Palestinian succumbs to wounds sustained in Gaza clashes last week


  • Palestinian succumbs to wounds sustained in Gaza clashes last week
    Dec. 23, 2017 3:02 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 23, 2017 3:05 P.M.)

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian in Gaza died early Saturday morning after succumbing to wounds he sustained last Sunday during clashes with Israeli forces near the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

    Spokesperson of the Gaza Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qidra, said that 28-year-old Sharif Abed Shalash succumbed to a wound he sustained last Sunday, when Israeli forces shot him in the stomach with live ammunition during protests along the Gaza border with Israel.

    Shalash had been in the Intensive Care Unit since his injury. He was participating in protests against US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which have been ongoing since Trump’s announcement earlier this month.

    Shalash is the 13th Palestinian — 11 of whom were from Gaza — to have been killed by Israeli forces since the announcement. On Friday, two Palestinians were shot dead along the Gaza border during clashes with Israeli forces.


    • Manifestations pour Jérusalem : un Palestinien de Gaza succombe à ses blessures
      afp , le 23/12/2017

      Un Palestinien de Gaza est décédé samedi après avoir été blessé il y a plusieurs jours par un tir israélien lors des protestations contre la reconnaissance par les Etats-Unis de Jérusalem comme capitale d’Israël, a annoncé le ministère palestinien de la Santé.

      Sharif al Abed Shalash , 28 ans, originaire de Jabaliya, avait été blessé dimanche dernier lors d’une manifestation dans cette ville du nord de la bande de Gaza, selon Achraf al-Qodra, porte-parole de ce ministère.

      Il est décédé samedi, et sa mort porte à 11 le nombre de Palestiniens tués dans les violences ayant éclaté après l’annonce de Donald Trump le 6 décembre.