The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Mashru` Layla


  • "Roman", la dernière chanson du groupe alternatif (?) libanais Mashrou’ Leila, fait beaucoup parler.

    أغنية « رومان » من « مشروع ليلى »… السردية النسوية العربية على إيقاع الروك رند صباغ | القدس العربي Alquds Newspaper

    Certains, comme dans le papier donné en lien, saluent la volonté de promouvoir une femme libre, y compris des clichés occidentaux sur la liberté de la femme. D’autres ( y voient une énième reprise des fantasmes orientalistes sur les Arabes tels que les imaginent les Occidentaux.

    A vous de juger !

    • Synopsis: The video self-consciously toys with the intersection of gender with race by celebrating and championing a coalition of Arab and Muslim women, styled to over-articulate their ethnic background, in a manner more typically employed by Western media to victimise them.
      This seeks to disturb the dominant global narrative of hyper-secularised (white) feminism, which increasingly positions itself as incompatible with Islam and the Arab world, celebrating the various modalities of middle-eastern feminism.
      The video purposefully attempts to revert the position of the (male) musicians as the heroes of the narrative, not only by subjecting them to the (female) gaze of the director, but also by representing them as individuals who (literally) take the backseat as the coalition moves forward.
      So while the lyrics of the verses discuss betrayal, struggle, and conflict, the video revolves around the lyrical pivot in the chorus:
      ‘aleihum (charge!)
      treating oppression, not as a source of victimhood, but as the fertile ground from which resistance can be weaponised.

      I don’t intend to swallow your lies
      The words would sting my throat.
      I won’t dissect your intentions;
      Leave your tongue in its cage.
      You can keep the time I gave you;
      Strangle what self I was for you,
      But before you lay me to rest,
      Tell me what cost I came at.


      Worms sculpt my body now.
      The earth cradles my skin.
      Why’d you sell me to the romans?
      Worms sculpt my body now.
      The earth cradles my skin.
      How’d I lose you to the romans?

      Why’d you sell me to the romans?
      How’d I lose you to the romans?