US concern at tensions off Cyprus coast


  • Tensions entre Chypre et la Turquie au sujet de l’exploration gazière

    L’incident pourrait encore compliquer la résolution du problème chypriote. Chypre a estimé, dimanche 11 février, que la Turquie, qui occupe la partie nord de l’île, avait violé « le droit international » en bloquant un navire italien parti explorer du gaz dans les eaux de l’île méditerranéenne.

    Le grand groupe italien de l’énergie ENI a indiqué à l’agence de presse chypriote que des navires de la marine turque avaient donné l’ordre à l’un de ses bateaux de s’arrêter en raison « d’activités militaires » dans ce secteur. Il faisait route vers le bloc 3 de la Zone économique exclusive (ZEE) de Chypre, à l’est de l’île divisée, en vue de commencer l’exploration de cette zone.
    Chypre, qui a lancé des opérations de forage il y a plus de sept ans au large de ses côtes, a annoncé jeudi la découverte d’importantes réserves de gaz au bloc 6, au sud-ouest du bloc 3, par le groupe ENI et le français Total. L’an dernier, ExxonMobil et Qatar Petroleum ont signé un contrat de licence avec Nicosie pour explorer le bloc 10, situé près du champ gazier égyptien « Zohr », où d’immenses réserves de gaz ont été découvertes.

    Il y a un peu plus de 3 ans, incident au même endroit : un bateau turc prospectait sur cette zone
    (avec carte des « blocs » d’exploration)

    • Standoff on High Seas as Cyprus Accuses Turkey of Blocking Exploratory Drillship in Eastern Mediterranean – gCaptain

      The Saipem 12000 drillship

      A spokesman for Eni said on Sunday the Saipem 12000 drill ship had been heading from a location southwest of Cyprus towards an area southeast of the island on Friday when it was stopped by Turkish military ships and told not to continue because of military activities in the destination area.
      A spokesman for the Italian foreign ministry confirmed that Turkish authorities were not allowing the ship to proceed towards its destination.

      Italy is following the matter “at the highest level through its diplomats in Nicosia and Ankara … and following all possible diplomatic steps to resolve the question,” the spokesman said.

      A spokesperson for Italy’s state-controlled Eni said the ship, which was travelling after reporting a natural gas discovery in another prospect within Cypriot maritime boundaries on Feb. 8, would remain stationary until the issue was resolved.

      “The vessel has prudently executed the orders and will remain in position pending an evolution of the situation,” the spokesperson said.

      The ship was heading to Block 3 of Cyprus’s exclusive economic zone, ENI said.

      Turkey’s ministry of foreign affairs, in a statement on Sunday did not make any mention of obstructing the Eni ship but said exploration of Block 3 was a unilateral move by Greek Cypriots that violated the sovereign rights of Turkish Cypriots on the ethnically-split island and Greek Cypriots were jeopardising security and stability in the region.

      Position du Saipem 12000 sur MarineTraffic à l’instant (le point bleu clair au centre, à l’arrêt) il n’est pas encore entré dans le Bloc 3.

    • Cyprus accuses Turkey of blocking ship again in gas exploration standoff

      Cyprus accused Turkey on Friday of threatening to use force against a drillship chartered by Italy’s Eni, in a standoff over hydrocarbons rights in the eastern Mediterranean.

      There was no immediate reaction from Turkey, which has vowed to prevent Greek Cypriots from exploring for oil or gas around the ethnically-split island. Turkey says some areas of Cyprus’s offshore maritime zone fall under its jurisdiction.

      On Feb. 9, the Turkish navy on maneuvers in the Mediterranean stopped the Saipem 12000 vessel on its way to drill for gas in the waters off Cyprus, triggering a diplomatic standoff that has underscored tensions in the region over competing claims for offshore resources.