• IPS transfers tens of hunger-striking prisoners to civilian hospitals, prison field clinics
    May 22, 2017 9:43 P.M.

    Freedom and Dignity strike: Some of Palestine’s most high-profile prisoners. From left to right: Fouad Shubaki, Nael Barghouthi, Karim Yunis, Ahmad Saadat, Marwan Barghouth

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A number of Palestinian prisoners who entered their 36th day of mass hunger strike on Monday have been transferred to civilian hospitals, as Israeli authorities moved tens of prisoners into prison field clinics, according to the media committee formed to support the hunger strikers.

    Some 1,300 hunger-striking prisoners are calling for an end to the denial of family visits, the right to pursue higher education, appropriate medical care and treatment, and an end to solitary confinement and administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial — among other demands for basic rights.

    Prisoners continue to be transferred to hospitals, field clinics

    Hebrew media sites reported that the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) transferred 70 hunger-striking prisoners to a number of Israeli civilian hospitals due to a “serious deterioration” in their health conditions.

    Sites said that the 70 prisoners were transferred to the Assaf Harofeh, Soroka, Barzilai, Hamek and Beilinson hospitals in Israel.

    An IPS spokesperson was not immediately available for comment.(...)

    • Voyage de Donald Trump en Israël : grève générale en Cisjordianie en soutien aux prisonniers palestiniens
      LE MONDE | 22.05.2017 à 17h53

      Le jour de l’arrivée de Donald Trump en Israël, une grève générale a été largement suivie en Cisjordanie. La raison : le soutien aux 1 000 prisonniers en grève de la faim, pour des conditions de détention plus dignes, dans les prisons israéliennes. Tous les magasins étaient fermés et les rues vides à Ramallah, siège de l’Autorité palestinienne. Aucun taxi ni transport ne circulait. Des heurts ont ensuite éclaté entre des centaines de jeunes qui jetaient des pierres sur des soldats israéliens, lesquels ont répliqué par de longues salves de grenades lacrymogènes et des tirs de balles en caoutchouc, faisant au moins un blessé, selon un bilan provisoire.