• Sampling DNA From a 1,000-Year-Old Illuminated Manuscript - The Atlantic

    Illustrated page of the York Gospels (Courtesy of York Minster)

    Genetic analysis could revolutionize the study of medieval books.

    The York Gospels were assembled more than a thousand years ago. Bound in leather, illustrated, and illuminated, the book contains the four gospels of the Bible as well as land records and oaths taken by clergymen who read, rubbed, and kissed its pages over centuries. The Archbishops of York still swear their oaths on this book.

    The York Gospels are also, quite literally, a bunch of old cow and sheep skins. Skin has DNA, and DNA has its own story to tell.

    A group of archaeologists and geneticists in the United Kingdom have now analyzed the remarkably rich DNA reservoir of the York Gospels. They found DNA from humans who swore oaths on its pages and from bacteria likely originating on the hands and mouths of those humans. Best of all though, they found 1,000-year-old DNA from the cows and sheep whose skin became the parchment on which the book is written.

    Remarkably, the authors say they extracted all this DNA without destroying even a tiny piece of parchment. All they needed were the crumbs from rubbing the book with erasers, which conservationists routinely use to clean manuscripts. The authors report their findings in a preprint that has not yet been peer-reviewed, though they plan to submit it to a scientific journal.

    via @fil https://seenthis.net/messages/750656
    même journal, même auteure, même source (York)

  • The Next Houston

    The last time a major hurricane struck #Miami directly, in 1926, it left almost 400 people dead, making it one of the 10 deadliest hurricanes on the record books in the United States. Yet that storm ravaged a sleepy, relatively small resort town of just 100,000. Today, the Miami metropolitan area has more than 6 million residents.

    [...] The scariest scenario is Miami. While the city is practically synonymous with storms—just ask the University of Miami—it has escaped a direct hit for 91 years, and with it the massive storm surge that might deal irreparable damage.

    “It won’t survive,” Craig Fugate, the former top emergency manager for both the federal government and the state of Florida, said in 2014.

    Miami-Dade planning first major evacuation in 12 years ahead of Hurricane Irma

    The planned instructions to flee the county’s A and B evacuation zones [...] represent the most dramatic example of Miami-Dade’s efforts to clear out in advance of a hurricane that reached Category 5 status on Tuesday. Miami-Dade’s schools chief canceled classes Thursday and Friday, and most governments and colleges announced similar shutdown plans for an already shortened holiday week.

    [...] About 420,000 people live in the A and B zones, according to county statistics. Miami-Dade last ordered those evacuated ahead of Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

    #Irma #ouragan

    • En temps « normal », Miami est déjà une pataugeoire.
      Le siège de Miami (2015)

      « J’habite en face d’un parc », m’a dit Philip Stoddard, le maire de South Miami – également une ville à part entière. « Et il y a une partie plus basse qui se remplit quand il pleut. J’y promenais mon chien ce matin, et j’ai vu des poissons dedans. Mais bon sang, d’où sont venus ces poissons ? Ils sont venus du sous-sol. On a des poissons qui se baladent sous terre ! »

      « Cela signifie qu’on ne peut pas repousser l’eau », a-t-il poursuivi. « Donc à terme cette région doit être évacuée. Mon but est de travailler à une évacuation lente et sans heurt, plutôt que d’en avoir une brusque et catastrophique. »

    • L’arrivée d’Irma force l’évacuation de plus de 650 000 personnes en Floride
      La zone C aussi.

      Les évacués peuvent se réfugier dans des abris installés dans les terres intérieures de la Floride. Mais nombreux sont ceux qui prennent la route vers le nord, explique Denise Dumont, rédactrice en chef du Soleil de la Floride. « Le problème est que les hôtels sont pleins et les stations d’essence sont à sec », dit-elle.

      Et monter en direction nord n’est pas sans péril, du fait que la Caroline du Sud et la Georgie sont, elles aussi, en état d’urgence, bien qu’aucune évacuation n’y ait été ordonnée. Le Centre national des ouragans des États-Unis, à Miami, prévient qu’Irma pourrait atteindre la Georgie et les Carolines, après avoir fouetté la péninsule floridienne.

      Denise Dumont a elle-même tenté de trouver un vol qui l’emmènerait hors des États menacés. « Tout est complet pour aller n’importe où », dit-elle.

      [...] Le gouverneur de la Floride appelle les stations-service à demeurer ouvertes le plus longtemps possible. Des pétroliers approvisionnent actuellement la Floride et 4,5 millions de litres d’essence seront acheminés aux stations-service sous escorte policière, a précisé Rick Scott. Les employés des stations-service bénéficieront aussi de protection policière.

      Quelque 30 000 militaires veillent à la bonne marche des opérations. Les autorités réclament l’aide de bénévoles, car il en faut environ 17 000 pour venir en aide à la population.

  • New Technology Reveals Ancient Language Not Seen Since The Dark Ages | IFLScience

    Work carried out by researchers at the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL) in California have used modern technology to uncover previously unknown works in Caucasian Albanian, a language known from very few sources, as well as ancient medical texts by the Greek physician Hippocrates. The texts were found in the 1,500-year-old Saint Catherine’s monastery, and at some point during its long history were covered over by newer writings.
    The incredible trove of manuscripts held in the Saint Catherine’s monastery on the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, is perhaps only rivaled by that of the Vatican. Founded on the site Moses reportedly saw the burning bush in 548 CE, it is thought to be one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world, as well as the oldest continually operating library.

    #monastère_Sainte_Catherine Sinaï
    #langue_caucasienne (encore une !)

    • The Invisible Poems in St. Catherine’s Monastery, on the Sinai Peninsula - The Atlantic

      To reveal the erased words on the palimpsests, the researchers photograph each page 12 times while it is illuminated with different-colored visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared light. Other images are taken with light shining from behind the page or off to one side at an oblique angle, helping to highlight tiny bumps and depressions in the surface. Together, these photographs help reveal the minute traces of ink left on the pages after they were erased or the scratches left by a scribe’s quill. Computer algorithms then analyze and combine the images so the text on top can be separated from the words below.

      Over five years, the researchers gathered 30 terabytes of images from 74 palimpsests—totaling 6,800 pages. In some cases, the erased texts have increased the known vocabulary of a language by up to 50 percent, giving new hope to linguists trying to decipher them. One of the languages to reemerge from the parchments is Caucasian Albanian, which was spoken by a Christian kingdom in what is now modern day Azerbaijan. Almost all written records from the kingdom were lost in the 8th and 9th century when its churches were destroyed.

      There are two palimpsests here that have Caucasian Albanian text in the erased layer,” says Michael Phelps, the director of the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library and leader of the project. “They are the only two texts that survive in this language ... We were sitting with one of the scholars and he was adding to the language as we were processing the images. In real time he was saying ‘now we have the word for net’ and ‘now the word for fish.’

      Another dead language to be found in the palimpsests is one used by some of the earliest Christian communities in the Middle East. Known as Christian Palestinian Aramaic, it is a strange mix of Syriac and Greek that died out in the 13th century. Some of the earliest versions of the New Testament were written in this language. “This was an entire community of people who had a literature, art, and spirituality,” says Phelps. “Almost all of that has been lost, yet their cultural DNA exists in our culture today. These palimpsest texts are giving them a voice again and letting us learn about how they contributed to who we are today.

  • The Designer Baby Era Is Not Upon Us - The Atlantic

    “It’s not so much about designer babies as it is about geographical location,” says Charo. “It’s happening in the United States, and everything here around embryo research has high sensitivity.” She and others worry that the early report about the study, before the actual details were available for scrutiny, could lead to unnecessary panic.

    #crispr #génétique