How Big Pharma and the Psychiatric Establishment Drugged Up Our Kids |


  • How Big Pharma and the Psychiatric Establishment Drugged Up Our Kids | | AlterNet

    Many people are aware of such Pharma/academia arrangements, since the 1980 Bayh-Dole law allowed universities to operate as patent and profit mills for industries “commercializing and transferring” technology. But fewer realize how much taxpayer money is part of the play-to-pay. The government gave Biederman and a colleague $287 million in 2005—on top of their Pharma sinecures—to be administered by Massachusetts General Hospital. (No wonder Harvard keeps Biederman on.) Biederman also received $14,000 from Eli Lilly the same year he got a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study Lilly’s ADHD drug, Strattera®. Why does the government fund researchers already funded by Pharma? Not only do these researchers not need our tax dollars; working for Pharma is an overt conflict of interest that contaminates scientific results.

    Un réquisitoire absolument effrayant sur les pratiques des Big Pharma envers les gamins traités de psychotiques et soumis toute leur vie à des médicaments qui les enferment dans leurs troubles... avec le soutien de l’Université, de l’Etat et de la bonne conscience.