United Nations News Centre - Media coverage frames public thinking on migrants and migration – UN report


  • Media reporting of migrants and migration

    Chapter 8 critically discusses media reporting on migration and migration around the world. Drawing on existing research in different countries, the analysis addresses four key questions: (a) What do media around the world say about migration and migrants? (b) What impacts does this coverage have on what members of the public, policymakers and migrants themselves think and do? (c) How does the practice of journalism itself contribute to coverage? (d) What implications arise from recent experiences of media and migration for future research and practice?

    While there is a growing body of research on the relationships between media, public opinion and policies on migration, the chapter shows that much more research needs to be done into the role of the media in transit and origin countries – and particularly migrants’ own use of, and preferences for, different types of media. The chapter makes a strong case for the need to encourage media coverage of migrants that is reasonable, measured and moves away from an assumed position of suspicion.

    #médias #journalisme #presse #migrations #asile #réfugiés #rapport #opinion_publique

    • Media coverage frames public thinking on migrants and migration – UN report

      Changes in traditional media and growing use of social media are offering new avenues for “migrant-led” media and journalism as well as a unique opportunity for migrants to highlight their concerns and contributions – in their own words – the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) has said.

      “Ranging from films and newspapers to tweets, [media] coverage may have portrayed migration in one way or another, or simply raised it as a topical issue,” said the UN agency in the latest edition of its flagship report, the World Migration Report.
