maîtres chez nous · Mapzen


  • Who’s on First à Montréal - maîtres chez nous · Mapzen

    I have described to you a series of overlapping grievances and past injustices that in no way will a gazetteer remedy alone. A gazetteer is only a tool but perhaps we can stop teaching our tools the bad habits of the past.

    A gazetteer is fundamentally about the relationships between one place and all the others. In the past we have been limited by economics and by physics and by no shortage of myopia in the kinds of relationships a gazetteer might allow.

    (...) The hope and the goal of Who’s On First is not that everyone should have to, or even want to, add their names and stories to our gazetteer but that they may be able do so when they choose to.

    #cartographie #nommage #histoire #canada #québec #leonard_cohen