• The Invasion of Ideas - Shelly Palmer
    Cet article nous propose une analyse intelligente et pourtant erronée des attentats récents. Il les présente comme résultat du social engineering sans mentionner le fait que la violence a toujours existé dans les relations de classe et sans évoquer que statistiquement les USA connaissent un mass shooting par jour pour des raisons purement sociétales.

    Où sa positions est intéressante c’est quand on le prend comme expression de l’état d’esprit des libéraux modérés étatuniens. Il n’échappent jamais aux pièges de la technopilie et de leur propre perspective de classe nationale.

    To understand how to defeat an enemy using social media, it would help to understand self-organizing ant colonies or self-organizing robot swarms or even algorithmic art. Most self-organizing systems work by giving a few very simple instructions to completely autonomous entities and letting them act on their own.

    The strategy requires four cohorts: ideators, propagators, supporters and executors. Ideators will come up with the instructions and post them. Propagators will share, retweet or otherwise propagate the instructions. Supporters will not propagate but will tacitly support the propagators. Executors will carry out the instructions.
    The Instagram Intifada

    The names “social terrorism” and “social media warfare” are not quite right. This is a new kind of war against an enemy with very new weapons. Soldiers armed with rifles are fighting side-by-side with civilians armed with smartphones. The result is a synchronized physical and cyber war. The battle is fought, both sides launch a narrative meme, and the most emotionally compelling story wins.

    A Social Engineering Arms Race

    According to my good friend Col. John Fenzel (Ret.), “We are now in a state of enduring social conflict enabled and empowered by social media.” The recent killings were not ordered by a military commander, not carried out by troops, not perpetrated by terror cells or operatives. They were socially engineered.

    The key performance indicator in this well-executed, hyper-targeted, social media marketing campaign is dead people. It’s sickening to think of it this way, but I have to call this what it is: a highly successful social engineering hack.

    #terrorisme #counterinsurgency #internet #USA

    • Hello, Klauss. You’re following me, I see. I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything of interest yet. But here is a book you might find of interest: Charles Mills’ Black Right/White Wrongs: The Critique or Racial Liberalism. One of the things I find interesting is the book is the idea (which represents a fact, I think) that many liberals (I speak of liberal here not neo-liberalism ) believe that we are living in a world that actually instantiates ideal liberalism. I’m not sure how they manage to believe this. But some do, which I take to be an incredible feat of imagination.

      Your post above brought to my mind the following text, which I have only skimmed. (See below). The ant analogy is in force!


      The Ant Trap

      Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences

      Brian Epstein

      Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Science

      Develops a new theory of the social world
      Overturns longstanding assumptions that are built into the methods of the social sciences
      Makes controversial claims about the nature of the social world, arguing that—paradoxically—social theory has focused too much on the role of people in building the social world
      Draws connections among many disciplines, including philosophy, economics, political science, and the law