The Odd and Surprising Ways Hurricanes Shuffle the Biosphere


  • How Hurricanes Turn Nature Upside Down - Facts So Romantic

    When hurricanes tear apart cityscapes and shorelines, and humans rebuild them, the biosphere twists and turns, shuffling the ecological deck.“The Garden of Earthly Delights,” central panel, by Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1480-1490) / Wikimedia Alligators wandering through inundated streets, snakes hiding on porch doors, deer careening across neighborhoods, and other wild sights emerged in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. What else would you expect? Hurricanes can shift ecology in strange ways. The Hawaiian island of Kauai gets overrun with feral chickens after hurricanes. In 1982 and 1992, after Hurricanes Iwa and Inika, respectively, chickens escaped coops and interbred across the island. Hurricane Georges, in 1998, swept the red fruit bat (Stenoderma rufum) onto islands east of Puerto (...)