Russia Sending Air and Sea Defenses to Syria


  • La Russie envoie en Syrie des systèmes de défense lui permettant de se protéger en cas d’attaque [américaine...]

    Russia Sending Air and Sea Defenses to Syria, Russia Sending Missile Systems to Shield Syria

    Published : June 15, 2012

    MOSCOW — Russia’s chief arms exporter said Friday that his company was shipping advanced defensive missile systems to Syria that could be used to shoot down airplanes or sink ships if the United States or other nations try to intervene to halt the country’s spiral of violence.

    “I would like to say these mechanisms are really a good means of defense, a reliable defense against attacks from the air or sea,” Anatoly P. Isaykin, the general director of the company, Rosoboronexport, said Friday in an interview. “This is not a threat, but whoever is planning an attack should think about this.”