cut out the literally now-parasitic middlemen, and you’ll have both cheaper rides and deliveries and better-paid drivers and deliverers. That will in turn better the quality of life of all New Yorkers, not merely a few rent-extractors way over in Silicon Valley. And because the rideshare industry is still growing rapidly in response to still-growing demand, acting now will also preempt more extraction in future even than now.

    It might be thought that New York and other cities already are doing this via the Curb taxi-hailing app, which are now as available for download on smartphones as the Uber and Lyft apps. That would be a mistake. Curb simply functions as an easier way to hail a taxi than is the old wave-in-the-street method. It doesn’t augment the taxi fleet with additional cars and drivers as Uber and Lyft do, but rather makes hailing existing cabs easier. As such, it leaves in place most of the disadvantages of taxi rides – long waits, sometimes unpredictable fares, etc. – that have spurred the demand for Uber and Lyft in the first place, while adding app user fees.

    One further, more general point: The so-called ‘platform’ and ‘gig’ economies, we now know, include far more than livery and delivery services. They include sales of all sorts, temp work and handyman work, hotel and apartment rentals, and all manner of other markets requiring no more than easy means by which buyers and sellers can find one another – that is, two-sided matching platforms. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that over 55 million Americans, or 36% of the workforce, work in the gig economy, while 33% of American companies use gig workers extensively.

    Platforms like Facebook Marketplace make clear that such services can be made available at virtually no extra cost to sellers or buyers. Why don’t all cities, then, make such platforms freely available in all realms where they’re not already available? For that matter, why doesn’t the US Department of Labor do so for the entire American economy? If a large part of the American economy is ‘the gig economy,’ why not cheaply and publicly provide that economy’s infrastructure just as we do for the non-gig economy?

    Let us then literally cut out superfluous private intermediaries, and mediate all our ‘gig’ relations through that original form of mediacy that we discovered thousands of years ago on a civic, not profit-extracting, basis: the polis, the civitas, the ‘public sector’ – that which we establish to work for all of us, not extract from most of us. This will amount to gains not only along the fairness and efficiency dimensions, but along the productivity dimension as well, forcing as it does those who now extract rents to start adding value instead.

    Start with our cities, then move up higher and higher to our state and federal governments, making them truly the servants of all rather than recognizing Silicon Valley firms as masters of us all.

    #Uber #Stadtentwicklung #Arbeit #New_York

  • 93% Have Concerns About Self-Driving Cars – Forbes Advisor

    Proponents of self-driving cars argue these vehicles will prevent auto accidents by eliminating human error as a collision cause.

    In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that self-driving vehicles are more than twice as likely as traditional vehicles to become involved in auto accidents. According to NHTSA data:

    - There are 9.1 crashes in driverless vehicles per million vehicle miles driven
    - There are 4.2 crashes in conventional vehicles per million miles driven

    High accident rates have rightly contributed to consumer concerns—and recent recalls of Tesla vehicles have only served to heighten fears.

    Le taux d’accident des véhicules autonomes est deux fois plus élevé que pour les véhicules pilotés par des humains.

  • Serious New Warning As Google AI Targets Billions Of Private Messages

    Mais en gros, ça veut dire que si tu as eu une correspondance privée avec un utilisateur Gmail naïf, elle peut se retrouver entièrement relue et analysée sans ton consentement ?

    Google has just unveiled a game-changing AI upgrade for Android. But it has a darker side. Google’s AI will start to read and analyze your private messages, going back forever. So what does this mean for you, how do you maintain your privacy, and when does it begin.

  • Why China’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival Won’t Be Cancelled This Year After All

    Il paraît que certains chinois prennent l’année du chien comme prétexte pour en manger. Je ferai pareil pour l’année du dragon. Pourriez vous me conseiller un restaurant qui en sert ?

    15.7.2017 byCarla Thomas - China’s most controversial celebration of food, the Lychee and Dog Meat festival in the city of Yulin, was widely reported last month to have been cancelled this year after multiple animal rights organizations claimed the local government was planning a ban on dog meat sales in the week leading up to the June event.

    But reports of the festival’s demise, or even a sanction on dog meat sales that could negatively impact the festival, appear to be largely unfounded.

    “We have spoken with several people working within the mayor’s office, the food and drug administration and the municipal building and no one seems aware of a Yulin festival ban,” said Jason Baker, Vice President of International Campaigns at PETA.

    The festival faces negative press every year, with widespread condemnation from dog lovers worldwide. But in May, animal rights organizations Duo Duo and Humane Society International sensed a breakthrough when they released press releases claiming government officials had said they intended to implement a ban on dog meat in markets, streets and restaurants.

    This followed a particularly strong backlash in 2016; a petition bearing 11 million signatures that called for the end of the festival was delivered to the Yulin government, while a celebrity PSA video starring Matt Damon and Rooney Mara that decried the event went viral.

    However, in the lead up to the festival — due to take place on June 23 — activists who had made a recent trip to Yulin said there was no indication that a government intervention would occur.

    “On May 29, I had a sit down meeting with officials in the Yulin government,” said Marc Ching, founder of animal rights organization Animal Hope and Wellness. He said he was told “there is no ban on dog meat sales during the festival as some animal rights groups have claimed.”

    Stolen pets

    According to Ching, the import of dogs has already started to the small city in the southern province of Guangxi — with stolen pets likely to be among them.

    “Our ground team has already spotted trucks carrying stolen dogs entering the city,” said Ching, who will also be working during the festival to identify illegally sourced dogs protected under Chinese law.

    “We will stop trucks, scanning the dogs for microchips — our foundation has microchipped thousands of dogs in the last few weeks in dog meat stealing areas — hoping to find stolen dogs on board the trucks as we intercept them. [We’ll be] asking police to enforce the law, theft of stolen property.”

    The widespread misperception that the event would be cancelled is not uncommon, according to PETA’s Baker.

    “Perhaps someone knows something that we don’t, but [we] suspect this is simply another rumor similar to last year, in which several media reports announced the festival was cancelled,” he said.

    Ching, meanwhile, claimed Yulin government officials chalked this year’s rumors up to dishonest charity groups seeking public donations, and described the dog meat ban as a “ploy to discredit the Chinese government.”

    One official, who declined to give his name, told FORBES the dog meat festival was a small event privately organized by individuals and that media reports otherwise were simply “hype.”

    Millions eaten globally

    Around 10,000 dogs are slaughtered at the festival every year. An estimated 30 million dogs are eaten annually worldwide, according to Humane Society International.

    Supporters of the festival, which started informally among Yulin restaurant owners in the late 90s, argue that eating dog is a cultural tradition in Asia, where dog meat has traditionally been used for centuries. They also believe the consumption of dog meat is no different to other types of more common animal meat, such as pork and beef, and is a matter of cultural relativism.

    But critics say the festival is unnecessarily inhumane for dogs. Some believe tortured dogs will provide better meat, so conditions with which dogs are transported and slaughtered are often poor with little oversight. Many of the dogs are unvaccinated and rabies is a major concern. There have also been accusations that some vendors even steal unattended family pets in a bid to meet the demand — and the increasingly high prices – for dog meat at the festival.

    Despite worldwide opposition to the practice, confusing media reports about the fate of the festival may have worked in its favor this year.

    “Because of the fabrication and false news spread by media and certain animal rights groups, this is the first year that the people have become silent. It is the pressure by the people that brings about change,” said Ching.

    “The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is still happening, whether or not you choose to believe it.”

    #superstition #animaux #cuisine

  • A Call For A Systemic Dismantling: These Women Refuse To Be Hidden Figures In The Development Of AI

    Women working in AI continue to struggle mentally. Work is stolen from them. Their voices are muted. You toe the line and maintain the status quo – that is the cultural expectation. Because of this, many who fear for their jobs refrain from speaking out.

  • Who Is BasedBeffJezos, The Leader Of The Tech Elite’s ‘E/Acc’ Movement?

    ndreessen Horowitz cofounder Marc Andreessen says @BasedBeffJezos is a “patron saint of techno-optimism.” Garry Tan, who cofounded the venture firm Initialized Capital before becoming CEO of Y Combinator, calls him “brother.” Sam Altman, who founded OpenAI — the company that finally mainstreamed artificial intelligence — has jokingly sparred with him on Twitter. Elon Musk says his memes are “🔥🔥🔥.”

    Andreessen, Tan, and several dozen other Silicon Valley luminaries have also begun aligning with a movement that “Jezos” claims to have founded: “effective accelerationism,” or e/acc. At its core, e/acc argues that technology companies should innovate faster, with less opposition from “decels” or “decelerationists” — folks like AI safety advocates and regulators who want to slow the growth of technology.

    At first blush, e/acc sounds a lot like Facebook’s old motto: “move fast and break things.” But Jezos also embraces more extreme ideas, borrowing concepts from “accelerationism,” which argues we should hasten the growth of technology and capitalism at the expense of nearly anything else. On X, the platform formally known as Twitter where he has 50,000 followers, Jezos has claimed that “institutions have decayed beyond the point of salvaging and that the media is a “vector for cybernetic control of culture.”

    So just who is the anonymous Twitter personality whose message of unfettered, technology-crazed capitalism at all costs has captivated many of Silicon Valley’s most powerful?

    Forbes has learned that the Jezos persona is run by a former Google quantum computing engineer named Guillaume Verdon who founded a stealth AI hardware startup Extropic in 2022. Forbes first identified Verdon as Jezos by matching details that Jezos revealed about himself to publicly available facts about Verdon. A voice analysis conducted by Catalin Grigoras, Director of the National Center for Media Forensics, compared audio recordings of Jezos and talks given by Verdon and found that it was 2,954,870 times more likely that the speaker in one recording of Jezos was Verdon than that it was any other person. Forbes is revealing his identity because we believe it to be in the public interest as Jezos’s influence grows.

    In a wide-ranging interview with Forbes, Verdon confirmed that he is behind the account, and extolled the e/acc philosophy. “Our goal is really to increase the scope and scale of civilization as measured in terms of its energy production and consumption,” he said. Of the Jezos persona, he said: “If you’re going to create an ideology in the time of social media, you’ve got to engineer it to be viral.”

    At its core, effective accelerationism embraces the idea that social problems can be solved purely with advances in technology, rather than by messy human deliberation. “We’re trying to solve culture by engineering,” Verdon said. “When you’re an entrepreneur, you engineer ways to incentivize certain behaviors via gradients and reward, and you can program a civilizational system."

    He expects computers to eventually solve legal problems too: "At the end of the day, law is just natural language code for how to operate the system, and there’s no reason why technology can’t have impact there in terms of social problems.”

    Not everyone agrees that engineering is the answer to societal problems. “The world is just not like that. It just isn’t,” said Fred Turner, a professor of communications at Stanford University who has studied accelerationism. “But if you can convince people that it is, then you get a lot of the power that normally accrues to governments.”

    E/acc is also a reaction to another Silicon Valley movement: effective altruism (or EA). While it was originally focused on optimizing each person’s ability to help others (and is known for some of its most famous adherents’ willingness to engage in fraud), EA has also become a hotbed for people concerned about whether AI might become sentient and murder humans — so-called “doomers” that Jezos says “are instrumental to forces of evil and civilizational decline.”

    “We’ve got to make sure AI doesn’t end up in the hands of a single company.”
    Guillaume Verdon

    “If we only focus on the end of the world, bio weapons, [artificial general intelligence] ending us all, then … we might engender our own doom by obsessing over it and it demoralizes people and it doesn’t make them want to build,” Verdon said.

    #Accelerationisme #Jezos #Religion #Intelligence_artificielle #Silicon_Valley

  • Israël/Gaza  : les réseaux sociaux entre censure des voix palestiniennes et démultiplicateur de haine (Publié le 02.11.2023)

    Hausse alarmante de la haine en ligne, censure des contenus palestiniens, faille de modération… depuis la vague de violence qui a éclaté le 7 octobre en Israël et à Gaza, nous sommes préoccupés par la haine et la censure qui profilèrent sur les réseaux sociaux. Nos équipes d’Amnesty Tech ont analysé plusieurs exemples, réunis dans cet article.

    Des publications antisémites

    Nos équipes ont aussi recensé plusieurs publications antisémites, dont un grand nombre appellent à la haine et à la violence contre les personnes juives. Des recherches menées dernièrement par le Centre de lutte contre la haine numérique (CCDH) ont d’ailleurs révélé une prolifération des contenus antisémites sur X ces derniers mois.

    Sur fond d’escalade de violences en Israël et à Gaza nous appelons les entreprises qui gèrent les réseaux sociaux à s’attaquer à la vague de haine et de racisme qui déferle en ligne contre les communautés palestinienne et juive.

    «  Shadow ban  » des contenus palestiniens

    Certains contenus issus de comptes de Palestiniens ou de personnes défendant leurs droits ou relayant simplement des informations sur la situation à Gaza auraient été censurés par les réseaux sociaux. C’est ce que l’on appelle le «  shadow banning  » ou «  bannissement furtif  » qui signifie donc que des contenus palestiniens auraient bénéficié d’une visibilité presque nulle. La directrice d’Amnesty Tech, Rasha Abdul-Rahim, s’est dite vivement préoccupée par ces informations.

    « Tandis qu’Israël intensifie ses bombardements sans précédent sur la bande de Gaza, nous sommes extrêmement préoccupés par les informations faisant état du blocage partiel, parfois même de la suppression de contenus publiés par des défenseur·e·s des droits des Palestinien·ne·s » Rasha Abdul-Rahim, directrice d’Amnesty Tech

    La population palestinienne de la bande de Gaza est de plus en plus soumise à des coupures des moyens de communications, qui limitent sa capacité à chercher, recevoir et transmettre des informations. Les inégalités dans la modération des contenus par les plateformes de réseaux sociaux risquent d’affaiblir encore plus la capacité des Palestinien·ne·s à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur de la bande de Gaza d’exercer leurs droits à la liberté d’expression, d’association et de réunion pacifique.

    Les failles abyssales des réseaux sociaux dans la gestion des contenus

    Des recherches ont montré que, sous couvert de neutralité, les systèmes fondés sur l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) reproduisaient souvent les préjugés existant déjà dans la société. Le 19 octobre 2023, META s’est excusée d’avoir ajouté le mot « terroriste » dans des traductions de profils Instagram contenant les mots « Palestinien » et « Alhamdulillah » (qui signifie Dieu soit loué), ainsi que l’émoji drapeau palestinien. Elle a aussi abaissé de 80 % à 25 % le seuil de certitude requis pour « cacher » un contenu hostile, pour les contenus provenant en grande partie du Moyen-Orient. Cette mesure était une tentative d’endiguer le flux de propos hostiles, mais risque aussi d’entraîner des restrictions excessives des contenus.

    En mai 2021, un rapport de l’organisation Business for Social Responsibility a montré que les contenus en langue arabe faisaient d’avantage l’objet d’une «  modération excessive  » sur les plateformes de Meta contrairement à des contenus dans d’autres langues, dont l’hébreu. Des publications signalées à tort ont contribué à réduire la visibilité et l’engagement de publications en arabe.

    La responsabilité des réseaux sociaux

    Plusieurs de nos recherches [1] ont déjà révélé comment les algorithmes de plateforme comme Facebook ont contribué à de graves violations des droits humains.

    Ces enquêtes sur la responsabilité de Facebook dans des violations commises en Ethiopie ou au Myanmar ont montré la nuisance du modèle économique de Meta basé sur les algorithmes. Conçus pour générer un maximum d’engagement, les algorithmes entraînent souvent une amplification disproportionnée de contenus comme les appels à la haine incitant à la violence, à l’hostilité et à la discrimination.

    Dans ce contexte, il est impératif que les géants technologiques s’emploient à remédier aux conséquences réelles de leurs activités sur les droits humains afin qu’elles ne contribuent pas et ne permettent pas à la haine, au racisme et à la désinformation de proliférer.

    [1] et

  • The Russians Reportedly Knocked Out Two More Ukrainian Leopard 2 Tanks

    Oct 28, 2023,02:47pm EDT

    It seems Russian forces have knocked out another two Ukrainian Leopard 2 tanks. If so, they would be the fourth and fifth Leopard 2 loss in just a week or so along a single sector of the 600-mile front line of Russia’s wider war on Ukraine.

  • Dutch Data Show Increase In Brain Fog Since Start Of Covid-19 Pandemic

    Data from the Netherlands suggest that among people ages 25 and up, memory and concentration problems have risen by 24% since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Source: En anglais

  • Il costo nascosto dell’avocado e le nuove “zone di sacrificio” nelle mire dei grandi produttori

    La produzione globale del frutto viaggia verso le 12 milioni di tonnellate nel 2030. Le monocolture intensive interessano sempre più Paesi, compromettendo falde e biodiversità. Dalla Colombia allo Sri Lanka, dal Vietnam al Malawi. Grain ha analizzato la paradigmatica situazione del Messico, dove si concentra il 40% della produzione.

    “La salsa guacamole che viene consumata durante il Super bowl potrebbe riempire 30 milioni di caschi da football”. La stima è di Armando López, direttore esecutivo dell’Associazione messicana dei coltivatori, confezionatori ed esportatori di avocado, che in occasione della finale del campionato di football americano del 12 febbraio scorso ha pagato quasi sette miliardi di dollari per avere uno spazio pubblicitario in occasione dell’evento sportivo più seguito degli Stati Uniti.

    Solo pochi giorni prima, il 2 febbraio, era stata presentata una denuncia contro il governo del Messico presso la Commissione trilaterale per la cooperazione ambientale (organismo istituito nell’ambito dell’accoro di libero scambio tra il Paese, Stati Uniti e Canada) per non aver fatto rispettare le proprie leggi sulla deforestazione, la conservazione delle acque e l’uso del suolo.

    La notizia ha trovato spazio per qualche giorno sui media statunitensi proprio per la concomitanza con il Super bowl, il momento in cui il consumo della salsa a base di avocado tocca il picco. Ed è anche il punto partenza del report “The avocados of wrath” curato da Grain, rete di organizzazioni che lavorano per sostenere i piccoli agricoltori e i movimenti sociali, e dall’organizzazione messicana Colectivo por la autonomia, che torna a lanciare l’allarme sull’altissimo costo ambientale di questo frutto.

    La denuncia presentata alla Commissione trilaterale si concentra sulla situazione nello Stato del Michoacán, che produce il 75% degli avocado messicani. Qui tra il 2000 e il 2020 la superficie dedicata alla coltura è passata da 78mila a 169mila ettari a scapito delle foreste di abeti locali. Oltre alla deforestazione, il documento pone in rilievo lo sfruttamento selvaggio delle risorse idriche, oltre a un uso eccessivo di fertilizzanti e pesticidi che compromettono le falde sotterranee, i fiumi e i torrenti nelle aree limitrofe alle piantagioni.

    “Il Messico non riesce ad applicare efficacemente le sue leggi ambientali per proteggere gli ecosistemi forestali e la qualità dell’acqua dagli impatti ambientali negativi della produzione di avocado nel Michoacán”, denunciano i curatori. Il Paese nordamericano “non sta rispettando le disposizioni della Costituzione messicana e le varie leggi federali sulla valutazione dell’impatto ambientale, la conservazione delle foreste, lo sviluppo sostenibile, la qualità dell’acqua, il cambiamento climatico e la protezione dell’ambiente”.

    Questa vicenda giudiziaria, di cui non si conoscono ancora gli esiti, rappresenta per Grain un’occasione per guardare più da vicino il Paese e la produzione dell’avocado, diventato negli ultimi anni il terzo frutto più commercializzato al mondo, dopo banana e ananas: nel 2021 la produzione globale di questo frutto, infatti, ha raggiunto quota 8,8 milioni di tonnellate (si stima che possa raggiungere le 12 milioni di tonnellate nel 2030) e il 40% si concentra proprio in Messico, una quota che secondo le stime della Fao potrebbe arrivare al 63% entro il 2030.

    Statunitensi ed europei importano circa il 70% della produzione globale e la domanda è in continua crescita anche per effetto di intense campagne di marketing che ne promuovono i benefici nutrizionali. Di conseguenza dal 2011 a oggi le piantagioni di avocado hanno moltiplicato per quattro la loro superficie in Paesi come Colombia, Haiti, Marocco e Repubblica Dominicana. In Sri Lanka la superficie è aumentata di cinque volte. La produzione intensiva è stata avviata anche in Vietnam e Malawi che oggi rientrano tra i primi venti produttori a livello globale.

    Il mercato di questo frutto vale circa 14 miliardi di dollari e potrebbe toccare i 30 miliardi nel 2030: “La maggiore quota di profitti -riporta Grain- vanno a una manciata di gruppi imprenditoriali, fortemente integrati verticalmente e che continuano a espandersi in nuovi Paesi, dove stanno aprendo succursali”. È il caso, ad esempio, delle società californiane Misison Produce e Calvaro Growers. La prima ha aumentato costantemente le sue vendite nel corso degli ultimi anni, fino a superare di poco il miliardo dollari nel 2022, mentre la seconda ha registrato nello stesso anno vendite per 1,1 miliardi.

    “Queste aziende hanno basato la loro espansione su investimenti da parte di pesi massimi del mondo della finanza -scrive Grain-. Mission Produce e Calavo Growers sono quotate alla Borsa di New York e stanno attirando investimenti da parte di fondi hedge come BlackRock e Vanguard. Stiamo assistendo all’ingresso di fondi di private equity e fondi pensione nel settore degli avocado. Mission Produce, ad esempio, si è unita alla società di private equity Criterion Africa partners per lanciare la produzione di oltre mille ettari di avocado a Selokwe, in Sudafrica”.

    Per Grain guardare da vicino a quello che è accaduto in Messico e al modello produttivo messo in atto dalle aziende dell’agribusiness californiane è utile per comprendere a pieno i rischi che incombono sui Paesi che solo in anni recenti hanno avviato la coltivazione del frutto. Lo sguardo si concentra in particolare sullo Stato del Michoacán dove il boom delle piantagioni è avvenuto a scapito della distruzione delle foreste locali, consumando le risorse idriche di intere regioni e a un costo sociale altissimo.

    Secondo i dati di Grain, ogni ettaro coltivato ad avocado in Messico consuma circa 100mila litri di acqua al mese. Si stima che Perù, Sudafrica, Cile, Israele e Spagna utilizzino 25 milioni di metri cubi d’acqua, l’equivalente di 10mila piscine olimpioniche, per produrre gli avocado importati nel Regno Unito. “Mentre continua a spremere le ultime falde già esaurite in Messico, California e Cile, l’industria del settore sta migrando verso altre ‘zone di sacrificio’ -si legge nel report-. Per irrigare l’arida Valle di Olmos in Perù, dove operano le aziende californiane, il governo locale ha realizzato uno dei megaprogetti più contestati e segnati dalla corruzione del Paese: un tunnel di venti chilometri che attraversa la cordigliera delle Ande per portare l’acqua deviata dal fiume Huancabamba a Olmos”. All’eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse idriche si aggiunge poi il massiccio utilizzo di prodotti chimici nelle piantagioni: nel solo Michoacán, la coltura dell’avocado si porta dietro ogni anno 450mila litri di insetticidi, 900mila tonnellate di fungicidi e 30mila tonnellate di fertilizzanti.
    #avocat #agriculture #Mexique #globalisation #mondialisation #cartographie #visualisation #Michoacán #déforestation #produits_phytosanitaires #fertilisants #pesticides #plantation #fruits #Misison_Produce #Calvaro_Growers #multinationales #financiarisation #bourse #hedge_funds #private_equity #Criterion_Africa #industrie_agro-alimentaire #eau #Pérou #Huancabamba #Olmos #exploitation #insecticides

    • The Avocados of Wrath

      This little orchard will be part of a great holding next year, for the debt will have choked the owner. This vineyard will belong to the bank. Only the great owners can survive, for they own the canneries too... Men who have created new fruits in the world cannot create a system whereby their fruits may be eaten… In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.”

      So wrote John Steinbeck when, perhaps for the first time, the immense devastation provoked by capitalist agribusiness, the subsequent expulsion of peasant families from the Midwest, and their arrival in California in the 1930s became visible.[1] Perhaps, if he were writing today, he would replace grapes with avocados. The business model for this popular tropical fruit is the epitome of agribusiness recrudescent, causing rampant deforestation and water diversion, the eradication of other modes of agriculture, and the expulsion of entire communities from the land.

      Avocados are, after bananas and pineapples, the world’s third-largest fruit commodity. Their production is taking up an ever-growing area and continually expanding into new countries. What are the implications of this worldwide expansion? What forces are driving it? How does this model, working on both global and local scales, manage to keep prices high? How did the current boom, with avocados featured at major sporting events and celebrations of all kinds, come to pass? What are the social repercussions of this opaque business?

      We begin the story on 12 February 2023 in Kansas City at the 57th Super Bowl, American football’s premier annual event. A month earlier, more than 2000 km away in Michoacán, Mexico, tens of thousands of tons of avocados were being packed for shipping. The United States imports 40% of global avocado production and the Super Bowl is when consumption peaks. “The guacamole eaten during the Super Bowl alone would fill 30 million football helmets,” says Armando López, executive director of the Mexican Association of Avocado Growers, Packers, and Exporters (APEAM), which paid nearly $7 million for a Super Bowl ad.[2]

      Despite its limited coverage in US media, the dark side of avocado production was the unwelcome guest at this year’s event. A complaint against the Government of Mexico had recently been filed with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation under the USMCA, accusing the government of tolerating the ecocidal impacts of avocado production in Michoacán.[3]

      Mexico can be seen as a proving ground for today’s avocado industry. Focusing on this country helps tell the story of how the avocado tree went from being a relic of evolutionary history to its current status as an upstart commodity characterized by violence and media-driven consumerism.

      Booming world production

      For a decade now, avocados have been the growth leaders among tropical fruit commodities.[4] Mexico, the world’s largest exporter, accounts for 40% of total production. According to OECD and FAO projections, this proportion could reach 63% in 2030. The United States absorbs 80% of Mexican avocado exports, but production is ramping up in many other countries.

      In 2021, global production reached 8.8 million tons, one third of which was exported, for a value of $7.4 billion. By 2030, production is expected to reach 12 million tons. Within a decade, the average area under cultivation doubled in the world’s ten largest producer countries (see Figure 1). It quadrupled in Colombia, Haiti, Morocco, and the Dominican Republic, and quintupled in Zimbabwe. Production has taken off at a gallop in Malawi and Vietnam as well, with both countries now ranking among the top 20 avocado producers.

      The top 10 countries account for 80% of total production. In some of these, such as Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Kenya (see Table 1), the crop is largely grown for export. Its main markets are the United States and Europe, which together make up 70% of global imports. While Mexico supplies its neighbour to the north all year long, the avocados going to Europe come from Peru, South Africa, and Kenya in the summer and from Chile, Mexico, Israel, and Spain in the winter.[5] The Netherlands, as the main port of entry for the European Union, has become the world’s third-leading exporter.

      Other markets are rapidly opening up in Asia. Kenya, Ethiopia, and recently Tanzania have begun exporting to India and China,[6] while Chinese imports from Peru, Mexico, and Chile are also on the rise. In 2021, despite the pandemic, these imports surpassed 41,000 tons.[7] In addition, US avocado companies have begun cutting costs by sourcing from China, Yunnan province in particular.[8]

      The multimillion dollar “#green_gold” industry

      According to some estimates, the global avocado market was worth $14 billion in 2021 and could reach $30 billion by 2030.[10] The biggest profits go to a handful of vertically integrated groups that are continuing to fan out to new countries, where they are setting up subsidiaries. They have also tightened their control over importers in the main global hubs.
      For two examples, consider the California-based Mission Produce and Calavo Growers. In 2021, Mission Produce reported sales equivalent to 3% of global production,[11] and its sales have risen steadily over the last decade, reaching $1.045 billion in 2022.[12] The United States buys 80% of the company’s volume, with Europe, Japan, and China being other large customers, and it imports from Peru, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, and Israel. It controls 8600 hectares in Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia.[13]

      Calavo Growers, for its part, had total sales of $1.191 billion in 2022.[14] More than half its revenues came from packing and distribution of Mexican, US, Peruvian, and Colombian avocados.[15] The United States is far and away its biggest market, but in 2021 it began stepping up Mexican exports to Europe and Asia.[16]

      South Africa-based Westfalia Fruits is another relevant company in the sector. It has 1200 hectares in South Africa and is expanding to other African and Latin American countries. It controls 1400 hectares in Mozambique and has taken over large exporters such as Aztecavo (Mexico), Camet (Peru), and Agricom (Chile).[17] Its main markets are Europe, the United States, South America, and Asia.[18] Some of its subsidiaries are incorporated in the tax haven of Delaware, and it has acquired importers in the UK and Germany.[19]

      These companies have based their expansion on investment from heavyweight players in the world of finance. Mission Produce and Calavo Growers are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and are attracting investment from such concerns as BlackRock and The Vanguard Group.[20] We are also seeing private equity, endowment, and pension funds moving into avocados; Mission Produce, for example, joined with private equity firm Criterion Africa Partners to launch production of over 1000 hectares of avocados in Selokwe (South Africa).[21]

      In 2020, Westfalia sold shares in Harvard Management Company, the company that manages Harvard University’s endowment fund.[22] Also involved is the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, which in 2017 acquired Australia’s second-largest avocado grower, Jasper Farms. PSP Investments, which manages Canada’s public service sector pensions, made a controversial acquisition of 16,500 hectares in Hawaii for production of avocado, among other crops, and faces grave accusations deriving from its efforts to monopolize the region’s water supply.[23]

      Finally, it has to be emphasized that the expansion enjoyed by these companies has been aided by public funding. For example, South Africa’s publicly owned Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) have supported Westfalia’s incursions into Africa and Latin America under the guise of international development.[24]

      A proving ground for profit and devastation

      To take the full measure of the risks looming over the new areas being brought under the industrial avocado model, it is important to read Mexico as a proving ground of sorts. The country has become the world’s largest producer through a process bound up with the dynamics of agribusiness in California, where avocado production took its first steps in the early twentieth century. The US market grew rapidly, protected from Mexican imports by a 1914 ban predicated on an alleged threat of pests coming into the country.

      This was the genesis of Calavo Growers (1924) and Henry Avocado (1925). California began exporting to Europe and expanding the area under cultivation, reaching a peak of 30,000 hectares in the mid-1980s, when Chile began competing for the same markets.[29] It was then that consortia of California avocado producers founded West Pak and Mission Produce, and the latter of these soon began operations as an importer of Chilean avocados. In 1997, 60% of US avocado purchases came from Chile, but the business collapsed with the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).[30] Lobbying by APEAM and the US companies then led to the lifting of the ban on Mexican imports. With liberalization under NAFTA, Mexican avocado exports multiplied by a factor of 13, and their commercial value by a factor of 40, in the first two decades of the twenty-first century.

      The California corporations set up subsidiaries in Mexico and began buying directly from growers, going as far as to build their own packing plants in Michoacán.[31] One study found that by 2005, Mission Produce, Calavo Growers, West Pak, Del Monte, Fresh Directions, and Chiquita had cornered 80% of US avocado imports from Mexico.[32]

      Today, the state of Michoacán monopolizes 75% of the nation’s production, followed by Jalisco with 10% and Mexico state with 5%.[33] In 2019, export-oriented agriculture was a high-profile player in the industry, with public policies being structured around its needs. And if the business had become so profitable, it was because of the strategies of domination that had been deployed by avocado agribusiness and the impacts of these strategies on peasant and community ways of life.[34] The Mexican avocado boom is now reliant on the felling of whole forests. In many cases these are burned down or clear-cut to make way for avocado groves, using up the water supply of localities or even whole regions. The societal costs are enormous.

      In 2021, Mexico produced some 2.5 million tons of avocados; within the preceding decade, nearly 100,000 hectares had been directly or indirectly deforested for the purpose.[35] In Michoacán alone, between 2000 and 2020, the area under avocados more than doubled, from 78,530.25 to 169,939.45 ha.[36] And reforestation cannot easily repair the damage caused by forest destruction: the ecological relationships on which biodiversity depends take a long time to evolve, and the recovery period is even longer after removal of vegetation, spraying of agrotoxins, and drying of the soil.

      In Jalisco, the last decade has seen a tripling of the area under avocado, agave, and berries, competing not only with peasants and the forests stewarded by original peoples, but also with cattle ranchers.[37] “Last year alone,” says Adalberto Velasco Antillón, president of the Jalisco ranchers’ association, “10,000 cattlemen (dairy and beef) went out of business.”[38]

      According to Dr. Ruth Ornelas, who studies the avocado phenomenon in Mexico, the business’s expansion has come in spite of its relative cost-inefficiency. “This is apparent in the price of the product. Extortion garners 1.4% of total revenues,… or 4 to 6 pesos per kilogram of avocados.” It is a tax of sorts, but one that is collected by the groups that control the business, not by the government.[39] According to Francisco Mayorga, minister of agriculture under Vicente Fox and Enrique Calderón, “they collect not only from the farmer but from the packer, the loggers, the logging trucks and the road builders. And they decide, depending on the payments, who gets to ship to Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán and Jalisco. That’s because they have a monopoly on what is shipped to the world’s largest buyer, the United States.”[40]

      By collecting this toll at every link in the chain, they control the whole process, from grower to warehouse to packer to shipper, including refrigeration and the various modes of distribution. And not only do they collect at every step, but they also keep prices high by synchronizing supply from warehouse to consumer.

      Dr. Ornelas says, “They may try to persuade people, but where that doesn’t work, bribes and bullets do the trick. Organized crime functions like a police force in that it plays a certain role in protecting the players within the industry. It is the regulatory authority. It is the tax collector, the customs authority, and the just-in-time supplier. Sadly, the cartels have become a source of employment, hiring halcones [taxi drivers or shoeshine boys working as spies], chemists, and contract killers as required. It seems that they even have economists advising them on how to make the rules.” Mayorga adds: “When these groups are intermingled with governmental structures, there is a symbiosis among growers, criminals, vendors, and input suppliers. If somebody tries to opt out of the system, he may lose his phytosanitary certification and hence his ability to export.” Mayorga stresses that the criminals administer the market and impose a degree of order on it; they oversee the process at the domestic and international levels, “regulating the flow of product so that there is never a glut and prices stay high.” Investment and extortion are also conducive to money laundering. It is very hard to monitor who is investing in the product, how it is produced, and where it is going. Yet the government trumpets avocados as an agri-food success.

      Official data indicate that there are 27,712 farms under 10 hectares in Michoacán, involving 310,000 people and also employing 78,000 temporary workers.[41] These small farms have become enmeshed in avocado capitalism and the pressures it places on forests and water; more importantly, however, the climate of violence keeps the growers in line. In the absence of public policy and governmental controls, and with organized crime having a tight grip on supply chains and world prices, violence certainly plays a role in governance of the industry. But these groups are not the ones who run the show, for they themselves are vertically integrated into multidimensional relationships of violence. It is the investors and large suppliers, leveraged by the endowment, pension, and private equity funds, who keep avocado production expanding around the world.[42]

      A headlong rush down multiple paths

      The Mexican example alerts us to one of the main problems associated with avocado growing, and that is water use. In Mexico, each hectare consumes 100,000 litres per month, on top of the destruction of the biodiverse forests that help preserve the water cycle.[46] A whole other study ought to be devoted to the indiscriminate use of agrotoxins and the resulting groundwater contamination. In Michoacán alone, the avocado crop receives 450,000 litres of insecticides, 900,000 tons of fungicides, and 30,000 tons of fertilizers annually.[47]

      Wherever they are grown, avocados consume an astonishing volume of water. An estimated 25 million m³, or the equivalent of 10,000 Olympic swimming pools, are estimated to be used by Peru, South Africa, Chile, Israel, and Spain to produce the avocados imported into the UK.[48]

      California has maintained its 90% share of the US avocado market, but this situation is not predicted to endure beyond 2050.[49] California’s dire water crisis has been driven to a significant extent by the industrial production of avocados and other fruits, with climate change exacerbating the problem.[50]
      In the Chilean province of Petorca, which accounts for 60% of Chile’s avocado exports, the production of one kilogram of avocados requires 1280 litres of water. Water privatization by the Pinochet dictatorship in 1981 coincided with the rise of the country’s export industry and abetted the development of large plantations, which have drained the rivers and driven out peasant farming.[51] This appears to be one of the reasons why Chile is no longer self-sufficient in this commodity. “We import more than we export now,” said the director of Mission Produce, Steve Barnard, two years ago, stating that avocados were being brought in not only from Peru but also from California.[52]

      Even as it continues to squeeze the last drops of water out of depleted aquifers in Mexico, California, and Chile, the industry is migrating into other sacrifice zones.[53] To water the arid Olmos Valley in Peru, where California’s avocado companies operate, the Peruvian government developed one of the country’s most corrupt and conflict-ridden megaprojects: a 20-km tunnel through the Andes range, built in 2014, to deliver water diverted from the Huancabamba River to Olmos. The project was sold as an “opportunity to acquire farmland with water rights in Peru.”[54]

      Colombia was the next stop on the avocado train, with the crop spreading out across Antioquia and the coffee-growing region, and with even large mining interests joining forces with agribusiness.[55] “Peru is destined to replace much of its avocado land with citrus fruit, which is less water-intensive,” said Pedro Aguilar, manager of Westfalia Fruit Colombia, in 2020, although “water is becoming an absolutely marvelous investment draw, since it is cost-free in Colombia.”[56]

      Sowing the seeds of resistance

      If Mexico has been an experiment in devastation, it has also been an experiment in resistance, as witness the inspiring saga of the Purépecha community of Cherán, Michoacán. In 2012, the community played host to a preliminary hearing of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal that condemned land grabbing, deforestation, land conversion, agrotoxin spraying, water depletion, fires, and the widespread violence wielded against the population. It laid the blame for these plagues squarely on timber theft, the avocado industry, berry greenhouses, and agave production.


      One year earlier, the population had decided to take matters in hand. They were fed up with this litany of injustices and with the violence being inflicted on them by the paramilitary forces of organized crime. Led by the women, the community took up the arduous task of establishing checkpoints marked out by bonfires (which were also used for cooking) throughout the area. Any institution or group that questioned their collective authority was immediately confronted. The newly created community police force is answerable to the general assembly, which in turn reports to the neighbourhood assemblies. A few years ago, the community gated itself to outsiders while working on restoring the forest and establishing its own horizontal form of government with respect for women, men, children, and elders.

      The community then took another step forward, opting for municipal and community autonomy. This was not a straightforward process, but it did finally lead to approval by the National Electoral Institute for elections to take place under customary law and outside the party system. This example spread to other communities such as Angahuan that are also grappling with agribusiness, corruption, and organized crime.[57]

      Clearly, this struggle for tradition-rooted self-determination is just beginning. The cartels, after all, are pursuing their efforts to subdue whole regions. Meanwhile, for their own defence, the people are continuing to follow these role models and declaring self-government.

      An unsustainable model

      “The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but … men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit—and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains.”[58]

      Per capita consumption of avocados has kept on growing in the importing countries, driven by intense marketing campaigns promoting the nutritional benefits of this food. In the United States alone, consumption has tripled in 20 years.[59] While avocados are sold as a superfood, a convenient veil remains thrown over what is actually happening at the local level, where the farmers are not the ones benefiting. While this global trend continues, various false solutions are proposed, such as water-saving innovations or so-called “zero deforestation” initiatives.

      In this exploitative model, small- and medium-sized growers are forced to take on all the risk while also bearing the burden of the environmental externalities. The big companies and their investors are largely shielded from the public health and environmental impacts.

      As we have said, the growers are not the ones who control the process; not even organized crime has that power. They are both just cogs in the industrial agri-food system, assisting the destruction it wreaks in order to eke out a share of the colossal dividends it offers. To truly understand the workings of the system, one has to study the supply chain as a whole.

      Given these realities, it is urgent for us to step up our efforts to denounce agribusiness and its corrupting, devastating model. The people must organize to find ways out of this nightmare.

      * Mexico-based Colectivo por la Autonomía works on issues related to territorial defence and peasant affairs, through coordination with other Mexican and Latin American social movement organizations, as well as legal defence and research on the environmental and social impacts experienced by indigenous and rural territories and communities.

      Banner image: Mural in Cherán that tells the story of their struggle. This mural is inside the Casa Comunal and is part of a mural revival throughout the city, where there are collective and individual works in many streets and public buildings. This mural is the work of Marco Hugo Guardián Lemus and Giovanni Fabián Gutiérrez.

      [1] John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath Penguin Classics, 1939, 2006.
      [2] Guillermina Ayala, “López: “Un Súper Bowl con guacamole,” Milenio, 11 February 2023,
      [3] The USMCA is the trade agreement between Mexico, the United States, and Canada. See also Isabella González, “Una denuncia lleva a la producción mexicana de aguacate ante la comisión ambiental del T-MEC por ecocidio,” El País, 8 February 2023,
      [4] In what follows, the sources for production volumes, areas under cultivation, and sales are the FAOSTAT and UN Comtrade databases [viewed 25 January 2023]. The source for 2030 projections is OECD/FAO, OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2021–2030, 2021,
      [5] Ruben Sommaruga and Honor May Eldridge, “Avocado Production: Water Footprint and Socio-economic Implications,” EuroChoices 20(2), 13 December 2020,
      [6] See George Munene, “Chinese traders plan on increasing Kenyan avocado imports,” Farmbiz Africa, 1 August 2022,; Tanzania Invest, “Tanzania sign 15 strategic agreements with China, including avocado exports,” 5 November 2022,
      [7] USDA, "China: 2022 Fresh Avocado Report, 14 November 2022,
      [8] Global AgInvesting, “US-based Mission Produce is developing its first domestic avocado farm in China,” 8 June 2018,
      [9] Wageningen University & Research, “Improved mango and avocado chain helps small farmers in Haiti,” 2022,
      [10] See Grand View Research, “Avocado market size, share & trends analysis report by form (fresh, processed), by distribution channel (B2B, B2C), by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Central & South America, MEA), and segment forecasts, 2022–2030,” 2022,; Straits Research, “Fresh avocado market,” 2022,
      [11] Mission Produce, “Mission Produce announces fiscal 2021 fourth quarter financial results,” 22 December 2021,
      [12] Sources: Capital IQ and United States Securities and Exchange Commission, “Mission Produce: Form 10-K,” 22 December 2022,
      [13] The company reports that it has had avocado plantations since 2011 on three Peruvian farms covering 3900 ha, in addition to producing blueberries on 400 hectares (including greenhouses) as part of a joint venture called Moruga. See Mission Produce, “Investor relations,” December 2022,; United States Securities and Exchange Commission, “Mission Produce: Form 10-K,” 22 December 2022,, and
      [14] Sources:; Calavo Growers, “Calavo Growers, Inc. announces fourth quarter and fiscal 2021 financial results,” 20 December 2021,
      [15] Its main subsidiaries in Mexico are Calavo de México and Avocados de Jalisco; see Calavo Growers, Calavo Growers, Inc. Investor Presentation, 12 December 2022,; United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Calavo Growers, Inc. form 10-K, December 2022,
      [16] Among its main US clients are Kroger (15% of 2022 total sales), Trader Joe’s (11%), and Wal-Mart (10%) Source: Capital IQ. See also “Calavo quiere exportar aguacate mexicano a Europa y Asia,” El Financiero, 8 January 2021,
      [17] See IDC, “Westfalia grows an empire,” 2018,; IFC, Creating Markets in Mozambique, June 2021,;; “Agricom y Westfalia Fruit concretan asociación en Latinoamérica,”, 9 January 2018,
      [18] Marta del Moral Arroyo, “Prevemos crecer este año un 20% en nuestras exportaciones de palta a Asia y Estados Unidos,” Fresh Plaza, 27 May 2022,
      [19] See
      [20] For example, in the case of Calavo Growers, BlackRock controls 16%, Vanguard Group 8%, and five other investment 20%; see Capital IQ, “Nuance Investments increases position in Calavo Growers (CVGW),” Nasdaq, 8 February 2023,; “Vanguard Group increases position in Calavo Growers (CVGW),” Nasdaq, 9 February 2023,
      [21] Liam O’Callaghan, “Mission announces South African expansion,” Eurofruit, 8 February 2023, Criterion Africa Partners invests with funds from the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, and the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO) (Source: Preqin).
      [22] Harvard Management Company subsequently spun out its holdings in Westfalia to the private equity fund Solum Partners; see Lynda Kiernan, “HMC investment in Westfalia Fruit International to drive global expansion for avocados,” Global AgInvesting, 17 January 2020,; Michael McDonald, “Harvard spins off natural resources team, to remain partner,” Bloomberg, 8 October 2020,
      [23] See “Ontario Teachers’ acquires Australian avocado grower Jasper Farms,” OTPP, 19 December 2017,; “Canadian pension fund invests in ex-plantation privatizing Hawaii’s water,” The Breach, 23 February 2022,
      [24] See; Westfalia is a subsidiary of the South African logging company Hans Merensky Holdings (HMH), whose main shareholders are the Hans Merensky Foundation (40%), IDC (30%), and CFI (20%) (see
      [25] Amanda Landon, “Domestication and significance of Persea americana, the avocado, in Mesoamerica,” Nebraska Anthropologist, 47 (2009),
      [26] Ibid., 70.
      [27] Jeff Miller, Avocado: A Global History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020),
      [28] Maria Popova, “A ghost of evolution: The curious case of the avocado, which should be extinct but still exists,” The Marginalian,, citing Connie Barlow, The Ghosts of Evolution: Nonsensical Fruit, Missing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachronisms,
      [29] Patricia Lazicki, Daniel Geisseler, and Willliam R. Horwath, “Avocado production in California,” UC Davis, 2016,
      [30] Flavia Echánove Huacuja, “Abriendo fronteras: el auge exportador del aguacate mexicano a United States,” Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 2008, Vol. 28, N° 1,
      [31] Calavo Growers, Calavo Growers, Inc. Investor Presentation, 12 December 2022,
      [32] Flavia Echánove Huacuja, op cit., the evolution of these companies in the sector was different. Chiquita withdrew from the avocado industry in 2012, while for Del Monte, this fruit accounts for a steadily declining share of its sales, reaching 8% ($320 million) in 2021 (see; United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. Form 10-K, 2022; Del Monte Quality, A Brighter World Tomorrow, )
      [33] Source: SIAP ( [viewed 27 November 2022].
      [34] María Adelina Toribio Morales, César Adrián Ramírez Miranda, and Miriam Aidé Núñez Vera, “Expansión del agronegocio aguacatero sobre los territorios campesinos en Michoacán, México,” Eutopía, Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial, no. 16, December 2019, pp. 51–72,
      [35] Enrique Espinosa Gasca states: “The Ministry of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change (Semadet) in Michoacán acknowledged in March 2019 that in the first twenty years of the millennium, Michoacán has lost a million hectares of its forests, some due to clandestine logging and some due to forest fires set for purposes of land conversion”; “Berries, frutos rojos, puntos rojos,” in Colectivo por la Autonomía and GRAIN, eds, Invernaderos: Controvertido modelo de agroexportación (Ceccam, 2021).
      [36] Gobierno de México, SIACON (2020),; idem, Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera (SIAP),
      [37] “Se triplica cosecha de agave, berries y aguacate en Jalisco,” El Informador, 23 December 2021,
      [38] María Ramírez Blanco, “Agave, berries y aguacate encarece precio de la tierra en Jalisco, roba terreno al maíz y al ganado,” UDG TV, 31 January 2023,
      [39] Agustín del Castillo, Territorio Reportaje, part 8, “Negocio, ecocidio y crimen,” Canal 44tv, Universidad de Guadalajara, October 2022,

      [40] Agustín del Castillo, Territorio Reportaje, part 7, “La huella criminal en el fruto más valioso del mundo: la palta, el avocado, el aguacate,” Canal 44tv, Universidad de Guadalajara, September 2022,
      [41] Gobierno de México, Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, “Productores de pequeña escala, los principales exportadores de aguacate a Estados Unidos: Agricultura,” 29 January 2020,
      [42] Our results and arguments coincide with those found in Alexander Curry, “Violencia y capitalismo aguacatero en Michoacán,” in Jayson Maurice Porter and Alexander Aviña, eds, Land, Markets and Power in Rural Mexico, Noria Research. Curry is skeptical of analyses in which violence can be understood in terms of its results, such as the coercive control of a market square or highway. “Such analyses forget that violence is part of a social process, with its own temporal framework,” he writes. It is therefore necessary to frame the process within a broader field of relations of inequality of all kinds, in which the paradox is that legal and illegal actors intermingle at the local, national, and international levels, but in spheres that rarely intersect. The avocado industry cannot be explained by the cartels but by the tangled web of international capitalism.
      [43] See and
      [44] Jennifer Kite-Powell, “Using Drip Irrigation To Make New Sustainable Growing Regions For Avocados”, Forbes, 29 March 2022: .
      [45] See Pat Mooney, La Insostenible Agricultura 4.0: Digitalización y Poder Corporativo en la Cadena Alimentaria, ETC Group, 2019, See also Colectivo por la Autonomía and GRAIN, eds, Invernaderos: controvertido modelo de agroexportación.
      [46] Colectivo por la Autonomía, Evangelina Robles, José Godoy, and Eduardo Villalpando, “Nocividad del metabolismo agroindustrial en el Occidente de México,” in Eduardo Enrique Aguilar, ed., Agroecología y Organización Social: Estudios Críticos sobre Prácticas y Saberes (Monterrey: Universidad de Monterrey, Editorial Ítaca, 2022),
      [47] Metapolítica, “La guerra por el aguacate: deforestación y contaminación imparables,” BiodiversidadLA, 24 June 2019,
      [48] Chloe Sutcliffe and Tim Hess, “The global avocado crisis and resilience in the UK’s fresh fruit and vegetable supply system,” Global Food Security, 19 June 2017,
      [49] Nathanael Johnson, “Are avocados toast? California farmers bet on what we’ll be eating in 2050,” The Guardian, 30 May 2016,
      [50] GRAIN, “The well is running dry on irrigated agriculture,” 20 February 2023,
      [51] Danwatch, “Paltas y agua robada,” 2017,
      [52] Fresh Fruit Portal, “Steve Barnard, founder and CEO of Mission Produce: We now import more to Chile than we export,” 23 August 2021,
      [53] Sacrifice zones are “places with high levels of environmental contamination and degradation, where profits have been given priority over people, causing human rights abuses or violations”: Elizabeth Bravo, “Zonas de sacrificio y violación de derechos,” Naturaleza con Derechos, Boletín 26, 1 September 2021,
      [54] See Catalina Wallace, “La obra de ingeniería que cambió el desierto peruano,” Visión, March 2022,; “Proyecto de irrigación Olmos,” Landmatrix, 2012, The costly project was part of the Odebrecht corruption case fought in the context of the “Lava Jato” operation: Jacqueline Fowks, “El ‘caso Odebrecht’ acorrala a cuatro expresidentes peruanos,” El País, 17 April 2019,
      [55] Liga contra el Silencio, “Los aguacates de AngloGold dividen a Cajamarca,” 30 October 2020,
      [56] “Colombia: Los aguacates de AngloGold dividen a Cajamarca,” La Cola de Rata,16 October 2020,
      [57] See Las luchas de Cherán desde la memoria de los jóvenes (Cherán Ireteri Juramukua, Cherán K’eri, 2021); Daniela Tico Straffon and Edgars Martínez Navarrete, Las raíces del despojo, U-Tópicas,; Mark Stevenson, “Mexican town protects forest from avocado growers and drug cartels,” Los Angeles Times,; Monica Pellicia, “Indigenous agroforestry dying of thirst amid a sea of avocados in Mexico,”
      [58] The Grapes of Wrath, op. cit.
      [59] USDA, “Imports play dominant role as U.S. demand for avocados climbs,” 2 May 2022,

      #rapport #Grain #land_grabbing #accaparement_des_terres

  • Covid-19’s Enormous Death Toll: Worldwide Life Expectancy Has Experienced A Steep Decline

    Life expectancy returned to pre-pandemic levels in only a few countries in Western Europe. These are France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Sweden.

    Among wealthy nations, the U.S., in particular, has been experiencing an ongoing sharp decline in life expectancy. Even prior to the #Covid-19 pandemic, life expectancy in the U.S. had been stagnant for nearly a decade. In 2021, an American was expected to live 76.1 years, which is down 2.8 years from the 2014 peak of 78.9 years. Life expectancy is now back to where it was in 1996. In the U.S., besides Covid-19, there are many other factors contributing to the decrease in life expectancy, including obesity-related diseases, drug overdoses, gun deaths, traffic accidents, and suicides.

    Reported Covid-19 deaths are a key indicator to track the evolution of the pandemic. However, many countries still lack functioning vital statistics systems with the capacity to provide accurate, complete and timely data on births, deaths and causes of death. A recent analysis of health information systems capacity in 133 countries found that the percentage of registered Covid-19 deaths ranged from 98% in the European region to only 10% in the African region.

    Countries also use different processes to test and report Covid-19 deaths, which implies that such fatality figures aren’t necessarily commensurate. To overcome these challenges, public health authorities have turned to excess mortality as a more accurate measure of the impact of the pandemic.

  • TikTok’s Secret ‘Heating’ Button Can Make Anyone Go Viral

    Heating also reveals that, at least sometimes, videos on the For You page aren’t there because TikTok thinks you’ll like them; instead, they’re there because TikTok wants a particular brand or creator to get more views. And without labels, like those used for ads and sponsored content, it’s impossible to tell which is which.

    Employees have also abused heating privileges. Three sources told Forbes they were aware of instances where heating was used improperly by employees; one said that employees have been known to heat their own or their spouses’ accounts in violation of company policy. Documents reviewed by Forbes showed that employees have heated their own accounts, as well as accounts of people with whom they have personal relationships. According to one document, a heating incident of this type led to an account receiving more than three million views.

    (attention modérateurices de @seenthis, on vous a à l’oeil)

    #heating #promotion #algorithmes

  • 7 Covid-19 Realities To Consider In 2023

    In May 2020, Dr. Rick Bright, former director of BARDA, warned Congress that, without ramped up coronavirus pandemic preparedness, we would face the darkest winter in modern history. His warnings were spot on, however there has been precious little follow through and that will be a problem in 2023. Source: Forbes

  • En tout cas, chez Radio France on a déjà de sacrés champions du monde…

    France-Maroc : la climatisation au Qatar provoque "un coup de froid" chez deux titulaires des Bleus

    Adrien Rabiot et Dayot Upamecano, deux joueurs de l’équipe de France de football, ont été victimes d’un « coup de froid » au Qatar, à quelques heures de la demi-finale du Mondial face au Maroc. La faute à une climatisation omniprésente. Adrien Rabiot est forfait et Dayot Upamecano est remplaçant.


    Dans les stades, la climatisation doit permettre que la température de la pelouse soit maintenue autour de 22°C, quand il fait environ entre 25° et 30° en dehors des stades. Des petites bouches rejetant de l’air très froid sont ainsi installées sous les sièges ou dans les murs. « C’est insupportable, ça va dans les jambes, dans le dos, partout », expliquait le 25 novembre dernier Sabri, un supporter canadien interrogé par France Inter.

    (Un nouvel expert médical témoigne : « un supporter canadien ».)

    Chez BFM, ils titrent sur « Mondial 2022 : un mystérieux coup de froid chez les Bleus »

    En direct | Mondial 2022 : "Coup de froid" et "fébrilité"... Le mystérieux mal qui touche les Bleus | La Provence

    En creux, le sélectionneur veut parler du Covid-19, bien présent à Doha, notamment parmi les journalistes venus suivre la compétition. Cette hypothèse a été balayée de source proche des Bleus dès mardi.

    @monolecte Tu l’avais pas vue venir, celle-là, hein ? Après la « dette immunitaire », voici donc « la faute à la clim »… (Par contre, l’aspect « mystérieux » d’une maladie qui présente « des symptômes grippaux », c’est pas original du tout. Les symptômes grippaux mais c’est pas le Covid, c’est même ze new black.)

    • Sinon : les types sont logés dans un hôtel ultra-luxueux de Doha. C’est pas le bouiboui pourri avec une vieille clim impossible à régler qui crachote de l’air glacé juste sur ton oreiller en faisant un bruit d’hydravion qui décolle. Surtout : il fait 26° en ce moment à Doha, c’est pas comme si tu avais d’énormes différences de température entre l’extérieur et l’intérieur, entre ton terrain de foot et les vestiaires…

    • Il y a des rumeurs de MERS dans le secteur de Doha  : La grande-tante du covid, version moyen-orient et 30% de mortalité la dernière fois qu’elle a fait coucou…

      Mais bon, continuons de jouer aux cons, y en a qui sont certains de gagner  !

      Hier, AG copro  : au début je suis le seul masque. En me voyant, 3 ou 4 ont sorti le leur de la poche. Comme je me représentais, j’ai lancé  : «  Mon plan était de vous montrer le bas cette année, mais c’est clairement raté et je suis la première à le regretter  » (t’as vu la ref’ subtile pour les + de 45 ans  ?), et hop, je suis arrivée à 10% de masques.
      J’en conclus qu’il y a une petite minorité qui est consciente du problème, mais qui a peur de s’afficher dans l’espace public.

      Je sais pourquoi le plombier n’est pas venu finir le job  : covid. Ce qui le fout à 15 jours de retard de travaux.
      Chez moi, il a trainé des pieds pour le masque, il a fini par sortir une merde à valves qu’il a très mal portée. Donc, nous, on était enfermés dans une pièce interdite d’accès, fenêtre ouverte + purificateur d’air HEPA13. Ventilation totale de l’appart (heureusement traversant) pendant 10-15 min à chaque pause de chantier. Le gus trouvait que j’en faisais trop.

      N’empêche qu’il a eu le covid et pas nous.

    • Je ne trouve pas dans les articles s’ils ont testé l’équipe, PCR Covid et PCR grippe, pour être un peu certain. Je suspecte fortement que non, surtout pas : manquerait plus qu’ils trouvent des joueurs carrément positifs, et t’imagines les complications… Est-ce qu’il faut les mettre à l’isolement ? Est-ce qu’ils deviennent automatiquement forfait pour le match ?

      Alors on va dire que c’est un mystérieux coup de froid dû à la climatisation de la pelouse.

    • en revanche, on trouve un indémodable #c'est_la_faute_aux_Anglais

      FIFA World Cup 2022: France def Morocco, Adrien Rabiot, Dayot Upamecano, illness, air conditioning, England squad, latest, updates

      Yet some French staff, according to beIN Sports, believe the pair’s illnesses came about thanks to England’s team.

    • idem, ici, plus l’hypothèse de la clim’ et les interrogations sur l’état de santé de certains joueurs marocains…

      France ’blame England’ for duo missing World Cup semi-final with theory they can’t prove - Mirror Online

      According to beIN Sports, members of the France camp believe that the pair both contracted their illness from England players during their match. However, they have no way of confirming their theory.

      Another theory, reported by L’Equipe, blamed air conditioning in Qatar for the illnesses suffered by the pair. There is also no requirement for Covid-19 testing at the tournament.

      Morocco were boosted by captain Romain Saiss and centre back Nayef Aguerd being deemed fit enough to start in Wednesday’s semi-final after being forced off earlier in the tournament. Coach Walid Regragui praised their staff for getting them in contention ahead of the game.

    • Forbes sur covid et MERS-CoV

      Is MERS Coronavirus Really A Concern At The 2022 World Cup ?

      Concerns about the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) seem to be spreading on social media. After all, MERS has been trending on Twitter and presumably it’s not due to any surging interest in the Mongoose Express Rest Service. But how concerned should you really be about MERS? Is the coronavirus that causes MERS actually spreading among crowds at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar? Or is not doing the same thing as that other coronavirus? Is MERS even an appropriate name for this syndrome? And what’s all this talk about the so-called “camel flu?

      Ah, so many questions. Well, according to an article in The Sun by Robin Perrie and Nick Parkermay, the U.K. Health Security Agency (HSA) did issue a briefing note stating that “Clinicians and public health teams should specifically be alert to the possibility of MERS in returning travellers from the World Cup.” Hmmm. And an announcement from the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Health Directorate warned that “Anyone travelling from the Middle East, including returning to Australia from attending the 2022 FIFA World Cup, should be aware of Middle East respiratory syndrome [MERS].” But “alert to” and “aware of” doesn’t necessarily mean “already saw some cases.” Just like “you should be aware of the possibility that your pants may fall down” doesn’t necessarily mean that your pants have already hit the floor while you’re in the middle of giving a TED Talk on leadership and how to think outside the box.

      So far, it’s not clear whether any cases of MERS have even been diagnosed among those who’ve been attending the World Cup football tournament. For example, Angela Rasmussen, PhD, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, stated “AFAIK there is not even 1 case linked to the World Cup” in the following tweet on December 14:

      From TwitterFROM TWITTER

      The “#AFAIK ” used by Rasmussen was presumably an acronym for “As Far As I Know,” rather than a misspelling of “a fake.” While the MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is certainly not fake and as Rasmussen indicated, “always a concern,” she did go on to say that “these specific concerns seem to be imaginary.” Yeah, while one type of coronavirus, the kind that causes Covid-19, keeps spreading and spreading and spreading throughout different parts of the world, there’s no evidence at this point that the MERS-CoV, which is a very different coronavirus, is doing the same.

      on appréciera la comparaison …

  • Died Suddenly - Mort Subitement VOSTFR

    La version sous-titrée française de Died Suddenly - Mort subitement est enfin disponible, je vous avouerais que je suis sous le choc, comme vous le savez j’ai un fils et ma mère qui sont vaccinés, alors même si on était prévenu, cela fait un choc de voire ces infos. Le Témoignage de ces embaumeurs est crucial, car lors dès décès il n’y a quasiment jamais d’autopsie, aussi ils sont les seuls à constater ces caillots et plus encore, sachez que si vous êtes vacciné les numérotations D-dimères peuvent aider. Amitiés, L’Amourfou

    Source(s) : Odysé via Twitter Informations complémentaires : : La vérité commence à sortir.... Les gens ont été vaccinés pour RIEN (sauf peut-être un motif plus sombre...) : Pr. CLaverie : Le Vaccin ne marche pas : Ce n’est pas la solution à notre (...)

    #Épinglé #Actualités_scientifiques #Sciences

  • Prochain kink comploplo de gôche (qui aime se faire du mal) : la preuve que le covid long c’est rien que du mensonge pour vendre des trucs c’est qu’y a que la presse financière anglo-saxonne, les assurances et Décathlon qui en parlent.

    The growing evidence that Covid-19 is leaving people sicker
    (The potential impact on heart and brain disease poses challenges to healthcare systems globally)

    Older Workers Are Struggling With A New Disability : Long Covid

    Covid long : reconnaître et soigner les symptômes persistants


    Decathlon épaule ses salariés malades de Covid long

  • Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less

    The worst kept secret is that employees are making less on average every year. There are millions of reasons for this, but we’re going to focus on one that we can control. Staying employed at the same company for over two years on average is going to make you earn less over your lifetime by about 50% or more.

  • Facebook Gave Nebraska Cops A Teen’s DMs So They Could Prosecute Her For Having An Abortion

    Voilà, c’était dans l’air, on en causait... maintenant c’est une réalité : vos traces seront utilisées contre vous.
    La question de l’avortement est redevenue une question centrale pour le droit des femmes à disposer de leur propre corps, et ceci dans le monde entier. Bientôt près de chez vous.

    A Nebraska teenager is facing criminal charges alleging she aborted a fetus in violation of state law, after authorities obtained her Facebook messages using a search warrant. Seventeen-year-old Celeste Burgess, who is being tried as an adult along with her mother Jessica Burgess, is awaiting trial in Madison County District Court on charges that they broke a Nebraska law banning abortions after 20 weeks.

    This marks one of the first instances of a person’s Facebook activity being used to incriminate her in a state where abortion access is restricted — a scenario that has remained largely hypothetical in the weeks following the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Nebraska currently outlaws abortions beyond 20 weeks. On Monday, Republican lawmakers in the state failed to secure enough votes to decrease that window to 12 weeks.

    Celeste and her mother were charged in July with allegedly removing, concealing or abandoning a dead human body and concealing the death of another person after the Norfolk Police Department received a tip claiming Celeste had miscarried in April at 23 weeks of pregnancy and secretly buried the fetus with her mother’s help. The case was first reported by the Lincoln Journal Star.

    While Celeste told police that she had suffered a miscarriage, they continued to investigate, serving Facebook with a search warrant to access Celeste and Jessica’s Facebook accounts. They subsequently found messages between the mother and daughter allegedly detailing how Celeste had undergone a self-managed abortion with Jessica’s help. There are four states that ban abortion at 24 weeks, and more than a dozen that broadly ban it at the start of fetal viability.

    After this story’s publication, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement on Twitter that "Nothing in the valid warrants we received from local law enforcement in early June, prior to the Supreme Court decision, mentioned abortion. The warrants concerned charges related to a criminal investigation and court documents indicate that police at the time were investigating the case of a stillborn baby who was burned and buried, not a decision to have an abortion."Stone added that Meta was prohibited from sharing information about the search warrant by non-disclosure orders which have since been lifted.

    A month before Celeste was charged, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook parent Meta, was asked by employees how the company will protect those seeking abortions. Zuckerberg replied that efforts to expand encryption across the platform will “keep people safe,” CyberScoop reported. In May, Meta’s VP of HR, Janelle Gale, told employees they were not allowed to discuss abortion at work, according to the Verge. The company later announced that it will reimburse employees who find they must travel to a different state to seek an abortion.

    Still, Meta has remained largely silent on how it will moderate abortion content in general. However, users recently noticed that Instagram and Facebook posts about acquiring abortion pills such as mifepristone were being systematically removed. At the same time, Meta continued to earn revenue from anti-abortion advertisements containing dangerous misinformation, Media Matters found. An investigation by the Markup discovered that Facebook was collecting data from users interacting with abortion services websites, and subequently made that information available to anti-abortion groups.

    In response to pressure from employees, Google announced that it would delete location data of users who had used the platform to look up abortion services.

    All of the largest tech giants have been pressed on whether, and to what extent, they may cooperate in investigations that seek to punish women for seeking an abortion. In June, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone told the Washington Post that the company “carefully scrutinize[s] all government requests for user information and often push[es] back, including in court.”

    A District Attorney assigned to the case declined to comment. An attorney for Celeste Burgess did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Update: This story has been updated to note that the Facebook messages were obtained via search warrant.
    Emily Baker-White
    Emily Baker-White

    I’m a technology reporter and senior writer at Forbes based in San Francisco. Have a tip? Email me at or
    Sarah Emerson
    Sarah Emerson

    #Facebook #Avortement