The Wire - News, Commentary, Analysis, India News, Political News, External Affairs, Science, Economics, Gender, Culture, Law

  • Long-Lost Letters Bring Word, at Last - The New York Times

    By Bryn Stole

    Bryn Stole reported from London, Berlin and Oldenburg, Germany.

    March 9, 2023

    In a love letter from 1745 decorated with a doodle of a heart shot through with arrows, María Clara de Aialde wrote to her husband, Sebastian, a Spanish sailor working in the colonial trade with Venezuela, that she could “no longer wait” to be with him.

    Later that same year, an amorous French seaman who signed his name M. Lefevre wrote from a French warship to a certain Marie-Anne Hoteé back in Brest: “Like a gunner sets fire to his cannon, I want to set fire to your powder.”

    The Decline of the Civil War Re-enactor — Bunk

    The 155th anniversary Gettysburg re-enactment was a snapshot of a hobby with dwindling ranks.
    by Bryn Stole via New York Times on July 28, 2018

    Berlin aquarium explosion: German pundits see a ripe metaphor in the collapse of this gigantic structure.

    Letzte Generation: The German activists who keep gluing themselves to highways and buildings are up to something bigger.

    Sleeper car trains: The hottest trend in travel is a throwback.

    Bryn Stole on X: ““Europe can’t stay united without the United States,” Biden said in a speech to the Senate in 1995 during the crisis in Bosnia. “There is no moral center in Europe.”” / X

    “Europe can’t stay united without the United States,” Biden said in a speech to the Senate in 1995 during the crisis in Bosnia. “There is no moral center in Europe.”

    Baltimore Sun reporter Stole departs for Fulbright opportunity - Talking Biz News

    June 24, 2022
    Posted by Mariam Ahmed
    Bryn Stole

    Bryn Stole, a reporter at The Baltimore Sun has left.

    A part of his Tweet reads, “Excited to say I’ve been offered a Fulbright grant to report from Germany starting in the fall. I’ll be reporting as a freelancer (so on the hunt for assignments, places to pitch, tips, etc.—get in touch!). I’ll be around Baltimore for most of the summer in the meantime.”

    Previously, Stole was at The Advocate for more than five years, where he worked as a metro reporter, Washington correspondent and investigative reporter. He also reported for Greenwood Commonwealth in Mississippi.

    Stole has a B.A. from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio.

    Letzte Generation: The German activists who keep gluing themselves to highways and buildings are up to something bigger.

    Glue-ten Tag!
    Behind the scenes with Germany’s reviled “climate-gluer” activists.
    By Bryn Stole
    Feb 03, 20235:45 AM

    Protests Against Police Shootings in the US Continue, Protestors Face Arrest

    Bryn Stole and David Bailey

    Baton Rouge/Minneapolis: Protests against the shootings of two black men by police officers shut down main arteries in a number of US cities on July 9, leading to numerous arrests, scuffles and injuries in confrontations between police and demonstrators.


  • India’s Water Transport Workers’ Union Says Won’t Help Ships Carrying Arms Bound for Israel
    18 février 2024

    New Delhi: The Water Transport Workers Federation of India, representing 3,500 workers at 11 major Indian ports, has declared that it will refuse to load or unload weapons to Israel on any ships it may be asked to do so, carrying armaments and bound for Israel.

    The press release issued by them, dated February 14, says they have “decided to refuse to load or unload weaponized cargoes from Israel or any other country which could handle military equipments and its allied cargo for war in Palestine.”

    The union says that as “Port workers, part of labour unions would always stand against the war and killing innocent people like women and children. The recent attack of Israel on Gaza plunging thousands of Palestinians into immense suffering and loss. Women and children have been blown to pieces in the war. Parents were unable to recognise their children killed in bombings which were exploding everywhere.”

  • Rooting for Israel, Not a Good Word About Palestine: Modi Is Upending Indian Foreign Policy

    By supporting only Israel and not the Palestinian people who are now being relentlessly bombed in Gaza, and not even making a token appeal for restraint and a ceasefire, Modi negated the vision of support to the Palestinian cause articulated by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru when India was fighting for freedom.

  • The Community of the Forsaken: A Response to Agamben and Nancy

    March 11, 2020 by Divya Dwivedi and Shaj Mohan - India has for long been full of exceptional peoples, making meaningless the notion of “state of exception” or of “extending” it. Brahmins are exceptional for they alone can command the rituals that run the social order and they cannot be touched by the lower caste peoples (let alone desired) for fear of ritualistic pollution. In modern times this involves separate public toilets for them, in some instances. The Dalits, the lowest castes peoples too cannot be touched by the upper castes, let alone desired, because they are considered the most ‘polluting’. As we can see, the exception of the Brahmin is unlike the exclusion of the Dalit. One of the Dalit castes named “Pariah” was turned into a ‘paradigm’ by Arendt, which unfortunately lightened the reality of their suffering. In 1896, when the bubonic plague entered Bombay, the British colonial administration tried to combat the spread of the disease using the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897. However, caste barriers, including the demand by the upper castes to have separate hospitals and their refusal to receive medical assistance from the lower caste peoples among the medical personnel, added to causes of the deaths of more than ten million people in India.

    The spread of coronavirus[1], which has infected more than 100,000 people according to official figures, reveals what we wonder about ourselves today—are we worth saving, and at what cost? On the one hand there are the conspiracy theories which include “bioweapons” and a global project to bring down migration. On the other hand, there are troublesome misunderstandings, including the belief that COVID-19 is something propagated through “corona beer”, and the racist commentaries on the Chinese people. But of an even greater concern is that, at this con-juncture of the death of god and birth of mechanical god, we have been persisting in a crisis about the “worth” of man. It can be seen in the responses to the crises of climate, technological ‘exuberance’, and coronavirus.

    Earlier, man gained his worth through various theo-technologies. For example, one could imagine that the creator and creature were the determinations of something prior, say “being”, where the former was infinite and the latter finite. In such a division one could think of god as the infinite man and man as the finite god. In the name of the infinite man the finite gods gave the ends to themselves. Today, we are entrusting the machine with the determination of ends, so that its domain can be called techno-theology.

    It is in this peculiar con-juncture that one must consider Giorgio Agamben’s recent remark that the containment measures against COVID-19 are being used as an “exception” to allow an extraordinary expansion of the governmental powers of imposing extraordinary restrictions on our freedoms. That is, the measures taken by most states and at considerable delay, to prevent the spread of a virus that can potentially kill at least one percent of the human population, could implement the next level of “exception”. Agamben asks us to choose between “the exception” and the regular while his concern is with the regularization of exception.[2] Jean-Luc Nancy has since responded to this objection by observing that there are only exceptions today, that is, everything we once considered regular is broken-through[1]. Deleuze in his final text would refer to that which calls to us at the end of all the games of regularities and exceptions as “a life”;[4] that is, one is seized by responsibility when one is confronted with an individual life which is in the seizure of death. Death and responsibility go together.

    Then let us attend to the non-exceptionality of exceptions. Until the late 1800s, pregnant women admitted in hospitals tended to die in large numbers after giving birth due to puerperal fever, or post-partum infections. At a certain moment, an Austrian physician named Ignaz Semmelweis realized that it was because the hands of medical workers carried pathogens from one autopsy to the next patient, or from one woman’s womb to the next’s, causing infections and death. The solution proposed by Semmelweis was to wash hands after each contact. For this he was treated as an exception and ostracized by the medical community. He died in a mental asylum suffering from septicemia, which resulted possibly from the beating of the guards. Indeed, there are unending senses of exceptions. In Semmelweis’ case, the very technique for combating infection was the exception. In Politics, Aristotle discussed the case of the exceptional man, such as the one who could sing better than the chorus, who would be ostracized for being a god amongst men.

    There is not one paradigm of exception. The pathway of one microbial pathology is different from that of another. For example, the staphylococci live within human bodies without causing any difficulties, although they trigger infections when our immune system response is “excessive”. At the extreme of non-pathological relations, the chloroplasts in plant cells and the mitochondria in the cells of our bodies are ancient, well-settled cohabitations between different species. Above all, viruses and bacteria do not “intend” to kill their host, for it is not always in their “interest”[5] to destroy that through which alone they could survive. In the long term—of millions of years of nature’s time—”everything learns to live with each other”, or at least obtain equilibria with one another for long periods. This is the biologist’s sense of nature’s temporality.

    In recent years, due in part to farming practices, micro-organisms which used to live apart came together and started exchanging genetic material, sometimes just fragments of DNA and RNA. When these organisms made the “jump” to human beings, disasters sometimes began for us. Our immune systems find these new entrants shocking and then tend to overplay their resources by developing inflammations and fevers which often kill both us and the micro-organisms. Etymologically “virus”[6] is related to poison. It is poison in the sense that by the time a certain new virus finds a negotiated settlement with human animals we will be long gone. That is, everything can be thought in the model of the “pharmakon” (both poison and cure) if we take nature’s time. However, the distinction between medicine and poison in most instances pertains to the time of humans, the uncanny animal. What is termed “biopolitics” takes a stand from the assumption of the nature’s temporality, and thus neglects what is disaster in the view of our interest in – our responsibility for – “a life”, that is, the lives of everyone in danger of dying from contracting the virus.

    Here lies the crux of the problem: we have been able to determine the “interests” of our immune systems by constituting exceptions in nature, including through the Semmelweis method of hand washing and vaccinations. Our kind of animal does not have biological epochs at its disposal in order to perfect each intervention. Hence, we too, like nature, make coding errors and mutations in nature, responding to each and every exigency in ways we best can. As Nancy noted, man as this technical-exception-maker who is uncanny to himself was thought from very early on by Sophocles in his ode to man. Correspondingly, unlike nature’s time, humans are concerned with this moment, which must be led to the next moment with the feeling that we are the forsaken: those who are cursed to ask after “the why” of their being but without having the means to ask it. Or, as Nancy qualified it in a personal correspondence, “forsaken by nothing”. The power of this “forsakenness” is unlike the abandonments constituted by the absence of particular things with respect to each other. This forsakenness demands, as we found with Deleuze, that we attend to each life as precious, while knowing at the same time that in the communities of the forsaken we can experience the call of the forsaken individual life which we alone can attend to. Elsewhere, we have called the experience of this call of the forsaken, and the possible emergence of its community from out of metaphysics and hypophysics, “anastasis”.[7]

    [1] Coincidently, the name of the virus ‘corona’ means ‘crown’, the metonym of sovereignty.

    [2] Which of course has been perceived as a non-choice by most governments since 2001 in order to securitize all social relations in the name of terrorism. The tendency notable in these cases is that the securitization of the state is proportionate to corporatization of nearly all state functions.

    [3] See L’Intrus, Jean-Luc Nancy, Paris: Galilée, 2000.

    [4] See “L’immanence: une vie”, Gilles Deleuze, in Philosophie 47 (1995).

    [5] It is ridiculous to attribute an interest to a micro-organism, and the clarifications could take much more space than this intervention allows. At the same time, today it is impossible to determine the “interest of man”.

    [6] We should note that “viruses” exist on the critical line between living and non-living.

    [7] In Gandhi and Philosophy: On Theological Anti-Politics, Shaj Mohan and Divya Dwivedi, foreword by Jean-Luc Nancy, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

    Camille Joseph
    MARCH 12, 2020 AT 5:26 AM
    I have been reading about Dwivedi et Mohan since seeing this text in EJP. This is a fresh voice surely formphilosophie. Sharing links

    Agamben since responded to their la peste discussion here

    #Imde #castes #covid-19 #médecine #hygiène

  • Les États-Unis mettent hors service une société israélienne de logiciels d’espionnage Moon of Alabama

    Un certain nombre de journaux, dans le monde entier, parlent aujourd’hui de la société de piratage israélienne NSO qui vend des logiciels d’espionnage [nommés Pegasus, NdT] à divers régimes. Ce logiciel est ensuite utilisé pour espionner les téléphones des ennemis du régime, des adversaires politiques ou des journalistes qui déplaisent. Tout cela était déjà bien connu, mais l’histoire a pris un nouvel essor puisque plusieurs centaines de personnes qui sont espionnées peuvent maintenant être nommées.

    La façon dont cela s’est produit est intéressante :

    Les téléphones sont apparus sur une liste de plus de 50 000 numéros concentrés dans des pays connus pour surveiller leurs citoyens et également connus pour avoir été clients de la société israélienne NSO Group, un leader mondial dans le secteur, en pleine expansion et largement non réglementé, des logiciels d’espionnage privés, selon l’enquête.

    La liste ne permet pas de savoir qui y a inscrit les numéros, ni pourquoi, et on ignore combien de téléphones ont été ciblés ou surveillés. Mais l’analyse technique de 37 smartphones montre que beaucoup d’entre eux présentent une corrélation étroite entre les horodatages associés à un numéro de la liste et le déclenchement de la surveillance, dans certains cas aussi brève que quelques secondes.

    Forbidden Stories, une organisation de journalisme à but non lucratif basée à Paris, et Amnesty International, une organisation de défense des droits de l’homme, ont eu accès à cette liste et l’ont partagée avec certains journaux, qui ont effectué des recherches et des analyses supplémentaires. Le Security Lab d’Amnesty International a effectué les analyses techniques des smartphones.

    Les chiffres figurant sur la liste ne sont pas attribués, mais les journalistes ont pu identifier plus de 1 000 personnes dans plus de 50 pays grâce à des recherches et des entretiens sur quatre continents.

    Qui aurait pu dresser une telle liste pour la donner à Amnesty et à Forbidden Stories ?

    NSO est l’une des sociétés israéliennes utilisées pour mettre sur le marché le travail de l’unité de renseignement militaire israélienne, 8200. Les « anciens » membres de 8200 sont employés par NSO pour produire des outils d’espionnage qui sont ensuite vendus à des gouvernements étrangers. Le prix de la licence est de 7 à 8 millions de dollars pour 50 téléphones à espionner. C’est une affaire louche mais lucrative pour cette société et pour l’État d’Israël.

    NSO nie les allégations selon lesquelles son logiciel est utilisé pour des objectifs malsains en racontant beaucoup de conneries :

    Le rapport de Forbidden Stories est rempli d’hypothèses erronées et de théories non corroborées qui soulèvent de sérieux doutes sur la fiabilité et les intérêts de leurs sources. Il semble que ces "sources non identifiées" aient fourni des informations qui n’ont aucune base factuelle et sont loin de la réalité.

    Après avoir vérifié leurs affirmations, nous démentons fermement les fausses allégations faites dans leur rapport. Leurs sources leur ont fourni des informations qui n’ont aucune base factuelle, comme le montre l’absence de documentation à l’appui de nombre de leurs affirmations. En fait, ces allégations sont tellement scandaleuses et éloignées de la réalité que NSO envisage de porter plainte pour diffamation.

    Les rapports affirment, par exemple, que le gouvernement indien du Premier ministre Narendra Modi a utilisé le logiciel de NSO pour espionner le chef du parti d’opposition, Rahul Gandhi.

    Comment NSO pourrait-elle nier cette allégation ? Elle ne le peut pas.

    Plus loin dans la déclaration de NSO, la société se contredit sur ces questions :

    Comme NSO l’a déclaré précédemment, notre technologie n’a été associée en aucune façon au meurtre odieux de Jamal Khashoggi. Nous pouvons confirmer que notre technologie n’a pas été utilisée pour écouter, surveiller, suivre ou collecter des informations le concernant ou concernant les membres de sa famille mentionnés dans l’enquête. Nous avons déjà enquêté sur cette allégation, qui, une fois encore, est faite sans validation.

    Nous tenons à souligner que NSO vend ses technologies uniquement aux services de police et aux agences de renseignement de gouvernements contrôlés dans le seul but de sauver des vies en prévenant la criminalité et les actes terroristes. NSO n’exploite pas le système et n’a aucune visibilité sur les données.

    Comment NSO peut-elle nier que le gouvernement saoudien, l’un de ses clients reconnus, a utilisé son logiciel pour espionner Jamal Khashoggi, puis l’assassiner, en disant qu’il « n’exploite pas le système » et « n’a aucune visibilité sur les données » ?

    Vous ne pouvez pas prétendre à la fois a. recueillir des informations et b. n’avoir aucun moyen de les recueillir.

    Mais revenons à la vraie question :
    • Qui a la capacité de dresser une liste de 50 000 numéros de téléphone dont au moins 1 000 ont été espionnés avec le logiciel de NSO ?
    • Qui peut faire « fuiter » une telle liste à ONG et s’assurer que de nombreux médias « occidentaux » s’en emparent ?
    • Qui a intérêt à faire fermer NSO ou du moins à rendre ses activités plus difficiles ?

    La concurrence, je dirais. Et le seul véritable concurrent dans ce domaine est l’Agence nationale de sécurité [la NSA, NdT] étatsunienne.

    Les États-Unis utilisent souvent le « renseignement » comme une sorte de monnaie diplomatique pour maintenir les autres pays dans une situation de dépendance. Si les Saoudiens sont obligés de demander aux États-Unis d’espionner quelqu’un, il est beaucoup plus facile d’avoir de l’influence sur eux. Le NSO gêne cette activité. Il y a aussi le problème que ce logiciel d’espionnage de première classe que NSO vend à des clients un peu louches pourrait bien tomber entre les mains d’un adversaire des États-Unis.

    La « fuite » à Amnesty et Forbidden Stories est donc un moyen de conserver un certain contrôle monopolistique sur les régimes clients et sur les technologies d’espionnage. (Les Panama Papers étaient un type similaire de « fuite » parrainée par les États-Unis, mais dans le domaine financier).

    Edward Snowden, qui était autrefois un partisan convaincu de la NSA mais qui en a divulgué des documents parce qu’il voulait qu’elle respecte la loi, soutient cette campagne :

    Edward Snowden @Snowden - 16:28 UTC - 18 juil. 2021

    Arrêtez ce que vous êtes en train de faire et lisez ceci. Cette fuite va être l’histoire de l’année :

    Edward Snowden @Snowden - 15:23 UTC - 19 juil. 2021

    Il y a certaines industries, certains secteurs, contre lesquels il n’y a aucune protection. Nous n’autorisons pas un marché commercial pour les armes nucléaires. Si vous voulez vous protéger, vous devez changer la donne, et la façon dont nous le faisons est de mettre fin à ce commerce.
    Guardian : Edward Snowden demande l’interdiction du commerce de logiciels espions dans le cadre des révélations sur Pegasus

    Edward Snowden semble vouloir dire que NSO, qui ne vend ses logiciels qu’aux gouvernements, devrait cesser de le faire mais que la NSA devrait continuer à utiliser cet instrument d’espionnage :

    Dans une interview accordée au Guardian, M. Snowden a déclaré que les conclusions du consortium illustraient la manière dont les logiciels malveillants commerciaux avaient permis aux régimes répressifs de placer beaucoup plus de personnes sous une surveillance invasive.

    L’opinion de Snowden à ce sujet est plutôt étrange :
    chinahand @chinahand - 17:28 UTC - 19 juil. 2021

    Fascinant de voir comment M."La surveillance étatique américaine est la plus grande menace pour l’humanité" s’énerve sur le fait qu’un peu de surveillance étatique est apparemment externalisée à un entrepreneur privé par des acteurs étatiques de niveau moyen et bas.

    Edward Snowden @Snowden - 17:06 UTC - 19 juil. 2021

    Lisez les articles sur les fonctionnaires de Biden, Trump et Obama qui ont accepté de l’argent du groupe NSO pour enterrer toute responsabilité, même après leur implication dans la mort et la détention de journalistes et de défenseurs des droits dans le monde entier !
    WaPo : Comment les assoiffés de pouvoir de Washington ont profité des ambitions de NSO en matière d’espionnage

    Le tumulte créé dans les médias par les révélations concernant NSO a déjà eu l’effet escompté :

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) a fermé l’infrastructure et les comptes liés au fournisseur israélien de logiciels de surveillance NSO Group, a déclaré Amazon dans un communiqué.

    Cette mesure intervient alors que des médias et des organisations militantes ont publié de nouvelles recherches sur les logiciels malveillants de NSO et les numéros de téléphone potentiellement sélectionnés pour être ciblés par les gouvernements clients de NSO.

    "Lorsque nous avons appris cette activité, nous avons agi rapidement pour fermer l’infrastructure et les comptes concernés", a déclaré, dans un courriel, un porte-parole d’AWS à Motherboard.
    Cela fait des années qu’AWS est au courant des activités de NSO. NSO a utilisé CloudFront, un réseau de diffusion de contenu appartenant à Amazon :

    L’infrastructure de CloudFront a été utilisée pour déployer les logiciels malveillants de NSO contre des cibles, notamment sur le téléphone d’un avocat français spécialisé dans les droits de l’homme, selon le rapport d’Amnesty. Le passage à CloudFront protège aussi quelque peu NSO contre des enquêteurs ou d’autres tiers qui tenteraient de découvrir l’infrastructure de l’entreprise.

    "L’utilisation de services en nuage protège NSO Group de certaines techniques de balayage d’Internet", ajoute le rapport d’Amnesty.

    Cette protection n’est plus valable. NSO aura bien du mal à remplacer un service aussi pratique.

    Israël s’en plaindra, mais il me semble que les États-Unis ont décidé de faire fermer NSO.

    Pour vous et moi, cela ne réduira que marginalement le risque d’être espionné.
    Moon of Alabama
    Traduit par Wayan, relu par Hervé, pour le Saker Francophone

    #nso #NSA #israel #Amnesty #police #agences_de_renseignement #Edward_Snowden #CloudFront #surveillance #pegasus #spyware #écoutes #smartphone #journalisme #hacking #sécuritaire #espionnage #géolocalisation #jamal_khashoggi #Forbidden_Stories #Amazon #Amazon_Web_Services #AWS
    #USA #CloudFront

    • La firme derrière Pegasus est liée au Luxembourg

      Jean Asselborn, ministre des Affaires étrangères, a confirmé l’existence au Luxembourg de deux bureaux de la firme israélienne NSO Group, qui a conçu le logiciel Pegasus, accusé d’avoir été utilisé par plusieurs États pour espionner les téléphones de journalistes et de dissidents.

      Selon le ministre, les bureaux luxembourgeois servent au back office, c’est-à-dire au contrôle des opérations financières de l’entreprise. Un communiqué de l’entreprise datant de 2019 précise que le siège social se trouve au Luxembourg. « NSO développe des technologies qui aident les services de renseignements et les agences étatiques à prévenir et enquêter sur le terrorisme et le crime », indique l’entreprise, dans sa présentation. Il serait même « un leader mondial » en la matière, générant « 250 millions de dollars de revenus en 2018 ». NSO affirme aussi s’être passé de clients à cause d’un non-respect des droits de l’homme.

      Un tour politique
      Mais la nature des activités au Grand-Duché reste floue. D’après Amnesty International, le logiciel Pegasus n’a pas été conçu au Grand-Duché. Aucune demande d’exportation de produit n’a d’ailleurs été formulée. « Je ne peux dire qu’une chose. S’il s’avère que le groupe NSO au Luxembourg a commis des violations des droits de l’homme, alors le Luxembourg doit réagir et réagira », a déclaré Asselborn. Ce dernier a envoyé une lettre aux dirigeants concernés pour rappeler les obligations en matière de droits de l’homme.

      Le sujet n’a pas encore été évoqué en commission des Affaires étrangères à la Chambre, expliquent des députés concernés. L’affaire a cependant vite pris un tour politique, avec d’abord une question parlementaire urgente du parti Pirates, sommant le gouvernement d’indiquer si des journalistes, politiciens ou militants au Luxembourg sont concernés par le scandale d’espionnage et quels sont les liens entre NSO et le Grand-Duché. Le parti déi Lénk demande aux autorités de réagir, bien au-delà du « Pacte national entreprises et droits de l’homme », avec une « loi opposable et munie des moyens financiers et personnels permettant d’intervenir pour mettre fin au mépris envers les droits humains ».

    • Hilarants ces politiques et ces journalistes choqués par leur surveillance !

      On n’a pas arrêté, ces dernières années, d’étendre toujours plus la surveillance du citoyen, depuis l’extension des caméras de surveillance partout sur le territoire jusqu’à la reconnaissance faciale qui ne cesse de progresser, y compris en France, jamais en retard d’une idée pour nous pister, nous surveiller, nous fliquer.

      Une surveillance active, intrusive, poussée, de plus en plus vicelarde, de certaines cibles aisément identifiées par ceux qui sont pouvoir, pour le profit personnel des politiciens et de leurs amis.

      Pour elles et eux, les drones qui seront sans nul doute utilisés pour mieux canaliser les mouvements de foule, les manifestations, pas de problème.
      Pour elles et eux, la loi européenne « ePrivacy » qui instaure de manière dérogatoire une surveillance automatisée de masse des échanges numériques sur internet en Europe, pas de problème.
      Le smartphone obligatoire, pas de problème.

      Ne parlons pas des données sur nos enfants, envoyées directement chez microsoft, education nationale, santé . . .
      Ne parlons pas non plus de toutes les informations possibles et imaginables que les gafam nous volent, de façon de plus en plus vicieuse.

      Pegasus, ePrivacy, pass sanitaire, la société qui se dessine ces dernières semaines devient véritablement cauchemardesque.
      Bon, d’après Edward Snowden la NSA n’aimait pas la concurrence pour ce qui est de nous espionner, et Julian Assange est toujours en prison, en Angleterre, sans aucun motif.

      Pour le reste, l’essentiel, c’est de monter à dessein les habitants de ce pays les uns contre les autres, et c’est une réussite.

  • COVID-19 and Its Aggravated Impact on Tamil Nadu’s Konar Herders

    The lockdown brought a sudden halt to activities, giving no time to work out their strategies for grazing after their main markets shut down, making a huge dent in their incomes.

  • ’You Can’t go Back’: Migrant Workers Told in Tamil Nadu

    After conducting a survey of a small sample from our database, we found that 95% of respondents wanted to go back home; 75% wanted to go home even if they were offered work. 63% of respondents were owed wages from before the lockdown.

  • #Inde : des policiers armés de #frondes et de #catapultes vont protéger #Trump des #singes

    Les autorités indiennes ont également érigé un #mur pour cacher les #bidonvilles qui bordent une route que doit emprunter Donald Trump, explique Slate.

    #Donald_Trump va fouler le sol indien pour la première fois en tant que président les 24 et 25 février 2020. Alors, pour s’assurer que le voyage du locataire de la Maison-Blanche se déroule en toute quiétude, l’Inde n’a pas lésiné sur les moyens. Le Premier ministre Narendra Modi a notamment équipé sa police pour protéger le milliardaire des 50 millions de singes qui peuplent cet immense pays du sud de l’Asie. Les forces de l’ordre, munies de frondes et de petites catapultes, vont suivre leur hôte à la trace pour le prémunir de toute attaque de ces animaux qui peuvent parfois se montrer agressifs, comme l’expliquent nos confrères de Slate, jeudi 20 février 2020. Voilà les primates prévenus.

    Et ce n’est pas tout. Non content d’assurer la sécurité de Donald Trump, le gouvernement indien souhaite également s’assurer du confort de ses pérégrinations. Les autorités ont pris la décision polémique d’ériger un mur de 500 mètres sur la route reliant l’aéroport d’Ahmedabad au centre-ville, comme le révèle le journal indien The Wire (en anglais). Le but ? Dissimuler la pauvreté des bidonvilles de Sarania Vaas aux yeux du prestigieux hôte, qui doit assister à l’inauguration du stade de cricket de la région.

    #Cache-misère de béton

    Les autorités d’Ahmedabad ont démenti toute volonté de construire un cache-misère. Vijay Nehra, qui dirige la ville, explique vouloir « éviter les intrusions et protéger des arbres qui étaient abîmés ». Un argument qui ne convainc pas grand monde en Inde, à l’image de The Wire. « Pourquoi cherchons-nous à cacher nos pauvres alors que nous sommes incapables de dissimuler la pauvreté qui martyrise le pays ? » s’insurge le quotidien. Il y a fort à parier que Donald Trump jalouse un tel mur, qu’il rêve de voir s’ériger entre les États-Unis et le Mexique.
    #murs_intra-urbains #murs_urbains #invisibilisation #lol #géographie_urbaine

    • Gujarat: Another Brick in Trump’s Wall

      –-> Children play near the wall being constructed in Ahmedabad, to hide a slum from Trump during his visit. Photo: Reuters/Amit Dave

      As the US President Donald Trump visits Ahmedabad in Gujarat this month, we hear that the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is building half-kilometre wall on the stretch that leads to Gandhinagar from Ahmedabad.

      The purpose of the wall, it is learnt, is to hide the 500 kutcha houses at the Dev Saran or Saraniyavaas slum area. The slum houses an estimated population of 2,500.

      All in all, the AMC is building this wall to hide poverty, if not the poor.

      We know well that Trump rose to power on an exclusive hate campaign, at the heart of which was his commitment and rhetoric to build a wall at the Mexican border. His arrogant pledge asking Mexico to even pay for such a wall, added to his deceitful masculinity and persona, traits which do matter in the elections to the highest office in the USA.

      In our penchant for welcoming guests beyond their expectations, we have gone too far in pleasing Trump by offering him a spectacle of a wall on his forthcoming visit. Atithi Devo Bhava, stretched to its best!

      Ironically, the wall in question is not to limit illegal migration but to hide the legal citizens of this country. In fact Trump’s good friend, Modi, has other tricks up his sleeve to contain the legality of citizens of the land but that’s a different story, for some other day.

      Coming back to the wall in question, the building of walls to hide poverty is not new in this world.

      In preparation for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian government constructed a wall surrounding the Mare Favela complex to hide the poverty of the favela. When brought to the notice of the world, the Brazilian government came up with a bizarre explanation for the act.

      It said that the wall was necessary to protect the ears of its poor! Strange that silence is still considered to be the harbinger of sanity by otherwise noisy and careless regimes.

      –-> An outer wall of an under-construction detention centre for illegal immigrants is pictured at a village in Goalpara district in the northeastern state of Assam, September 1, 2019. Photo: Reuters/Anuwar Hazarika

      Even though no such explanation has been offered by the Gujarat government, it is but interesting to know why do we want to hide our poor even when we cannot hide the poverty which ails the nation like a disease? The indices of human development in Gujarat reveal a story where the necessity of such a wall to hide the poor and the poverty can be explained though not justified.

      Despite the so called “Gujarat model of development,” these indices clearly show that poverty and poor human existence is the unceasing companion of the Gujarati masses, irrespective of what Modi and his ilk wants us to believe.

      Gujarat stood at 22nd rank among Indian states in the Human Development Index for 2018.

      This is far below than some of so called “poor performing” states of Jammu & Kashmir (at 17) Uttarakhand (at 19) and Nagaland (at 20). The Infant Mortality Rate of Gujarat in 2016 stood at 30 per 1,000 live births, far poorer than that of states like Jharkhand (29 per 1000 live births) and Jammu & Kashmir (24 per 1000 live births).

      Another sensitive index of human development, namely the Maternal Mortality Rate was 91 per 1,00,000 live births in Gujarat in 2016 as compared to 66 in Tamil Nadu and 88 in Telangana in the same year.

      In an interesting paper (titled Did Gujarat Switch to a Higher Growth Trajectory Relative to India under Modi?) published in the Economic and Political Weekly in May 2014, just when Modi took over as the PM of the country for the first time, authors Maitreesh Ghatak and Sanchari Roy could show through complex statistical analysis that the success story of Gujarat under Modi’s chief ministership was nothing more than what the state could have even otherwise achieved in the natural course of things.

      In fact Gujarat fared worse when compared to Bihar for the same period of analysis. No wonder the ill fate of Gujarat has continued unabated till date so as to warrant the need of building the wall of shame.

      The need for a wall to hide the poverty in Gujarat is even more acute it seems. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, ‘Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India’ released recently, the suicide rates in Gujarat due to poverty increased by a whopping 162% in 2018. The report also revealed that 21% more suicides happened in Gujarat due to unemployment as a reason.

      Interestingly, one of the basic functions of a wall is separation.

      In the very popular TV series, The Game of Thrones, a continent-spanning wall is made to keep out the “wild” people from civilisation. The Greeks had similar motives when they built walls. Those who lived beyond the city walls were called barbarians. These were the uncivilised people whom the walls kept at a safe distance from the civilised.

      In fact, even the thick prison walls serve the same purpose: keeping the dangerous separated from the civil.

      The mythical wall which God instructs Nehemiah to build in the Bible, separates and thus saves Jerusalem from the attack of the enemy. The separation by a wall is thus both symbolic and actual.

      In fact in the words of Dostoyevsky:

      “A wall, you see, is a wall … and so on, and so on. But is it? It is my thesis that, in addition to their versatile physical functions, walls possess an immense measure of signification and that these two realms-the concrete and the symbolic interact with each other.”

      Walls have thus been tools of keeping the ‘wild’, the uncivilised and the barbaric separated from those who are the harbingers of civility. But to build a wall to separate the view of poverty has its own unique flavour. It becomes even more important in the context of a democracy where the people, both poor and the rich, vote to form the very government which wants to hide them from visiting leaders of affluent countries.

      As residents of urban metropolises we are concerned about the aesthetics of our cities. Ugly poverty is an eyesore to the landscape we want to build.

      The smart cities we promise should be without the poor. Slums, ghettos and street habitation form an obnoxious trail of existence which we earnestly want to wipe off from the streets of our cities.

      Who needs to see the poor, the sick and the dying? The street children selling balloons need to be obliterated from our view not because we care for them but because we care for ourselves.

      We care for the reputation that we build in front of visiting dignitaries. So what if we cannot address poverty, we can still build a wall.

      I am not surprised. Walls divide, walls hide. Walls are stony deaf and heartless.


    • A Wall Is Being Built in Ahmedabad to Block a #Slum From Donald Trump’s View

      A wall is being constructed by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to hide a slum cluster from the view of US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

      The wall is over half-a-kilometre long and seven feet high.

      The two have planned a roadshow in the city on February 24.

      The wall is being constructed on the road leading from the Ahmedabad airport to Gandhinagar as part of a beautification plan that has been rolled out ahead of Trump’s visit. He is scheduled to address a huge gathering at the Motera Stadium in Ahmedabad at the end of the roadshow.

      The ‘Kem Chho Trump’ event is being seen as Modi’s reciprocative gesture to the US president for joining him at the ‘Howdy Modi’ gathering in Houston last year.

      As part of the preparations for the event, a lot of infrastructural work has been undertaken all around Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.

      The wall in question is coming up in front of the Dev Saran or Saraniyavaas slum area, which has been in existence for several decades and houses over 500 tenements. The place is home to over 2,500 people and the manner in which the wall is being constructed to mask it has posed questions around the mindset which has driven the exercise.

      Earlier, when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie Abe had visited Gujarat for the 12th India-Japan annual summit in 2017, and then for the Vibrant Gujarat Summit the same year, a beautification drive was undertaken but attempts were not made to hide any part of the city’s life from the visiting dignitaries.

      Budget session also postponed for first time in two decades

      Meanwhile, the budget session of the Gujarat assembly has also been postponed by two days in view of Trump’s visit. It has now been rescheduled to convene from February 26.

      The state legislative affairs minister, Pradipsinh Jadeja, told the media that it was due to Modi and Trump’s visit that the government has decided to reschedule the budget session and the presentation of the budget.

      This is the first time in the last two decades that the budget session has been rescheduled in the state. The secretary of Gujarat assembly, D.M. Patel, was quoted as saying that “rescheduling of budget date has happened rarely in Gujarat’s parliamentary history”.

      An official defended the action, saying the rescheduling has been done to prevent any political clashes that are usually witnessed on the first day of the budget session.

  • You’ll Never See the Iconic Photo of the ’Afghan Girl’ the Same Way Again

    A photographer’s plan to pay tribute to the 1985 National Geographic cover has revealed the disturbing truth about what is reflected in Sharbat Gula’s eyes.

    A screenshot from Tony Northrup’s video.

    • McCurry was a complete stranger, and it is not welcome for a girl of traditional Pashtun culture to reveal her face, share space, make eye contact and be photographed by a man who does not belong to her family.

      For the photograph, she had been moved to a different location with better light and a clean background.

      When McCurry entered, he spotted Sharbat Gula’s piercing green eyes, though she made an effort to cover her face. McCurry asked her class teacher to instruct her to cooperate. After being compelled to “let him photograph her… she lowered her hands” – in McCurry’s own words – to uncover her face.

      “He poses her like an 80s’ glamour shot,” Northrup observes: “shoulder tilted towards the camera, forehead forward, nice light to illuminate the eyes and direct eye contact – something that she would never ever do.”

      McCurry wanted to take more pictures but Sharbat Gula fled. No part of the written story mentioned her narrative or even her name (which McCurry did not care to find out). He did not take her consent or her father’s to publish the image.

      When Sharbat Gula finally saw the cover that would make her face world-famous, she felt, she later said, “nervous and very sad”.

      #pulsion_scopique et #male_gaze auxquels les #filles ont l’obligation de se soumettre...

  • Cataract Surgery Could Confuse Biometric Identification

    Cataract surgery can sometimes alter the iris in the eye, leading to errors in biometric verification, according to the results of a new study. If a problem arises, the only way out would be re-enrol for biometric identity after surgery.

    #reconnaissance_faciale #biométrie

  • A Generation of Girls Is Missing in India – Foreign Policy

    Young Indian women walk past a billboard in New Delhi encouraging the birth of girls on July 9, 2010.

    Perched almost a mile above sea level and circled by majestic Himalayan peaks, Uttarkashi is a spot where religious pilgrims often make a pit stop before proceeding on the sacred Hindu Char Dham Yatra, the Four Abode Pilgrimage, which they believe will bring them closer to salvation. With its verdant landscape, dotted by temples and yoga ashrams, Uttarkashi is a place of breathtaking beauty.

    But all is not well in this peaceful Himalayan district. Between February and April, not a single female child was born here in 216 births across the 132 villages. Local authorities, suspecting sex-selective abortions, have launched an extensive investigation, spearheaded by the district magistrate, Ashish Chauhan.
    Although exact numbers of such terminations are not available, according to the first national study on abortion overall, an estimated 15.6 million abortions [ ] took place in India in 2015. Although the practice is legal up to 20 weeks into a pregnancy under a broad range of criteria, an estimated 10 women die every day due to unsafe procedures. As many as 56 percent [ ] of abortions in India are estimated to be unsafe, and about 8 to 9 percent of all maternal deaths [ ] in India are due to unsafe abortions.

    It is safe to assume that a large number of the abortions that happen in India are performed because the fetus is female. Last year, an Indian government report [ ] found that about 63 million women were statistically “missing” from the country’s population due to a societal preference for male children. And this problem does not just stem from sex-selective abortion. The report noted that another 21 million girls were considered “unwanted” by their families, who continue to have children until a son is born. Roughly 239,000 girls under the age of 5 died in India every year between 2000 and 2005 due to gender-based neglect, according to a 2018 study [ ].
    Efforts to enforce the law have also been lacking. Despite vast evidence that sex-selective abortion happens on a wide scale, it still goes largely unpunished, mostly due to ineffective and lackadaisical judicial systems. According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau, between 2002 and 2012, there were a mere 218 cases charging medical practitioners with performing ultrasounds with an intention to determine the sex of the fetus. Only 55 people were convicted.
    India is already experiencing all of these problems, especially in northern states with particularly bad sex ratios. According to a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India [ ], the female sex ratio has fallen to 896 females per 1,000 males in 2015 to 2017 from 898 in 2014 to 2016. The Wire reported [ ] that according to census data, India’s national child gender ratio fell from 945 girls to 1,000 boys in 1991 to 918 in 2011. The states of Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, and Maharashtra all had a ratio even lower than 900 girls per 1,000 boys.

    As Epstein, who has collected data in more than 100 countries, including the United States, told me in 2015 [ ], “Extra males affect the social system quite dramatically. Even now, there are women being drugged and kidnapped from Bangladesh and poor Indian states because there is a shortage of young females. Take that effect and magnify it over a period of years. It’s a social disaster.
    Before it digs its own grave, India must bring back its girls.

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