A People Passing Rude


  • #Otto_Neurath et l’Union soviétique : A People Passing Rude


    lisible aussi ici http://books.openedition.org/obp/1594 mais le livre en pdf st réservé aux bibliothèque qui sont abonnées...

    Fascinant, comme d’hab. Plongée en apnée encore un peu plus profon dans le monde richissime de Neurath.

    Between 1945 and 1947 a series comprising three slim volumes, The Soviets and Ourselves, was published with the aim ‘to promote understanding and prevent misunderstanding […] to understand is to recognize unity in difference’.1 The first book, Landsmen and Seafarers, aimed to present the diverse climate, geography and natural resources of the Soviet Union and compare them to those of the British Commonwealth; the second, Two Commonwealths, discussed the political evolution of the USSR and the function of contemporary institutions; the final volume, How do you do, Tovarish? claimed to provide an accurate impression of the everyday life of ordinary Soviet men and women.2 The series was by no means unique in presenting the Soviet Union in a favourable light to a British audience; after the USSR joined the allied forces in the Second World War numerous pamphlets appeared designed to foster pro-Russian feeling in Britain.3 However after victory in 1945, Anglo-Soviet relations became strained, and the creators of the series felt an even greater need to overcome the ‘fear, suspicion, and distrust’ that ‘have darkened the atmosphere’.4 The Soviets and Ourselves (hereafter referred to as The Soviets) is a fascinating British representation of the Soviet Union, due in part to a number of the personalities involved in its creation: Peter Smollett, John Macmurray, Christopher Hill, and Otto Neurath. This chapter focuses on the role played by Neurath in the evolution of the series and the contribution made by his picture language ‘Isotype’ to the visual element of the books.

    #unions_soviétique #urss #isotypes