Google introduces the feed, a news stream of your evolving interests


  • Google introduces the feed, a news stream of your evolving interests
    More than four years after the launch of Google Now, the company has fully dissolved its AI assistant into the DNA of many of its core product offerings. Nowhere is this impact more evident than in search, where Google has significantly shaken up its philosophy on what a term like “search” even means when you know so much about users and their interests.

    Google’s New Feeds Show You the Internet You Want to See

    This is the beginning of what appears to be an important new feature for Google—anything that appears on matters. And it’s clear that Google sees this as a way to get more people into the Google app more often. But the company is still working out some details. Gomes deflected questions about ads or sponsored posts in feeds, though that seems virtually guaranteed. And to questions about whether Google’s creating yet another echo chamber on the internet, a place for people to find what they want to hear and nothing more, Google’s execs effectively said that’s an algorithm issue. They hope that the trending topics modules, along with the new fact-check and varying-viewpoint tools, can show people more than what they explicitly ask for.

    For nearly two decades, Google’s been the place you go when you need something. Every time you turned around, there were new somethings. But you always had to go looking. Now, with products like Google Assistant and features like the new feeds, the search engine hopes to flip the script a little. Now, Google comes to you.

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