‘The Syrians Are My Next-Door Neighbors’


  • Les “surprises” de la guerre : assez étonnante histoire de l’action de Moti Kahana, riche israélo-étasunien, qui se pssionne pour l’humanitaire en Syrie. Il finance une école à Idleb...

    مدرسة إسرائيلية في إدلب... واثنتان على الطريق جنوباً | الأخبار

    Des choses en anglais ici : http://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/the-syrians-are-my-next-door-neighbors

    You’ve spent six years and millions of your own dollars to save the lives of Arab citizens from their Syrian government. You have worked with opposition groups within Syria; lobbied the Israeli and U.S. governments for the establishment of a safe zone in southern Syria on the Israeli border; asked the Israeli government to admit Syrian refugees for treatment at Israeli hospitals; provided Syrians with SIM cards to document atrocities on their cellphones; sent a ton of kosher food for Syrians’ celebration of an Islamic holiday; collected medical equipment for a field hospital in Syria; and helped deliver nerve gas antidote to doctors in Idlib, a city in northwest Syria. Why do you do all this?
    Because I’m a Jew. As a Jew, we swear “Never again” — not to Jews, and not to others as well. The Syrians are my next-door neighbors.
