certainly bold, but pragmatic ? – EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy


  • Changes Caused by the Dublin IV Regulation [en]

    The text is structured by the changed/added articles and paragraphs:

    Art. 2g Extension of the Term “Family”
    Art. 3 P. 3 Inadmissibility Process
    Art. 4 P. 2/Art. 5 P. 4 Deadline for Document Submission
    Art. 5 P. 3 Restriction of Social Services
    Art. 6 P. 1 Obligatory Information for Refugees
    [Art. 8 P. 3b No Examination of Unaccompanied Minor’s Backgrounds]
    Art. 8 P. 4 Deportation of Unaccompanied Minors
    Art. 9 P. 1 One-off Examination of Criteria
    Art. 10 P. 5 Ceasing Protection of Minors in Member States not Responsible
    Removal of Transfer of Responsibility/Article 19 of Dublin III
    Art. 19 Restriction of Sovereignty
    Art. 20 P. 1e Expansion of Return Possibilities
    Art. 20 P. 4 Heavily Restricted Examination after Secondary Movements
    Art. 20 P. 5 No Legal Remedy for Taken Back Refugees
    Art. 24 P. 1 Deportation from Member States not Responsible
    Art. 26 Take Back Notifications
    Art. 27 P. 4 Removal of the Right to Suspensive Effect
    Art. 28 P. 2 Deadline for the Possibility to Receive Legal Remedy
    Art. 28 P. 4 Restriction of Legal Remedy
    Art. 30 P. 2 Handling of Unjustified Deportation
    Art. 34 P. 2 Corrective Allocation Mechanism: Reference Number
    Art. 35 P. 2 Corrective Allocation Mechanism: Reference Key
    Art. 36 P. 1 Corrective Allocation Mechanism: Transfer of Responsibility
    Art. 37 P. 1/3 Corrective Allocation Mechanism: “Financial Solidarity”
    Communication Detention and Denial of Social Services


    #Dublin_IV #asile #migrations #réfugiés

    • Dublin ‘reloaded’ or time for ambitious pragmatism?

      While the largely failed relocation scheme of 2015 is still in force, the European Commission has put forward a proposal for revising the Dublin III Regulation. Since comments have already been made in the blogosphere (see Hruschka on this blog and Gauci) and a comprehensive study on the need to reform the system has been recently released by a member of the Odysseus Network and presented to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (see Maiani), this entry will not provide a general description of the proposal and focus instead on some selected aspects by putting forward some proposals to make the Dublin system less dysfunctional.


    • Dublin is dead! Long live Dublin! The 4 May 2016 proposal of the European Commission

      The Dublin system has been declared dead on numerous occasions over the past decade. It has proven to be highly dysfunctional from the beginning, as the allocation of responsibility did not have the intended effects (i.e. the prevention of “refugees in orbit” and of “asylum shopping”). Nevertheless, Dublin procedures and Dublin transfers are still taking place and the system is still operating. It will continue as the Commission proposal released on 4 May 2016 is a change in the continuity rather than the reform necessary for a more workable and efficient system.



      Dopo un anno e mezzo di intenso lavoro e duro negoziato, ieri abbiamo finalmente approvato in Commissione LIBE del Parlamento europeo la proposta di riforma del Regolamento di Dublino, con una maggioranza ampia e trasversale che va dai socialdemocratici, ai verdi e la sinistra unitaria, per arrivare ai popolari e ai liberali. Una posizione forte ed ambiziosa che il Parlamento porta al tavolo del negoziato con il Consiglio, sfidando gli egoismi nazionali, ma con cui lancia anche un importante segnale ai cittadini europei: almeno una delle tre istituzioni europee mette in campo soluzioni comuni basate sulla solidarietà e l’equa condivisione delle responsabilità.


    • The European Parliament and the Reform of the Dublin System: Bold but Pragmatic?

      A new chapter is being written in the troubled history of the Dublin system. (Hastily) declared dead at the height of the crisis’ of 2015, it has been (belatedly) judged unfit for purpose by a whole range of actors including the European Commission and Parliament. A fundamental reform has therefore been placed on the agenda as matter of urgency.


      Full version: http://eumigrationlawblog.eu/the-report-of-the-european-parliament-on-the-reform-of-the-dublin