• Entre les atrocités des #soldats #Japonais et celles des soldats #Américain : #Okinawa, « pire que la mort », l’#histoire racontée par les enfants qui ont survécu à la #bataille.
    Between #Japanese and #American #soldiers’ atrocities : Okinawa, “worse than death” : the #history told by children that survived the #battle.

    Kiku Nakayama was 16-years-old in 1945 when she was handed two grenades by a soldier from the Imperial Japanese Army. She was told to blow herself up if she came into contact with US troops.
    “Japanese soldiers told us that the American forces would rape and burn alive any women they saw. I did not have the courage to pull the pin but many of my classmates did,” says Kiku, 89. “Every day I wonder why I survived and not them.”
    Outnumbered by American forces, Japanese soldiers handed out grenades to civilians describing them as “benevolent gifts from the Emperor”. Other accounts detail them using civilians as human shields, decapitating babies whose cries threatened to give away secret hiding spots and stealing food meant for women and children.

    Publié le 06/05/2018
    Vu le 04/06/2018

    Cet article de Prabhu Silvam construit à partir des #témoignages et des #mémoires de survivants, en plus d’envisager cette période avec de nouvelles informations, il nous permet d’envisager l’île de manière #géographique en tant que location #stratégique pour la #base américaine lorsqu’il s’agit de couper les vivres ou envahir le #Japon. De plus aujourd’hui, « historiquement et culturellement », l’#île est toujours considérée comme extérieure au Japon et son gouvernement : toujours « un peu trop près de Taïwan » et « un peu trop loin » du Japon qui laisse l’île dans une situation toujours critique :

    This article made by Prabhu Silvam is constructed from the #testimonies and #memories of survivors, not only does it considers this time with new information, but it allows us to consider the island #geographically, as a #strategic location for the American base when it comes to cut supply lines or invade #Japan. Moreover, today, « historically and culturally », the #island is still considered as exterior to Japan and its government : always “a little too near Taiwan” and “a little too far from” Japan which leaves the island in a still as critical as before situation:

    Despite ongoing protests, the island chain hosts 70 per cent of American bases on Japanese soil. Over the years, cases of rape, murder, drink-driving and aircraft crashes committed by US personnel have continuously caused friction between the locals and its rulers 930 miles away. Repeated calls on the Japanese government to remove the bases have fallen on deaf ears.

  • ‘Boys for Sale’ : le monde obscur de la #prostitution #gay au #Japon.
    ‘Boys for Sale’ : the dark world of gay prostitution in #Japan.

    Cet article de Julian Riall traite du documentaire « Boys For Sale » produit par Ian Thomas Ash.
    Publié le 07/01/2018
    Vu le 03/06/2018

    C’est à “#Tokyo #2-chome gay district” que se localisent ces activités #occultes et plus précisément dans les clubs de danse, les #sex shops, les #bars gays et les « salon d’#urisen » (l’équivalent gay des « #hostess-clubs » japonais.) Certains hommes politiques fréquentent ces lieux qui sont ainsi à la fois reconnus et inscrits dans la ville tout en étant #tabous. De plus, la loi du pays à propos de la #prostitution ne prend en compte que les relations hétérosexuelles ce qui ne rend pas ces affaires #illégales, malgré l’âge de certains des hommes de moins de 20 ans. La plupart d’entre eux proviennent de régions japonaises frappées de catastrophes naturelles (tsunami ; tremblement de terre ; accident de Fukushima en 2011).

    When we think about vulnerable communities affected by war or natural disaster, we tend to think about young women being forced to work in this sector but it never previously occurred to me that this would be happening in Japan after Fukushima.

    _Publié le 19/07/2017
    Vu le 03/06/2018

    L’article de C. Brian Smith à propos du même sujet nous apporte des précisons. En premier lieu, même s’il est difficile de recenser un nombre de prostitués car la plupart procèdent par Internet, on estime le nombre de bars à #Shinjuku 2-chome comportant des garçons "à la carte" de 10 ou 12. D’autre part, les bars sont pour eux un lieu de vie avec des dortoirs où ils dorment à huit, ce qui fait vraiment de ces lieux un univers hors de la société japonaise et qu’elle préfère ignorer malgré les #conditions_de_vie #inacceptables de la « #communauté » de jeunes hommes.

    So we took him to a cheap family restaurant. He looked at the menu and said, “I can have anything I want? Oh, they have ice cream!” After dinner, he got an ice cream cone and was eating it like a 5-year-old kid in heaven. The whole time I was thinking, Now I’m going to bring him back to the bar so some 70- or 80-year old guy can try to rape him. That was as horrible as it was memorable.

  • Why sanctions will only fuel North Korea’s missile tests | This Week In Asia | South China Morning Post

    Much of the world sees Pyongyang as weak, and is seeking to make it even weaker with various sanctions.

    Pyongyang realises this, and won’t come to the table unless it feels some semblance of strength. This is the North Korean conundrum.

    Without a full-fledged ICBM capability, Kim Jong-un knows he cannot strike terror into the hearts of US decision makers.

    And North Korea is still lacking such a capability, despite its two ICBM tests in July. The latest research by scholars at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, suggests that two tests are too few to indicate a mature capacity in this regard.

    Indeed, even when considered in addition to the sixteen other missile tests Pyongyang has carried out this year, there’s little to suggest any recent breakthrough by North Korea in enhancing its offensive capabilities.

    It may be grappling with the science of atmospheric re-entry, but Pyongyang’s military scientists still have little real world evidence to go on.

    This is why Kim has already launched more missile tests this year than the 17 conducted throughout his father Kim Jong-il’s entire tenure.

    He knows that without increasing his #missile capability his hand is too weak to engage in negotiations.
