• Île de Pâques : le combat du peuple Rapa Nui pour la restitution de son patrimoine culturel

    C’est le symbole de l’Île de Pâques. Le moaï est devenu indissociable de cette île, rattachée au Chili depuis 1888, comme la Tour Eiffel l’est pour Paris. Près de mille statues aux airs de géant de pierre se dressent encore aujourd’hui sur cette île de 166 km2, située entre Tahiti et les côtes chiliennes. Mais certaines oeuvres manquent à l’appel et sont exposées dans des musées à l’étranger, comme à Paris, quai Branly. 150 ans après la disparition du moaï Hoa Hakananai’a, une délégation de l’Île de Pâques s’est rendue mardi 20 novembre au British Museum de Londres pour réclamer la restitution de la statue. La statue a été emportée sans autorisation en 1868 par un navire britannique. La reine Victoria l’avait ensuite offerte au musée londonien, mal à l’aise devant cette représentation dénudée.

    Cette revendication date en fait d’une trentaine d’années et s’inscrit dans un combat pluriel du peuple Rapa Nui. Sa terre est d’ailleurs sur le point de changer officiellement de nom pour s’appeler « Rapa Nui - Isla de Pascua ». « Nous voulons faire un acte de reconnaissance historique, de revendication : reconnaître l’origine et l’histoire millénaire de l’île », a ainsi déclaré le président du Chili, Sebastián Piñera. Le musée norvégien Kon-Tiki pourrait d’ores et déjà avoir créé un précédent : il vient lui de s’engager à restituer toute sa collection de pièces archéologiques et photographies de Rapa Nui.

    #restitution #art #musée #colonialisme #Ile_de_Pâques #Rapa_Nui

  • I run a small, independent magazine [Cuurent Affairs], I worry Facebook will kill us off, by Nathan Robinson, in The Guardian, le 21 janvier 2017


    “it’s a commonplace to say that monopolistic tech corporations like Facebook and Google have amassed too much power. It’s important to realize, though, what this power actually means: these companies can literally hold the fate of media organizations in their hands. Mark Zuckerberg’s choices have serious financial ramifications for thousands of content providers. Yet this power is totally unregulated and totally unaccountable.”

    Current Affairs est une source d’information inestimable, l’appel de son redacteur en chef est pour le moins alarmante !

    • The US government deliberately made the desert deadly for migrants

      The deaths of two Guatemalan child migrants in US custody highlights the perilousness of a journey that is no accident

      This month, Jakelin Caal Maquin, a seven-year-old Guatemalan girl, died less than 48 hours after being detained at a remote New Mexico border crossing. Felipe Gómez Alonzo, an eight-year old Guatemalan boy, spent his final days in custody before tragically passing on Christmas Eve. Both were brought to the United States by families seeking a better life for their children. In the United States, all they found was death.

      Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials have been quick to deflect the blame. “[Jakelin’s] family chose to cross illegally,” Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen asserted. In the case of Felipe, the DHS pointed to migrant shelters in Mexico as possible sources of disease. These desperate attempts do little to obscure the full weight of US culpability.

      When trying to make sense of these two tragic deaths – and while details are still emerging – one thing is clear: the journey they undertook is designed to be deadly. In the 1990s, then president Bill Clinton introduced Prevention Through Deterrence, a border security policy which closed off established migrant routes. This forced migrants like Jakelin and her father through more remote and trying terrain. Jakelin and Felipe would probably not have died had it not been for the extreme conditions that Prevention Through Deterrence forces migrants to withstand.
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      As the No More Deaths spokeswoman, Justine Orlovsky-Schnitzler, notes: “Crossing from the US border in any location, there’s no physical way as a human being to carry the kind of water you’ll need to survive those conditions for three, four days of walking.” Those who survive the immediate journey still face significant health risks if they are not immediately granted medical treatment – at present, border patrol relies on self-assessment, and, as in Jakelin’s case, the documentation is often in a language they can’t read.

      Prevention Through Deterrence meant tremendous investments in surveillance and border militarization, with the aim of pushing migrants ever deeper into the unforgiving Sonoran desert. Though the border patrol denies accountability for deaths along the US-Mexico border, their very metrics for success under the policy include “fee increases by smugglers”, “possible increase in complaints”, and “more violence at attempted entries”. These children’s deaths were by no means unpredictable. Violence is built into the plan.

      Hundreds disappear each year, their remains too decomposed to be identified

      The immigrant advocacy group No More Deaths charges that the US border patrol uses the desert as a weapon. Armed with night-vision equipment, border patrol agents chase migrants blindly into hostile desert terrain. In the ensuing chaos, migrants fall to their deaths, or get hopelessly lost. Hundreds disappear each year, their remains too decomposed to be identified.

      Prevention Through Deterrence has done little to curb migration, but it has led to an explosion in needless suffering. As accessible routes are abandoned in favor of remote terrain, what was once a straightforward journey becomes life-threatening. In 1994, the year of the strategy’s inception, there were an estimated 14 deaths alongside the US-Mexico border. Last year, a staggering 412 deaths were documented in the region. As migrants are funnelled deeper into remote areas, they face not only the capricious desert terrain, but fatigue, dehydration and a host of heat-related ailments. Seizing on an influx of vulnerable, disoriented travellers, cartels lie in wait to extort and kidnap their next victims. Stories of rape along the migrant trail are so overwhelmingly common that many take contraceptives before the journey.

      Prevention Through Deterrence assumes that migrants will simply stop coming if the journey is difficult enough. But migration is as old as human history itself. While the US decries an explosion of immigrants, policymakers would do well to consider their role in perpetuating migration flows. From exploitative trade deals – Nafta put more than 1 million Mexican farmers out of work – to outright imperial aggression – see US-backed coups in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and Honduras, among others – the US is a harbinger of death and destruction across the continent. To turn away those who flee the disastrous results of our policies is victim blaming of the most vile sort.

      US immigration officials have expressed regret at the passing of these children. Don’t take their word for it. Just last year, No More Deaths released video evidence of border patrol officials vandalizing water left for migrants. An unidentified agent grins at the camera while emptying water jugs, and others kick over bottles with glee. In the arid Sonoran desert, it is physically impossible to carry enough water to survive, a fact that is not lost on those who are employed to monitor the terrain day in and out. Within hours of the video’s release, a member of No More Deaths was arrested on charges of harboring immigrants. He will face 20 years in prison if convicted.

      A popular immigrant refrain asserts: “We are here because you were there.” US policies of economic extraction and militarism put children like Jakelin and Felipe at risk every single day. To put an end to deaths at the border, the US must stop penalizing those who flee its very own destruction.
