Living the border : Russian-speaking sex workers in Finland


  • Living the border: Russian-speaking sex workers in Finland

    Whenever sex work and border crossings are mentioned together, the spectre of trafficking looms large over the discussion. There is certainly no shortage of articles, exposés, and films that paint a grim picture of what happens when women cross borders for sex. As Jo Doezema (2010) notes, in this landscape of popular discourses the definition of trafficking becomes diffused and the nuance of experiences of women who cross borders for sex is often lost. Along with the popular discourses, there is the myriad of national and international anti-trafficking campaigns and policies, which, when examined, offer very limited protections against abuse and exploitation, while establishing additional forms of migration control (Agustín 2007; Doezema 2010). We do not want to deny the abuse and exploitation that can take place when women migrate, whether it is for sex or other work. Instead, we want to draw attention to the unintended consequences of legislative practices informed by the anti-trafficking discourse in the lives of women who cross borders to engage in sex work.
    #prostitution #Russie #migrations #Finlande #traite #trafic_d'êtres_humains #frontières