• L’amiral (en retraite) Stavridis, entre autres, ancien #SACEUR commandant suprême des forces alliées en Europe (OTAN, 2009-2013), propose un blocus contre la Corée du Nord. Il n’y a plus qu’à convaincre Russie et Chine de voter ce qui s’assimile à un acte de guerre…

    A Naval Blockade Is the Best Option to Cut Off North Korea - Bloomberg

    The new resolution gives the U.S. and other countries the power to inspect ships going in and out of North Korea’s ports but, unfortunately, does not authorize the use of force if the target ships don’t comply. Equally bad, the inspections would need the consent of the countries where the ships are registered. This is a far weaker regime than what was initially proposed by the Donald Trump administration, which would have empowered U.S. military vessels to “use all necessary measures” to force compliance. That the language was watered down to avoid a veto from Russia or China.

    The fact is, the only way to keep the Kim regime from violating UN sanctions would be a stringent naval blockade.